1200字范文 > 乩童 Ji Tong英语短句 例句大全

乩童 Ji Tong英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-11-09 19:33:50


乩童 Ji Tong英语短句 例句大全

乩童,Ji Tong

1)Ji Tong乩童

1.Expectation out of Imitation——A case ofJi Tong"s (Shaman"s) dance Shua Dao Jiao in dances of MaZu in Meizhou Island at Lantern Festival模仿中的期盼——以湄洲岛元宵“闹妈祖”舞蹈“耍刀轿”的乩童为例


1.Expectation out of Imitation--A case of Ji Tong"s (Shaman"s) dance Shua Dao Jiao in dances of MaZu in Meizhou Island at Lantern Festival模仿中的期盼——以湄洲岛元宵“闹妈祖”舞蹈“耍刀轿”的乩童为例

2.From1998 the China Expedition Association started to explore in the Dianchi Lake and found out the site of the plane at the end of2000.曛泄?较招?峋涂?剂嗽诘岢乩锏奶剿鳎?

3.Someone steals Odie, and it's up to Garfield to get him back.有人偷走欧弟,而且要靠加菲猫去把??然乩础

4.Dialogue between Transcendence in Language and Language Game in"Dialogue Over a Ouija Board"《占乩板旁的对话》中语言超越观与游戏观的争锋

5.Then Your Honour can claim to be abbe to consult spirits through the planchette. Have one set up in the court and invite both military and civilians to come and watch."老爷只说善能扶鸾请仙,堂上设下乩坛,令军民人等只管来看."

6.The spirit declares that Xue Pan and Feng Yuan were enemies in a former existence who were fated to clash in order to settle scores"乩仙批了,死者冯渊与薛蟠原因夙孽相逢,今狭路既遇,原应了结."

7.It was an early July Shanghai newspaper, with two small photographs in the educational news column.The plates were as blurry as the picture of a ghost taken at a divining altar.那张是七月初的《沪报》,教育消息栏里印着两张小照,铜版模糊,很像乩坛上拍的鬼魂照相。

8."I"11 see to it that the kidnapper makes a full confession, and when the spirit"s message confirms this, people will be convinced.""小人暗中嘱托拐子,令其实招.众人见乩仙批语与拐子相符,余者自然也都不虚了."

9.International Year of the Child国际儿童年(儿童年)

10.International Children"s Centre国际儿童中心(儿童中心)

11.The heart,the gusto and the language of children--On Li Jianshu s and Yang Minghuo s invention of children literature;童心·童趣·童言——李建树、杨明火儿童文学创作论

12.small group home with integrated service for mildly mentally handicapped children为轻度弱智儿童而设兼收正常儿童的儿童之家

13.Children Psychogony and Its Principled Rules Governing Children Education Research and Children Literature Writing;儿童精神发生学对儿童教育、儿童文学的影响

14.The Development of Executive Function in Deaf Children:Comparing with Normal Children;聋童执行功能发展:聋童与正常儿童的比较

15.The Outline of Child Education:Child Education Based on Recent-modern Concepti on of Childhood;儿童教育论纲——基于近现代童年观的儿童教育

16.A Social Adaptation Comparison of Migrant Children,Rear Children,and Ordinary Children流动儿童、留守儿童与一般儿童社会适应比较

17.young Tartar顽童, 调皮的小孩

18.* uphold the abolition of child labour;* 支持取缔童工;




4)Tong Tong童童

1.Anther famous poet isTong Tong who was a well-known ledturer.其三是以侍讲学士而著名的童童。


6)childish heart and taste童心童趣

1.Zhou Zuoren gives his attention to children and children s literature all his life : his so many the theories of children s literature , Prose and poems withchildish heart and taste, and the translations of children s stories , naturally , show his children consciousness latently and obviously.对儿童、儿童文学的翻译研究,对童心童趣的倾心描绘,是作者的童心意识在文本中提供的直观、具体的童心世界。


