1200字范文 > 会计理论研究方法 the method of accounting theory research英语短句 例句大全

会计理论研究方法 the method of accounting theory research英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-01-23 10:44:49


会计理论研究方法 the method of accounting theory research英语短句 例句大全

会计理论研究方法,the method of accounting theory research

1)the method of accounting theory research会计理论研究方法

1.The generation and the development ofthe method of accounting theory research are adapted with the environment of social economic development.会计理论研究方法的产生和发展是与社会经济发展环境相适应的。


1.Thoughts on Research methods of Accounting Theory;对会计理论研究方法有关问题的思考

2.The Survey and Application of Accounting Theory in China会计理论研究方法评述及在我国的应用

3.An approach to establishing the research method system of China s accounting theories;建立我国会计理论研究方法体系的探讨

4.Sustained Development and the Selection of Study Method of Accounting Theory;可持续发展与会计理论研究方法的选择

5.A Summarization over the Methodology of Western Financial Accounting;西方财务会计理论研究述评——方法论视角

ments On the Theoretical Research Approaches of Cultural Influence on the Accounting Systems;论文化对会计影响研究的理论研究方法

7.Research on Financial Accounting Theories and Methods Based on Fair Value Idea Perspective;公允价值理念下的财务会计理论与方法研究

ment on standard Accounting Research Methods and Demonstration Accounting Research Methods;论规范会计研究方法与实证会计研究方法

9.Study on Some Problems of Accounting Theory and Method under Network Environment;网络环境下会计理论和方法若干问题研究

10.The Theoretical Analysis and Empirical Study of Income Tax Accounting Choice;所得税会计方法选择的理论分析和实证研究

11.Study on Theory and Method of Establishing an Information System of Computer Accounting;建立企业会计信息系统理论与方法研究

12.Research on Theory and Methodology of Accounting for Forest Eco-efficiency Externalities森林生态效益外部性的会计理论与方法研究

13.Methodology of accounting research is an important part of accounting theory.会计科研方法论是会计理论的重要组成部分。

14.The Study on Accounting Research Methodology in China;论我国会计科学研究方法的专门研究

15.Theories and Methods of Computer Aided Color Design;计算机辅助色彩设计理论和方法研究

16.Theories and Methods of Management Accounting Based on Time-based Competition--Research on Product Decision;基于时间竞争(TBC)的管理会计理论与方法——产品生产决策研究

17.On the Methodology for Accounting Behavior Studies: A Structural Perspective;会计行为研究方法论:一种结构化观点

18.Reflections on constructing accounting theory feedback system;关于构建会计理论正反馈研究机制的思考——兼谈实证研究方法与规范研究方法的结合


methodological system of accounting theory research会计理论研究方法体系

1.Themethodological system of accounting theory research can be divided into three levels:methodology,fundamental method,and concrete method.会计理论研究方法体系可分为方法论、基本方法和具体方法 3个层次 。

3)accounting theory research会计理论研究

1.Directing against three thesises published by 《Accounting research》, this paper refutes the accounting objective view and the compound view for the byical starting point ofaccounting theory research; and proves that accounting goal is the logical starting point of accounting theory reasearch once again.正确择定会计理论研究的逻辑起点 ,有利于建立前后一贯的会计理论体系。

4)Accounting Research Methods会计研究方法

ment on standardAccounting Research Methods and DemonstrationAccounting Research Methods;论规范会计研究方法与实证会计研究方法

5)theoretical methods理论研究方法

1.Recent developments on microscopic theory of surface adsorption were reviewed, mainly on the basic theory, modern analytic technique andtheoretical methods and developmental tendency.介绍了表面吸附的微观机理研究进展 ,着重阐述了表面吸附的微观机理研究的理论基础、现代表面吸附的分析技术、现代理论研究方法 ,并指出了现代表面吸附研究的发展趋势。

6)study on theory and method理论与方法研究


