1200字范文 > 坡地地形 The Form of Slope Land英语短句 例句大全

坡地地形 The Form of Slope Land英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-09-14 12:53:45


坡地地形 The Form of Slope Land英语短句 例句大全

坡地地形,The Form of Slope Land

1)The Form of Slope Land坡地地形


1.The Study of Exterior Space Design Based on the Form of Slope Land基于坡地地形的建筑外部空间设计研究

2.A level area surrounded by upward sloping ground.圆形凹地陡坡地形所围住的一片平地

3.Slope Spectrum of Positive and Negative Terrains of Loess Plateau in Northern Shaanxi Province陕北黄土地貌正负地形坡度组合研究

4.To ascend a ski slope with the ski tips pointed outward.倒八字形上坡使滑撬末端指向外地上一斜坡

5.Study for Offshore Break and Non-structural Trap Formation in Depression Basin;坳陷盆地缓坡坡折带与非构造圈闭形成研究

6.Soil Water in Micro-terrain on Sunny and Semi-sunny Slopes干旱阳坡半阳坡微地形土壤水分分布研究

7.Deformation Analysis of Embankment on Sloping Poor Ground;斜坡软弱土地基路堤的变形特性分析

8.Aspect Generation by Vector Composition of Contour Bunches地形坡向生成的等高线束矢量合成法

9.Methodology for Morphological Analysis of Submarine Mass Movement in the Continental Slope of the East China Sea东海陆坡海底块体运动地形分析方法

10.Terrain Slope Estimation Method Based on Polarization Compensation and Lambertian Model极化补偿—朗伯模型地形坡度估计方法

11.Influence of Remediation Work of Mountainous Stream on Fish Habitat Types山坡地溪流整治对鱼类栖地形态影响之评估

12.The general slope of a region.坡度一个地区的总坡度

13.Fully coupled deformation analysis of slopes due to rise of ground water level地下水位上升引起斜坡变形的完全耦合分析

14.The shapes of ground water levels for development and decline of subsurface flow were shown.做出变化坡度所对应的地下水位的形状图。

15.The solution of the diffusion equation can be used to simulate the evolution of some kinds of scarp slopes.扩散方程可以用来模拟某些坡地演化形态。

16.Deformation and Failure of Slope above Goaf and Its Moving Mechanism采空区地表斜坡变形破坏类型及其运动机制

17.The Mechanism of Loess Landslide Caused by Earthquake in Haiyuan of Ningxia;宁夏海原地震诱发黄土滑坡的形成机制研究

18.Study on Tunnel Deformation Mechanism at Landslide Site and Disaster Predicting and Controlling;滑坡地段隧道变形机理及灾害预测和治理研究



3)slope topography斜坡地形

1.Based on the engineering examples,the characteristics of springing blast carried out atslope topography of the suburbs are analyzed.结合工程实例 ,分析了在市郊斜坡地形复杂岩性的条件下进行药壶控制爆破的技术特点 ,介绍了其方案设计和参数选取的方法和原则以及结合工程实际的施工经

4)terrain slope地形坡度

1.The influence ofterrain slope on the distribution of polymetallic nodules;地形坡度对多金属结核分布的控制作用

5)steep slope topography陡坡地形

1.Based on the engineering examples, the characteristics of chamber blasting carried out atsteep slope topography are analyzed.文章结合工程实例分析了在陡坡地形进行峒室爆破的特点,介绍了在该地形条件下采用多层峒室爆破技术时方案设计和参数选择的方法、原则以及施工经验和注意事项等。

6)slope steepness地形坡度

1.Among many factors that influence the process of water and soil erosion,vegetation cover,slope steepness and land-use are selected.选择植被覆盖度、地形坡度和土地利用类型来进行水土流失的风险度评价;试验区域为福州市第二饮用水源地山仔库区和塘坂库区;利用Landsat-7ETM+的影像,在计算归一化差分植被指数NDVI的基础上估算水源地保护区的植被覆盖度;利用栅格数字高程模型DEM,计算地表坡度;利用土地利用类型图获取保护区各地土地利用类型的分布;根据水利部部颁标准,对植被覆盖度、坡度和土地利用类型进行分级,建立水土流失风险评价模型,并在ArcGIS9。


