1200字范文 > 贝壳颜色 Shell colors英语短句 例句大全

贝壳颜色 Shell colors英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-09-01 22:52:25


贝壳颜色 Shell colors英语短句 例句大全

贝壳颜色,Shell colors

1)Shell colors贝壳颜色

2)Eggshell color蛋壳颜色

1.Progresses in inheritance of genes for avian eggshell color;禽类蛋壳颜色及其基因的遗传研究进展

2.Methodological Research of Applications of QCR on Eggshell Color Measurement;应用QCR仪测定蛋壳颜色的方法学研究


1.Relationship between Eggshell Color and Egg Quality and Laying Performance of Brown Egg Layers褐壳蛋蛋壳颜色与蛋品质及产蛋性能的关系

2.egg-shell gloss蛋壳色光泽 -暗光

3.similar to the color of an egg yolk.类似于蛋黄一样的颜色。

4.They bear traces of red ochre, a pigment.这些外壳上有赭红色颜料着色的痕迹。

5.Study on Genetic Regularity of Eggshell Color and Relativity of Egg Quality in Green-Eggshell Layer;青壳蛋鸡壳色遗传规律及其蛋品质相关性研究

6.The little birds" eggs had pretty blue shells.这些小鸟的蛋有美丽的蓝色蛋壳。

7.My mother always dyes eggs different colours, and we have coloured eggs for breakfast.我妈总是把蛋染上各种颜色,早饭就吃有颜色的蛋。

8.reflect light or colors like an opal.发出像蛋白体一样的颜色或者光。

9.The children colored the Easter eggs.小孩子们将复活节用的蛋涂上颜色。

10.Research on Detection & Classification of Egg s Dimension and Yolk Color by Machine Vision;机器视觉鸭蛋大小及蛋芯颜色检测分级研究

11.Ananlysis of the karyotype and G banding of chromosomes in Lushi green eggshell chicken卢氏绿壳蛋鸡染色体核型与G带分析

12.For dyed wool/terylene/soybean protein fiber, dyed wool/terylene exhibited dark colour, but soybean protein fibers exhibited light colour.染色的羊毛和染色的涤纶颜色较深,而大豆蛋白纤维染色的颜色亮而浅。

13.oval shape case卵形壳, 蛋形表壳

14.Skeptics point out that the color is still an unfaded red, which would be expected of tempera paint but not of real blood.怀疑论者指出颜色仍然是已经裉色的红色,可能用作蛋彩画颜料,而不是真正的血液。

15.This color does not go with that.这颜色和那颜色不调和。

16.(used of color) having a dark hue.(用来指颜色)颜色暗。

17.Six roosters of the breed of Jiuyuan Black Fowl expected to produce blue eggshells were testcrossed with hens of the breed of Ross Brown.用可能产蓝壳蛋的旧院公鸡交褐色罗斯母鸡。

18.Study on the Eggshell Pigment of Green Eggshell of Xuefeng Black-bone Chicken雪峰乌骨鸡绿蛋壳色素成分的初步研究


Eggshell color蛋壳颜色

1.Progresses in inheritance of genes for avian eggshell color;禽类蛋壳颜色及其基因的遗传研究进展

2.Methodological Research of Applications of QCR on Eggshell Color Measurement;应用QCR仪测定蛋壳颜色的方法学研究

3)Bezier Color贝塞尔颜色

4)chaff colour marker稻壳颜色标记

1.The prospects of hybrid rice seed production by using ricechaff colour marker;稻壳颜色标记在杂交水稻制种中的应用初探

5)a silver-colored building.银色贝壳状建筑。


1.Study on Heavy Metal Content in OysterShell and Its Relevance to Sea Water;近岸海域贝壳与海水重金属含量的相关性研究

2.Study on the preparation of the calcium citrate from shells with once time calcination;以贝壳为钙源一次煅烧法制取柠檬酸钙

3.Studies on the Desulfurization Kinetics ofShell Sorbent Using Thermogravimetric Analysis Method;热重分析法研究贝壳固硫反应动力学


