1200字范文 > 专家证言 expert testimony英语短句 例句大全

专家证言 expert testimony英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-06-04 07:36:13


专家证言 expert testimony英语短句 例句大全

专家证言,expert testimony

1)expert testimony专家证言

1.To compare the mainland legal system to British and American legal systemexpert testimony evidence ability and the certificate strength,it analyzes conclusion of legal appraisal ability and the certificate strength in our country.在比较大陆法系鉴定结论与英美法系专家证言的证据能力和证明力的基础上,对我国的鉴定结论证明能力与证明力问题进行了分析论证。

2.The accessibility ofexpert testimony in the US has experienced from restriction on Frye s formula of "general acceptance" to the legislation expansion of "relevance" and "reliability" by the Federal Rules of Evidence, generating the Daubert s formula for "comprehensive observation" , which was then challenged by the cases of "Joanna" and "Kumho Tire" .美国对专家证言的可采性经历了弗赖伊判例"普遍接受标准"的限定到《联邦证据规则》对专家证言"关联性"和"有用性"的立法扩张,催生了达伯特判例的"综合观察标准",又因"乔因纳"、"锦湖轮胎"判例对达伯特判例的冲击,引发了涉及科学、技术和经验知识专家证言可采性的多种判断标准的纷争,导致《联邦证据规则》作出了限缩性的修正。

3.The solution is inducingexpert testimony into litigation proof system, i.目前我国诉讼证据的鉴定结论制度对于解决专门性问题已暴露出多方面的局限性,解决这一问题的办法是引入专家证言制度,即设立专家证言这一独立的证据种类。


1.The Expert Testimony System in Anglo-American Evidence Law;英美证据法上的专家证言制度及其面临的挑战

2.Study on the Admissibility of Expert Testimony in the US--Centering on the Interaction of Cases and Legislation in the US;美国专家证言的可采性研究——以美国判例与立法的互动为中心

3.The Lessons to Be Learned from the Last Three Decades of American Legal Experience with Expert Testimony;从过去30年美国使用专家证言的法律经历中应吸取的教训

4.How to Make the Rules of Admissibility of Expert Opinions in China:From the Perspective of American Criteria of Admissibility of Expert Testimonies如何建立我国鉴定结论采纳规则——以美国专家证言判断标准为参照

5.A specialist in grammar.语法专家,语言学专家

6.While many expert witnesses represent the best in their profession.一般而言,专家证人是他们所处行业中的佼佼者.

7.This rule is subject to the provisions of rule703, relating to opinion testimony by expert witnesses.此项规则受有关专家证人意见证言的规则703的限制。

8.An expert in phonetics.语言学家在语言学上的专家

9.The expert pronounced the picture to be a forgery.专家断言这张图是赝品。

10.a specialist in the study of linguistic meaning.研究语言学意义的专家。

11.a master of three languages掌握三种语言的专家

12.A specialist in the Arabic language or culture.阿拉伯专家阿拉伯语言或文化的专家

13.One who specializes in the study of dialects.方言学家专门研究方言的人

14.Time proved the experts wrong.时间证明专家们错了。

15.The expert attested to the genuineness of the document.专家证明该文件系真品。

16.After the identifications, fingerprint experts presented expert evidence in 394 cases.在394宗案件中,指模专家在鉴证后提交专家证供。

17.Forensic linguistics and four fields of linguistic expertise;司法语言学及司法语言学家的四大专家领域

18.Syme was a philologist, a specialist in Newspeak.赛姆是语言学家,也是新话专家。


expert opinion专家证言

1.CPA,as an expert witness,whose main responsibility is to provideexpert opinions,But whether it is to be adopted by the court should meet certain requirement.注册会计师作为专家证人的基本职责是提供专家证言,形成专家报告,但专家报告要想被法庭所采纳,必须满足证言采信的一系列条件。

3)Expert medical testimony医疗专家证言

4)experts speech专家发言

5)expert"s testimony专家举证

6)expert witness专家证人

1.A Commentary on Expert Witness Mechanism in Arbitration;仲裁程序中的专家证人制度述评

2.A Study on the Expert Witness in Maritime Litigation;海事诉讼专家证人制度研究


