1200字范文 > 创建原则 Principles of creation英语短句 例句大全

创建原则 Principles of creation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-03-20 04:01:21


创建原则 Principles of creation英语短句 例句大全

创建原则,Principles of creation

1)Principles of creation创建原则


1.On the Time Connotation and Running Principles of the Characteristics of Higher Education Institutions;高校办学特色的时代内涵与创建原则

2.On the Basic Principle of Environmental Law: "Those Who Maintain Benefit";创建“养护者受益”环保法基本原则

3.The Method and Content of Principle of the Original Education;创新教育原则的建构方法与基本内容

4.Economizing,The Initial Principle of Developing the Economizing Society;创导积极的节约——建设节约型社会的首要原则

5.Establishment Principles,Organizational Structure and Development Measures of Regional Innovation System;区域创新体系的构建原则、组织结构与推进措施

6.The Basic Principles of College Textbook Development in Police Education Reforms公安教育改革创新中高校教材建设的基本原则

7.The fourth principle is to pursue scientific and technological innovation.第四,坚持科技创新原则。

8.Discussion on the Improtance and Principle of the Construction of an Innovation Experimental System in Economics & Management Profession;论高校经济与管理类创新性实验体系构建的意义和原则

9.To Launch a New Route: Principle and Direction in Developing Chinese Philosophy in the 21st Century;建构21世纪中国哲学的走廊——论哲学创新的原则与方向

10.Research and Application of Object-oriented Design Principles in Establishing Database Connection面向对象设计原则在创建数据库连接中的研究与应用

11.The method of literary creation and the principle of literrary creatien:concepts of different gradation;创作方法与创作原则:不同层次的概念

12.This principle of dramatic performance is the principle of his dramatic composition.这个演戏的原则也就是他进行戏剧创作的原则。

13.Precautionary principle:the value principle of technological innovation in the domain of ecological civilization预防原则:生态文明视野下技术创新的价值原则

14.An established rule, principle, or law.公理,原理,原则建立起来的规则、原理、或法律

15.Error creating process . Reason: %2创建进程 时出错。原因: %2

16.To use the compression setting that was selected a copy of the original file ^0 will be created in a compressed format.若要使用所选择的压缩设置,则程序将使用压缩格式创建原始文件 ^0 的副本。

17.To export the compression setting that was selected a copy of the original file will be created using a compressed format.若要导出所选择的压缩设置,则程序将使用压缩格式创建原始文件的副本。

18.To use the compression setting that was selected a copy of the original file will be created in a compressed format.若要使用所选择的压缩设置,则程序将使用压缩格式创建原始文件的副本。


creat principles创建法则

3)principle of creation创意原则

4)Creating principles创设原则

5)establishing principle创办原则

6)principle of innovation创新原则


创建1.亦作"剙建"。 2.建造;建立。
