1200字范文 > 网络课程资源 online course resources英语短句 例句大全

网络课程资源 online course resources英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-07-28 07:13:36


网络课程资源 online course resources英语短句 例句大全

网络课程资源,online course resources

1)online course resources网络课程资源

1.The paper uses the content analysis way to research the status of 519online course resources from five aspects:instructional design,learning resources,study monitoring,teaching management and platform development,which were developed between 2001 and at home and abroad.本文采用内容分析法,对2001年~国内外519门网络课程资源从教学设计、学习资源、学习监控、教学管理和平台开发五个方面的现状进行了研究,并针对现状和存在的问题,阐述了自己的观点,提出了若干建议。


1.The Construction and Application of Network Curriculum Resources on the Moodle基于Moodle的网络课程资源建设与应用

2.Research on the Mongolia Language Course Resources Development and Utilization of Network to the Junior High School Chemistry;初中化学蒙语网络课程资源的开发与利用研究

3.Middle School Chinese Network Course Development, Course of Resource and with Study;中学语文网络课程资源的开发与利用研究

4.The Integration of Network Resource and the Current Situation of Autonomic Learning of College English;大学英语自主学习现状与网络课程资源整合

5.On the Strategies of Resource Construction of Net-Curriculum in the Open Education;试论开放教育网络课程资源的建设策略

6.Design of network courses and resources management system based on javaEE;基于javaEE技术的网络课程资源管理系统设计

7.Application of Web Learning Resource Standard in Web-based Course Design网络学习资源标准在网络课程设计中的应用

8.Evaluation and Construction of Internet Teaching Resources of Exquisite Course;精品课程网络教学资源的建设与评价

9.Developing Online Teaching Resources for the UNIX Operating System Course;UNIX操作系统课程网络教学资源库建设

10.Development and Application of Internet Teaching Resources of Exquisite Course;精品课程网络教学资源的开发与应用

11.Research on Microcomputer Courses Teaching Reform Based on Network Resources;基于网络资源的微机类课程教改研究

12.Constructing an Atmosphere of Long-DistanceTopic Discussion by Using Network Resource;利用网络资源建构远程课题讨论环境

13.Development and Utilization of Chemistry Curriculum Resources Based on Internet基于网络的化学课程资源开发与利用

14.The Construction and Exploration of Java Course Network ResourceJava课程网络资源的建设与探索

15.Study on Teaching Mode of Programming Language Course Based on Network Resource;基于网络资源利用的“程序设计”课程模式研究

16.Hierarchical Design and Management of Expansion Resources of Web Course for Colleges and Universities;高校网络课程扩展资源的层级设计与管理

17.The Design of Internet Resources Database and Its Application of Curriculum Integration;网络资源库设计及其在课程整合中的应用

18.The Network Resource Constructing of the Middle School Mathematics under New Course Idea;新课程理念下的初中数学网络资源建设


web source of course课程网络资源

3)network database of courses课程网络资源库

4)network resources of the new curriculum of primary and secondary schools中小学新课程网络资源

5)Education courses resource开放型网络课程资源

6)the management of the recourse of the network course网络课程资源管理


森林资源(见世界森林资源、中国森林资源)森林资源(见世界森林资源、中国森林资源)forest resourcessen Iin ziyuon森林资源(forest resources)见世界森林资源、中国森林资源。
