1200字范文 > 长江 黄河源头地区 Yangtse River and Yellow River source area英语短句 例句大全

长江 黄河源头地区 Yangtse River and Yellow River source area英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-12-31 00:16:27


长江 黄河源头地区 Yangtse River and Yellow River source area英语短句 例句大全

长江、黄河源头地区,Yangtse River and Yellow River source area

1)Yangtse River and Yellow River source area长江、黄河源头地区

1.TheYangtse River and Yellow River source area lie in the hinterland of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau.长江、黄河源头地区地处青藏高原腹地,自然环境极其严酷,主要表现在两个方面:一是高海拔,低气温,干旱;二是低植被,生态效能低。


1.Species Diversity of Soil Dematiaceous Hyphomycetes from Yangtse River and Yellow River Source Area of China长江、黄河源头地区土壤中暗色丝孢菌物种多样性研究

2.Qinghai is the source of both the Yellow and Yangtze rivers.青海既是黄河的源头,也是长江的源头。

3.The Investigation and Research about the Farmland Retirement and Environment Project in the Yangtze River Headwaters Area;长江源头地区退牧还草工程调查研究

4.Study on the land use dynamic change in high-frigidecological vulnerable region--Source region of the Yangtze and Yellow River as a example;高寒生态脆弱区土地利用动态变化研究——以青海省长江黄河源区为例

5.Notes on soil dematiaceous hyphomycetes from the Yellow River source area,China Ⅰ黄河源头地区土壤中的暗色丝孢真菌Ⅰ(英文)

6.Resource Utilization and Geological Environment Protection in Yangtze Estuarine Area;长江河口地区资源利用与地质环境保护

7.Hydrologic Effect of Ecosystem Responses to Climatic Change in the Source Regions of Yangtze River and Yellow River气候变化对长江黄河源区生态系统的影响及其水文效应

8.Cruder forms of writing have been found across vast areas in the valleys of the two mother rivers of China.在中国长江黄河的辽阔地区已发现了多种较为粗朴的文字。

9.Firewood consumption makes up 30 percent of aggregate timber consumption on the upper-middle reaches of Yangtze and Yellow rivers.长江、黄河流域上中游地区薪柴消耗约占毁林的30%。

10.Study on Influencing Factors of Cotton Yield In Yangtze River and Yellow River Areas:Based on the Survey in Henan,Jiangsu and Shandong;我国长江、黄河流域地区棉花单产影响因素分析——基于河南省、江苏省、山东省的调查

11.Effect of Land Use on Water Quality in Waterhead Region in River Network Plain--A Case Study of the Upper Huangpu River.;平原河网地区水源地水质对土地利用变化的响应——以黄浦江上游水源地为例

12.The Changjiang River is longer.长江比黄河更长些。

13.The headwaters and wetlands along the railway line are to be specially protected to avoid desertification in the headwaters areas, shrinkage of wetlands, deterioration of grasslands and water pollution that might be caused by the construction.保护江河源头水源和沿线湿地,避免因施工引起水源区沙化、湿地萎缩、草场退化和水质污染。

14.the four large rivers--the Changjiang, the Huanghe, the Heilongjiang and the Zhujiang长江、黄河、黑龙江、珠江等四大河流

15.Study on Geothermal Resources and its Programming in Yellow River Delta Area黄河三角洲地区地热资源与规划研究

16.Application of Three-source Xin"anjiang Model in San-Xiao Reach of Yellow River三水源新安江模型在黄河三小区间的应用

17.Some Thoughts on Harvesting the Plantations for Commercial Purposes in the Natural Forest Conservation Project Areas along the Upper Reaches of the Yangtze River and the Upper and Lower Reaches of the Yellow River;关于长江上游黄河上中游天然林资源保护工程区实施人工林商品性采伐的思考

