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专家证据 expert evidence英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-01-31 22:05:11


专家证据 expert evidence英语短句 例句大全

专家证据,expert evidence

1)expert evidence专家证据

1.On the nature and status ofexpert evidence论专家证据的性质与地位

2.First, this article investigates the sevenexpert evidence抯 rules which are provided by Mr.专家证据是英美法中的一项证据类型。

3.Therefore,theexpert evidence has been playing more and more important role in the criminal procedure.现代科学技术的突飞猛进,使社会分工越来越细,专业化要求越来越高,在刑事诉讼中专家证据的作用也越来越明显。


1.The testimony of experts is the primary means of introducing scientific evidence.专家证据是引入科学证据的最初方法。

2.Expert Testimony System in Britain & America and Establishment of Expert Testimony System in China;英美国家的专家证据制度与我国专家证据制度的建立

3.On Expert Witness Admissibility Institution in High-tech Times;论高科技时代的专家证据“可采性”制度

4.Expert evidence method of weighting in mineral resources forecasting with GIS矿产资源预测中的GIS支持下专家证据权重法

5.While courts will go a long way in admitting expert testimony deduced from well-recognized scientific principle or discovery.当法院认可由公认的科学原理或发现中推论出来的专家证据时.

6.Battered Wife Syndrome Evidence:the Australlian ExperienceBronwyn Barta;受虐妇女综合症专家证据在澳大利亚司法实践中的运用

7.His case be not help by the evidence of the expert witness专家证人的证据没有给该案帮上忙

8.His case is not help by the evidence of the expert witness.专家证人的证据没有给该案帮上忙。

9.The Expert Testimony System in Anglo-American Evidence Law;英美证据法上的专家证言制度及其面临的挑战

10.On Consummating Legislation of the Evidence Law on the view of the British and American’s Expert Witness System;从英美专家证人制度谈我国证据法的立法完善

11.The Expertise Aggregation Method in Group Decision Making Based on the D-S Evidence Theory;基于D-S证据理论的群决策专家意见集结方法

12.Experts Group Forecasting System Based on Learning and Theory of Evidence;基于学习与证据理论的专家群体预测系统研究

13.A Probe into Expert Witness--Based on China’s Legislation on Evidence;专家证人若干问题的探讨(下)——以我国证据立法为背景

14.A Probe into Expert Witness--Based on China s Legislation on Evidence;专家证人若干问题的探讨(上)——以我国证据立法为背景

15.Medical experts had no evidence that an operation or other treatment was better than doing nothing.医学专家并没有证据表明,进行手术或其他的治疗比不治疗要好。

16.Expert witnesses are allowed to draw inferences from facts which the judge or jury is not competent to draw.专家证人则被允许根据事实进行法官或者陪审团不能作出的推理。

17.However, as evidence began to accumulate, experts felt obliged to investigate.然而,由于证据开始增多了,专家们感到必须进行调查了。

18.However, as the evidence began to accumulate, experts from the zoo felt obliged to investigate .然而,当证据日趋增多时,该动物园的专家们感到有必要进行调查。


Expert Weights of Evidence专家证据权重法

1.The authors amended the ore prospect regionalization and evaluation method based on theExpert Weights of Evidence that were proposed previously by the author and re-delineated and re-evaluated Au, Cu and Co ore prospect areas in the East Kunlun region, Qinghai.笔者通过改进先前提出的基于专家证据权重法的成矿远景区划与评价方法的不足之处,重新对青海东昆仑地区Au、Cu和Co3矿种进行成矿远景区划与评价,将各矿种的远景区按成矿潜力大小划分为A、B、C三级。

3)Institutions of Expert Evidence专家证据制度

1.Discussion on Establishment ofInstitutions of Expert Evidence in Our Country;我国建立专家证据制度的思考

4)oral expert evidence专家口头证据

5)expert testimony专家证言

1.To compare the mainland legal system to British and American legal systemexpert testimony evidence ability and the certificate strength,it analyzes conclusion of legal appraisal ability and the certificate strength in our country.在比较大陆法系鉴定结论与英美法系专家证言的证据能力和证明力的基础上,对我国的鉴定结论证明能力与证明力问题进行了分析论证。

2.The accessibility ofexpert testimony in the US has experienced from restriction on Frye s formula of "general acceptance" to the legislation expansion of "relevance" and "reliability" by the Federal Rules of Evidence, generating the Daubert s formula for "comprehensive observation" , which was then challenged by the cases of "Joanna" and "Kumho Tire" .美国对专家证言的可采性经历了弗赖伊判例"普遍接受标准"的限定到《联邦证据规则》对专家证言"关联性"和"有用性"的立法扩张,催生了达伯特判例的"综合观察标准",又因"乔因纳"、"锦湖轮胎"判例对达伯特判例的冲击,引发了涉及科学、技术和经验知识专家证言可采性的多种判断标准的纷争,导致《联邦证据规则》作出了限缩性的修正。

3.The solution is inducingexpert testimony into litigation proof system, i.目前我国诉讼证据的鉴定结论制度对于解决专门性问题已暴露出多方面的局限性,解决这一问题的办法是引入专家证言制度,即设立专家证言这一独立的证据种类。

6)expert"s testimony专家举证


