1200字范文 > 近代中国西藏 Modern Tibet of China英语短句 例句大全

近代中国西藏 Modern Tibet of China英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-07-15 08:24:31


近代中国西藏 Modern Tibet of China英语短句 例句大全

近代中国西藏,Modern Tibet of China

1)Modern Tibet of China近代中国西藏


1.Research on Foreign Commerce and Trade of Yadong Port of Tibet in Modern China after Opening Up and Trading近代中国西藏亚东口岸开关通商后的对外商业贸易研究

2.Contacts of the sect of the Eastern and Western temple of original vow in the modern Japanese Jodo-shin-shu with Chinese Tibet and the Tibetan Buddhism近代日本佛教净土真宗东、西本愿寺派与中国西藏及藏传佛教的接触

parative Analysis of Sequences of the 5S rDNA NTS in Wild Close Relatives of Barley from Tibet of China;中国西藏近缘野生大麦5S rDNANTS序列分析

4.An Analysis of Sovereignty of Ancient China and the Nature of Invasion Tibet of the U.K. and Russia;古代中国对西藏的统辖与英俄侵略西藏的实质

5.China Tibetan arts Exhibition includes over a hundred exhibits,中国西藏综合艺术展包括近百件艺术品,

6.From Collection House to Library:The Establishment of Modern Library System in China;从藏书楼到图书馆:中国近代图书馆制度之建立

7.Two Issues about the Library Collections of Modern Chinese Christian University有关近代中国教会大学图书馆藏书的两个问题

8.Chinese Body Western Material: Utilitarianism and Chinese Modern Idea of Morality and Implements;中体西用:功利主义与中国近代道器观

9.Historical Evolution of the Idea of"Zhong Ti Xi Yong"in Modern China;“中体西用”思想在近代中国的历史演变

10.Western Exploitation on Chinese System and Modern Higher Education in China;论“中体西用”与中国近代高等教育

11.The Reasons of China Backwardness in Science and Technology中国近代科技落后于西方的原因探析

12.Taiping Heavenly Kingdom and Sino-Western Cultural Exchanges in The Beginning of Modern History太平天国与近代早期的中西文化交流

13.On Western Library Science and the Library Undertaking in Modern China;西方图书馆学与中国近代图书馆事业

14.Western Missionaries and Four Revolutions or Campaigns in Modern China;西方传教士与近代中国四次革命运动

15.On the Production and Development of Western-style Doctor Group in Modern China;近代中国西医群体的产生与发展特点

16.A Review on the Effects of Adopted Western Civil Law inModern China;中国近现代继受西方民法的效果评述

17.On Trading Ports Along Western Border Areas in Modern China;近代中国西部内陆边疆通商口岸论析

18.Transmitting and Inflluence of Modern Western Music in China;近代西方音乐在中国的传播及其影响


China"s Tibet中国西藏

3)modern China近代中国

1.Aualysis of the Cauzes of the emergence and development of medical missionary enterprise inmodern China;教会医疗事业在近代中国产生、发展的原因探析

2.The characteristics of Modern China publication;近代中国图书出版特征论

3.The Interpretation of the Cultural Traces and Evidence in the Changing Era:A simple reflection on cultural history studies inmodern China;解读变动时代的文化履迹——关于近代中国文化史研究的简单反思

4)Modern China中国近代

1.A preliminary probe into architecture of missionary universities in modern China;中国近代教会高等学校建筑初探

2.The formation and development of the political philosophy of Utilitarianism in modern China;中国近代功利主义政治哲学的形成与发展

3.The Naissance and Development of Science of Criminal Procedure Law inModern China;中国近代刑事诉讼法学的诞生与成长

5)contemporary China近代中国

1.The US university mode and its borrowing in the Contemporary China;美国大学模式在近代中国的导入

2.Yuanpei Cai lived in an era of intense debate on Chinese ethics and culture incontemporary China.蔡元培生活在近代中国道德文化之争最为激烈的年代。

3.Contemporary Chinese responses to the Japanese "Asianism" have clearly indicated that evidence of thoughts of construction of the Chinese nation or of the Chinese state incontemporary China can be obtained not merely from the national ideology with regard to the saving of the Chinese nation, the safeguarding of the Chinese territory and sovereignty, but also from such extra- ideolog.近代中国人对日本"亚洲主义"的反应表明,中国近代民族-国家建设的思想凭依的不单纯是民族、领土、主权等民族主义或国民主义的意识形态,还有种族、文明、地域、道德(公理、王道)等超民族主义的意识形态。

6)modern Chinese中国近代

1.Review and Reflections On the Evolution of the Modern Chinese Higher Education Model;中国近代高等教育模式的演变及其启示

2.The Evolvement of Modern Chinese Criminal Justice System;中国近代刑事审判制度的演变


