1200字范文 > 示范引领 exemplary demonstration英语短句 例句大全

示范引领 exemplary demonstration英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-04-12 17:41:05


示范引领 exemplary demonstration英语短句 例句大全

示范引领,exemplary demonstration

1)exemplary demonstration示范引领

2)guiding and exemplary引领示范

1.In order to achieve this good,the institutions should have comprehensive abilities and qualities with reasonable structures and fitting the requirement of the era;they should stress theguiding and exemplary functions of ideolo.高校机关职能部门是高校的中枢系统,高校机关工作人员身处重要位置,肩负重大责任,理应为构建和谐校园引领示范、助推加力。

3)demonstration and guide示范引导

1.It is an efficient approach and method to bring thedemonstration and guide effect of the typical cases into play for strengthening the publicity work of universities and colleges.发挥典型的示范引导作用是加强高校宣传思想工作的有效途径和方法,各级宣传工作者要积极主动地选树典型,为典型的存在创造一个良好的氛围。


1.About Strengthening the Demonstration and Guide Effect of the Typical Cain the University s Publicity Work;关于在高校宣传工作中加强典型示范引导作用的思考

2.Analyzed the Henan Modem Base of Agriculture Demonstration Leading Agricuiture Science and Technology Developoment Direction;河南现代农业示范基地引导农业科技发展方向的实证分析

3.Analysis on Guiding and Demonstrating Role of the New Round Collective Forest Tenure Reform in Fujian Province福建省新一轮林改的引导与示范效用分析——集体林权改革研究之三

4.Discussion on Citation Norms Taking Chen Li s Citation Methods as a Good Example;从《引书法示端溪书院诸生》谈引文规范

5.Study on the Guidance and Standard of Countryside Drug Supplying Enterprise in China;引导和规范农村药品配送企业的探讨

6.Physical Essence of Introducing Covariant Derivative into Gauge Theory;规范场论中引进协变导数的物理实质

7.The Irregularity and Guidance of Value Ideas in Social Transformation;社会转型时期价值观念的失范与引导

8.The college guides andlyze of reyuleatiag and leading conduction of students高校辅导员规范和引导学生行为之策略探析

9.The instructor demonstrated the proper way to sew in a zipper.那位指导员示范拉练的正确方法。

10.Guideline: Line on artwork indicating the printing area.Also called Keyline.导线:在正稿上指示印刷范围的线条。

11.Steering Group on Demonstration Projects on Private Farms私营农场示范计划督导小组

12.In this Technical Specification, the word "shall"indicates a requirement. The word "should"indicates a recommendation.在本技术规范中,shall 表示要求,should 表示指导.

13.Colour guide: Instructions on artwork indicating colour requirements.颜色指引:写在正稿上的颜色复制指示和引导。

14.Indicates whether this control causes and raises validation events.指示该控件是否导致并引发验证事件。

15.The centre module displays traffic guidance information.中央模块显示交通引导信息。

16.Strengthen the Subject Position,Lead the Students to Show Oneself;强化主体地位 引导学生展示自我

17.Discussion on Essential Factors of Introducing ISO9000 Standard into Management of Experimental Teaching Demonstration Center;实验教学示范中心引入ISO9000标准的管理要素探讨

18.Shanxi Province Clean Methanol Mobile Industrialization Demonstration Initiated Consideration;山西省清洁甲醇汽车产业化示范引发的思考


guiding and exemplary引领示范

1.In order to achieve this good,the institutions should have comprehensive abilities and qualities with reasonable structures and fitting the requirement of the era;they should stress theguiding and exemplary functions of ideolo.高校机关职能部门是高校的中枢系统,高校机关工作人员身处重要位置,肩负重大责任,理应为构建和谐校园引领示范、助推加力。

3)demonstration and guide示范引导

1.It is an efficient approach and method to bring thedemonstration and guide effect of the typical cases into play for strengthening the publicity work of universities and colleges.发挥典型的示范引导作用是加强高校宣传思想工作的有效途径和方法,各级宣传工作者要积极主动地选树典型,为典型的存在创造一个良好的氛围。

4)Leadership by Demonstration示范性领导

5)Model Treaty on Extradition引渡示范条约

6)Model Extradition Treaty示范引渡条约