18.Quantitative Identification of Driving Force on Wetland Shrinkage over the Source Region of the Yellow River黄河源区湿地萎缩驱动力的定量辨识


the source regions of the Yangtze and Yellow Rivers长江黄河源区

1.The spatial distribution and inter-decadal variations of snow cover are analyzed with the use of snow data of 16 meteorological stations inthe source regions of the Yangtze and Yellow Rivers and their periphery.应用长江黄河源区及其周边地区16个气象站逐日积雪资料,分析了长江黄河源区积雪的空间分布和年代际变化特征。

3)source regions of the Yangtze and Yellow Rivers长江-黄河源区

1.Runoff atsource regions of the Yangtze and Yellow Rivers were derived mostly from precipita-tion and melt-water of glaciers,snow and frozen earth.长江-黄河源区属典型寒区,降水、冰雪融水等共同成为径流的补给来源,径流量的变化同时受到区域内降水量和气温变化的影响。

4)the Yangtze River headwaters area长江源头地区

1.The writer had investigated and analyzed the actuality ofthe Yangtze River headwaters area and researched the farmland retirement and environment project and ecological emigration demonstration work,consider organic band the fa.由于长江源头地区地处青藏高原腹地,其特殊的地理位置和高寒多风干旱的气候,以及人口的增加,资源的过度开发利用使之生态环境十分脆弱,极易遭受破坏。

5)sources of the Yangtze and Yellow Rivers长江-黄河上游源区

1.The correlation and study of the remote sensing images indicate that the area of swampy wetland in thesources of the Yangtze and Yellow Rivers decreases in the last ten years,which is attributed to natural and man-made factors.通过两个时像的对比解译、调查验证和研究,表明长江-黄河上游源区20世纪90年代初至21世纪初的中,沼泽湿地总体呈减少趋势。

6)Yangtze River source area长江河源区

1.Origin of major elements and Sr isotope for river water inYangtze River source area;长江河源区的河水主要元素与Sr同位素来源




黄河源位于青海的腹地。河源一为扎曲,二为约古宗列渠,三是卡日曲。扎曲一年之中大部分时间干涸,而卡日曲最长是以五个泉眼开始的 卡日曲最长是以五个泉眼开始的,流域面积也最大,在旱季也不干涸,是黄河的正源。古宗列曲,仅有一个泉眼,是一个东西长40公里,南北宽约60公里的椭圆形盆地,内有100多个小水泊,似繁星点点,又似晶莹的粒粒珍珠。星宿海,历史上曾被用来表示整个黄河源头地区,实际上可以说是黄河出山东行后第一个加油站。这个“海”是一个盆形湿地,东西长约30公里左右,南北的距离较短,仅几公里至十几公里之间。说是“海”并非到处有水,而是在盆地中相对更低洼的地方聚集有水,拥有众多的大大小小水坑和水塘,多到用满天星斗来比拟也不显得过分。灌木有的长到一米高,鱼类繁多,水鸟成群,湖边的草滩上还有黄羊、野驴不时出现。黄河源头之一卡日曲是以五个泉眼开始的,另一个源头是约古宗列曲,仅有一个泉眼。这是黄河的源头地区,旅游者在这里根本无法想象黄河之宗竟不是滔滔洪水,而是一股股细微的清泉和一片有许多砂砾野草的温林荒滩。我国人民比较明确地认识黄河及其源头还是在唐代以后。因为从唐代起,中原人民同边疆少数民族间联系大大加强,特别是同居住在青藏高原上的吐蕃之间的往来日益频繁,而黄河源头是古代通往西藏高原的交通大道。贞观十五年,文成公主嫁往西藏,吐蕃王松赞干布在黄河源头亲迎。公元八二一年,唐使刘元鼎出使吐蕃,还曾专门考察过黄河源头。黄河发源于颜喀拉山北麓各姿各雅山下的卡日曲河谷和古宗列盆地,分南北二源。两地海拔高程均在四千六百多米至四千八百多米之间,黄河源头被国家列为自然保护区。
