1200字范文 > 防护效果 protective effect英语短句 例句大全

防护效果 protective effect英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-06-20 06:42:22


防护效果 protective effect英语短句 例句大全

防护效果,protective effect

1)protective effect防护效果

1.Investigation on Protective effect on Occupational Hazards in Nickel-cadmium Battery Industry深圳市镍镉电池行业职业病危害防护效果的调查

2.To investigate theprotective effects of two kinds of protective methods for tank crew against antitank armor piercing.为了解反坦克武器侵彻钢板后 ,采用钢板和防弹背心两种防护方法的防护效果 ,用某式坦克所配大口径炮 ,在 10 0m距离发射大口径破甲弹侵彻 180mm厚钢板 ,钢板后布放绵羊 ,实验分为钢板遮挡防护组、防弹背心防护组和无防护组。

3.The experiment results indicated that DSRO-440 reverse osmosis membrane -specific bactericide at low concentrations and under conditions of low-dose of reverse osmosis membrane system has a goodprotective effect of sterilization.研究结果表明:DSRO-440反渗透膜专用杀菌剂在低浓度和低剂量的条件下,对反渗透膜系统有很好的杀菌防护效果。


1.Instrument assessment method for UVA protection effect of sunscreen cosmetics防晒化妆品长波紫外线防护效果的仪器评价法

2.The Comparative Analysis to Protective Effect of Two Main Farmland Shelterbelts in the Central and Western Regions of Inner Mongolia;内蒙古中西部地区两种主要农田防护林防护效果对比分析

3.Study on Benefit Evaluation of Wind Erosion Protective System in Ulan Buh Desert Oasis;乌兰布和沙漠绿洲风蚀防护体系防护效果的研究

4.Objective To explore the protective effect of the protective earplug and barrel on auditory organs of guinea pig exposing to experimental blast underpressure(BUP).目的探讨实验性冲击波负压暴露时防护耳塞和防护筒对豚鼠听器的防护效果。

5.Evaluation of the Radiation Protection effect in An Open Isotopic Laboratory某开放型同位素实验室的辐射防护效果评价

6.Radiation-Protective Effects of Soybean Isoflavone on Mice and Its Mechanism;大豆异黄酮对小鼠辐射损伤的防护效果及其机制的研究

7.Studies on the Effects of Fulminating Altitude Hypoxia and Enriched Oxygen Protection on Rats;高空暴发性缺氧对机体的影响及富氧气体防护效果的研究

8.Evaluation of the clinical effect of fluoride varnish in preventing caries of primary teeth氟保护漆对儿童乳牙的防龋效果评价

9.Evaluation of the Effects of Compensation Education for Occupational Protection of Nursing Majors护理专业学生职业防护补偿教育的效果评价

10.Formulating Strategies for UV Protection in Prestige Suncare and Skincare Products在效果卓越的防晒及护肤产品中防晒保护的配方策略

11.Effectiveness of using permeable silicone waterproof protective agent in the collision walls of Shanghai Zhonghuan Road渗透型有机硅防水防护剂在上海中环路防撞墙上应用效果研究

12.Observation of Effect of Vocational Protection Education in Basic Nursing Teaching among Nursing Majors in Junior College在大专护生基础护理教学中开展职业防护教育的效果观察

13.Effect of Prophylactic Analgesia and Nursing after Plastic Operation整形术后预防性镇痛效果的临床观察及护理

14.Observation of effect of behavioral intervention of secondary prevention on stroke脑卒中后患者二级预防护理干预的效果观察

15.Effect of Orem"s Self-care Theory on Preventing Abdominal Distention in Cervical Cancer Patients After Operation自护理论预防宫颈癌患者术后腹胀效果观察

16.Effect of 0.5% Iodophor to be used for oral cavity care on prevention of oral postoperative infection.碘伏口腔护理预防口腔手术后感染的效果研究

17.Effect of health education for medical staff on prevention and treatment of dengue fever医护人员登革热防治知识健康教育效果评价

18.Effect of Fluor protector on preventing enamel demineralization氟保护漆预防牙釉质脱矿的效果评价(英文)


effect of heat protection热防护效果

3)effect of hygiene protection卫生防护效果

4)ecological protective effect生态防护效果

5)protection effect evaluation防护效果评估

1.Through strict control on illegal access to system files,a protective technology based on file access interdiction is put forward and its protection extension,protection time,protection strategies andprotection effect evaluation are studied and analyzed systematically to build the final security line for the local computer sys.该文通过对系统非法文件的读取访问和写入访问的严密控制,提出了一种基于文件操作阻断的系统安全加固防护技术,分析了文件操作阻断技术的防护范围、防护时机、防护策略以及防护效果评估,建立起本地计算机系统的最终安全防线。

6)radioactivity protection effect放射防护效果

1.Objective:To understand the situation of disposition,the radiotherapy performance quality and theradioactivity protection effect on gamma knife in Guangxi.目的:了解广西伽玛刀配置、放射治疗的性能质量和放射防护效果。


Fogeffect(雾化效果)fog effect (雾化效果)雾化效果是3d的比较常见的特性,在游戏中见到的烟雾、爆炸火焰以及白云等效果都是雾化的结果。它的功能就是制造一块指定的区域笼罩在一股烟雾弥漫之中的效果,这样可以保证远景的真实性,而且也减小了3d图形的渲染工作量。
