1200字范文 > 红点病 Red speck disease英语短句 例句大全

红点病 Red speck disease英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-02-26 01:15:37


红点病 Red speck disease英语短句 例句大全

红点病,Red speck disease

1)Red speck disease红点病

1.The paper recorded a nwe disease──Red speck disease of Ormosia striataDuna,The pathogeny is Polystigma stragali(Lash)Hohnel.槽玫红豆(OrmosiastriataDuna)是叶上的一种新病害──红豆红点病,病原为黄芪疔座霉(Polystigmaastragali(Lasch)Hohnel)标本于1990年10月15日采自西双版纳小勐养石灰岩森林保护区边缘。


1.Influence of Frequency of Electric Excitation Signal on Dielectric Property of Fuji Apples with Red-dot Disease电激励信号频率对红点病苹果采后电学特性影响

2.A Report of Pathogenic Identification on Fungal Diseases of Emilia sonchifolia in Guangxi广西一点红真菌性病害病原鉴定初报

3.Infection Characteristic and Control Measure for Sorghum Dwarf Mosaic Disease in China我国高粱红条病发生特点及防治措施

4.Study on Diseases Species and Causal Pathogens of Emilia Sonchifolia in Guangxi广西一点红病害种类调查及其病原菌鉴定

5.Identification of the Pathogen Causing Fruit Soft Rot in Ziziphus Jujuba and Its Control灰枣红点软腐病病原鉴定及其防治研究

6.an acute and highly contagious viral disease marked by distinct red spots followed by a rash; occurs primarily in children.一种急性病毒性病毒传染疾病,皮肤上出红色的斑点。

parisons of clinical characteristics of systemic lupus erythematosus onset at different ages不同年龄发病的系统性红斑狼疮的临床特点

8.This paper reviewed the pathogen, pathogenesis, hematology, pathology, diagnosis, prevention and treatment of eperythrozoonosis in swine.本文就猪附红细胞体的病原特点、行病学、病机理、床症状、理变化、断及防治对策作一综述。

9.Correlation Analysis between Glycaemic in Different Day Times and HbA1c in Elderly Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus老年2型糖尿病不同时点血糖与糖化血红蛋白的相关性分析

10.Optimization of fermentation culture medium of Streptomyces rimosus CN124 for Btryosphaeria dothidea灰枣红点软腐病菌拮抗菌株CN124的发酵培养基优化

11.Assement of red cell parameters and corelstionship in 212 patients with blood diseases212例血液病贫血患者红细胞参数特点和相关性分析

12.Clinico-epidemiological features of congenital nonbullous ichthyosifo rm erythroderma in the eastern province of Saudi Arabia沙特阿拉伯西部省区先天性非大疱性鱼鳞状红皮病的临床流行病学特点

13.the tree looked very enchanting dotted with red blossom.花红点点,煞是迷人。

14.Standard-dose of Idarubicin in Combination with Continuous Infusion of Cytarabine as Induction Therapy in Patients with Acute Myeloid Leukaemia标准剂量去甲氧柔红霉素联合阿糖胞苷持续静脉点滴治疗急性髓系白血病

15.red bone marrow[prophylactic uses]红骨髓[供防治疾病用]

16.leukemic erythrocytosis白血病性红细胞增多

17.Red Ribbon Campaign [AIDS education]红丝带巡礼〔爱滋病教育〕

18.Study on Safflower Rust Caused by Puccinia Carthami(Hutz)Corda;红花锈病(Puccinia carthami)的研究


red and black scar红、黑点病

1.To control thered and black scars on the surface of the apples by using plasfic film bags is to take the following comprehensive measures:strengthening the planting management,adding more fertilizer,increasing Ca in soil,improving the condition of wind and sun light between the trees,selecting non -static electricity plastic film bags,bagging in time,adjusting humidity in bags and bacterium from.为提高套袋苹果果面红、黑点病的防治效果,进行了综合防治试验。

3)Emilia sonchifolia wilt一点红青枯病

1.First reportEmilia sonchifolia wilt caused by Ralstonia solanacearum;首次报道一点红青枯病由茄青枯菌引起(英文)

4)Dian Dian Hong点点红

1.Study on Biological Effects of Low Energy Ar~+ Ions Implantation inDian Dian Hong;低能Ar~+注入樱桃萝卜点点红种子后的生物学效应

5)The red band disease on Korean pine红松红斑病

1.The red band disease on Korean pine was investigated in 1997~1998.1997~1998年,对红松红斑病进行了调查,结果表明:黑龙江省带岭林业局及东北林业大学凉水实验林场的苗圃、人工林及天然幼林红松红斑病的发病率为70%~92%;感病指数为23。


1.Establishment of a mouseerythroleukemia model induced by Friend murine leukemia virus and study on anti-retrovirus effects of zidovudine;Fr. MuLV小鼠红白血病模型的建立及叠氮胸苷抗病毒作用的研究

2.In order to study whethererythroleukemia was really a subtype of acute leukemia, the clinical laboratory characteristics and development of disease in 21 cases oferythroleukemia were analyzed.为了研究红白血病是否为急性髓细胞白血病一个独立亚型,从临床实验及病程进展方面对21例红白血病患者进行了分析。

3.Objective To observe the effects of Triptolide on proliferation and apoptosis oferythroleukemia K562 in vitro.目的探讨雷公藤内酯醇对人类红白血病K562细胞株增殖和凋亡的影响。


点绛唇 病中偶成【诗文】:酒病诗愁,好春三月常孤负。开门春暮。新绿迷云树。一片飞花,绾住游丝舞。东风妒。等闲吹去。散乱随红雨。【注释】:【出处】:
