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波幅 amplitude英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-06-11 21:33:21


波幅 amplitude英语短句 例句大全



1.Changes ofamplitudes toamplitude ratio of brainstem auditory evoked potential in diabetic rats;糖尿病大鼠脑干听觉诱发电位波幅间比率的动态变化

2.Suitable for the latest hardware of personal computers, combining a discrete element code UDEC, MATLAB and EXCEL, a new method of comprehensive processing ofamplitude of velocity/stress wave for every grid-point/zone-centroid for every zone was proposed.顺应日益更新的计算机硬件及其外部设施,结合离散元程序UDEC,MATLAB和EX-CEL,提出了一种在UDEC中全面处理各节点或单元中心波幅的数据处理新方法。

3.By using com-puters,an application digital table of arclerigth,wavelength andamplitude in fold wave ismade.总结了已有主波长公式各自的适用条件,利用计算机得出了褶皱波中的几何参数弧长、波长和波幅的应用数表,且运用实例详细阐明了主波长公式、弧长、波长和波幅之间的关系在矿层深度、储量计算中的应用。


1.The main abnormal waves on ECoG include the spike wave,sharp wave,high attitude slow wave and spike slow complex waves.棘波、尖波、高波幅慢波及棘慢综合波为主要异常方式。

2.USD/JPY INTERVENTION CONCERN TRADING RANGE JPY 102.70 - 103.80美元兑日圆干预忧虑预期波幅102.70–103.80

3.1.8600 - 1.8750GBP/USD RATE PEAK TRADING RANGE USD 1.8600 - 1.8750英镑兑美元 息口见顶 预期波幅

4.USD/CHF CHASE EURO TRADING RANGE CHF 1.1500 - 1.1620美元兑瑞郎跟随欧罗预期波幅1.1500–1.1620

5.AUD/USD GOLD DRIVEN TRADING RANGE USD 0.7820 - 0.7900澳元兑美元金价带动预期波幅0.7820-0.7900

6.continuous wave distance finder等幅波[连续波]测距器

7.variable carrier变幅载波, 可控载波

8.In communications, the amplitude variations of an amplitude modulated carrier wave.在通信技术中,调幅载波的幅度变化图。

9.modulator band filter out调幅带通滤波器输出

10.Sawtooth-wave AM-FM jamming锯齿波调幅调频干扰

11.modulator band electrical system out调幅器带通滤波器输出

12.digitally synthesized amplitude filter数字综合振幅滤波器

13.Sine-wave AM-FM jamming正弦波调幅调频干扰

14.reduce the amplitude (of oscillations or waves).减少摆动或波浪的振幅。

15.a circuit that limits the amplitude of a waveform.限制波形振幅的线路。

16.Partial Wave Analysis of J/ψ→γK(?);J/ψ→γK(?)的分波振幅分析

17.Partial Wave Analysis of J/Ψ→γK~*(?)~*;J/Ψ→γK~*(?)~*的分波振幅分析

18.Discussion of Pseudo Rayleigh Wave?s Velocity and Amplitude in Full Waveform Well-logging,声波全波列测井中类瑞利波速度及幅度的讨论


wave amplitude波幅

1.Objective To investigate the wave shape andwave amplitude of reconstructed impedance volume cardiogram.目的探讨重建心阻抗容积图的波形、波幅。

2.The variation rate of latencies andwave amplitudes from both cortical and sub-cortical SEP at different surgical stages were analyzed to evaluate their correlations with body height, weight and age.分析术中皮层和下皮层SEP的潜伏期和波幅在不同手术阶段的百分比变化率与体质量、身高、年龄的相关性。

3.The research result shows that the grain size of sediment,water depth,wave amplitude,and wave number all have great influences on the sedimentation trace,whereas there doesn′t appear any displacement between the falling site and the original.研究发现泥沙直径、水深、波幅、波数均对泥沙的沉降轨迹有重要影响,但是投放位置xo/L为0、0。

3)amplitude of wave波幅

1.By dividing the media into layers and considering the continuous conditions between the(interfaces,) the transfer matrix ofamplitude of waves is obtained.对弹性波在非均匀介质中传播时的波幅进行了研究。

2.The wave transmission influence in inhomogeneous damaged zone is analyzed by dividing the inhomogeneous into layers and establishing the wave equation and transferring matrix ofamplitude of waves.对弹性波在非均匀介质传播时的波幅进行了研究,用解析方法探讨了非均匀区域性质变化时对弹性波波幅的影响,将非均匀区域离散成薄层,建立了波动方程和波幅传递矩阵,通过数值计算结果与解析解的比较,为弹性波在工程中的应用提供了计算分析的依据。

4)amplitude of waves波幅




价格波幅价格波幅 Range定义:在一个交易期内一种股票最高与最低水平,例如与交易日结束时、交易日开始时、一天、一个月、一年等。
