1200字范文 > 工作面预注浆 face pre-grouting英语短句 例句大全

工作面预注浆 face pre-grouting英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-04-23 14:13:05


工作面预注浆 face pre-grouting英语短句 例句大全

工作面预注浆,face pre-grouting

1)face pre-grouting工作面预注浆

1.Through blasting in grouting holes the cracks with low connectivity are penetrated successfully, then regularface pre-grouting is used to block effectively off heavy water-gushing.通过注浆孔内爆破的方法,成功地将连通性很差的岩石裂隙贯穿,再采用常规的工作面预注浆方法将井筒特大涌水进行了有效封堵,探索出连通性很差的裂隙含水层注浆工艺的新路子。

2.According to engineering examples,the paper introduces the experience that theface pre-grouting affects thick aquifer and large water inflow shaft water prevention and control construction,as well as the successful experience of using chemical grout for blocking water in the aquifers including tiny cracks and pores.本文依据工程实例,介绍了工作面预注浆对厚含水层、大涌水量井筒施工防治水经验,并介绍了化学浆液在细微裂隙和孔隙发育含水层中注浆堵水的成功经验。


1.Sealing construction technique of pre-grouting working face in Baiyun tunnel白云隧道工作面预注浆止水施工技术

2.The Application of Chemical Grout in the Shaft Face Pregrouting化学浆液在井筒工作面预注浆施工中的应用

3.Construction Technology and Experience of Pre-grouting on the Stepping Shaft Face措施竖井工作面预注浆施工技术及经验

4.A study on the pre-grouting in deep mine for water blockage in Longgu Coal Mine龙固矿深立井大流量工作面预注浆堵水研究

5.Research and Application of Face Beforehand Grouting Intercept Water Technology in Shaft立井井筒工作面预注浆堵水技术的研究与应用

6.Vertical Shaft Aquifer Surface Advance Grouting Engineering Technique立井井筒含水层地面预注浆施工技术

7.Water Blocking Technology by Grouting in Alluvial Layer Vertical Shaft Working Face Under Complex Geological Conditions复杂条件下立井井筒工作面冲积层预注浆堵水技术

8.Grouting Reinforcement Construction Techniques on 68302 Fully Mechanized Face68302综采工作面注浆加固施工方法

9.Lawer Third System Red Bed Grouting in Air Shaft Ground Pregrouting in Yangcun Coal Mine杨村煤矿风井地面预注浆工程的下第三系红层注浆

10.The Application of the Surface Pre-grouting in the Raise-boring Well Brush Shaft Construction地面预注浆在反井刷大建井工艺中的应用

11.The surface Pre-grouting Method of Shicao Coal Mine Vice-shaft石槽村煤矿副井井筒地面预注浆施工方法

12.Optimization of Construction Design for Surface Pre-grouting Project of Mine Shaft in Yangcun Mine杨村煤矿立井地面预注浆工程设计优化

13.Accident Treatment of Boring in Air Shaft Ground Pre-grouting in Yangcun Coal Nine杨村煤矿风井地面预注浆工程钻孔内事故处理

14.Optimization of the grouting technology in fully mechanized top coal caving mining face in polar broken thick seam极破碎厚煤层综放工作面注浆工艺优化

15.Application of the grouting filling technology in goaf on fully mechanized top coal caving mining face through the large coalpit综放工作面过小窑采空区注浆充填技术应用

16.Application of the injection starch reinforce technology in high inclined work face fall area大倾角工作面高冒区注浆加固技术应用

17.Jet grouting curtain supporting technology for shaft heading face through quicksand layers with confined water立井工作面承压水流沙层保浆旋喷注浆帷幕支护技术

18.Brief Talking about Grouting and Drilling Construction Process of Sealing Vertical Crack Sub-sealing at Vertical Shaft Face;浅谈立井井筒工作面竖向裂隙封底打钻注浆施工工艺


face pregrouting construction工作面预注浆施工

3)pre-grouting from the shaft working face立井工作面预注浆

4)condition pre-grouting at work face and grouting behind shaft lining井筒工作面预注浆和壁后注浆

5)ground pre-grouting地面预注浆

1.Using directional technology, theground pre-grouting holes were bored into the goal strata along the "S" track to give room for freezing holes boring.利用定向技术使得地面预注浆钻孔沿“S”形轨迹进入注浆目的层,让出井盘空间施工冻结钻孔,并应用高精度测斜技术和定向技术,使得冻结钻孔有效避开注浆套管,从而实现地面预注浆与冻结造孔工程完全平行作业,缩短建井准备工期。

6)surface pre-grouting地面预注浆

1.After analyzing primary difficulties exiting insurface pre-grouting of the main shaft in Wangfenggang coalmine, the paper put forward counterplots to be should adopted in construction.通过对望峰岗矿井主井井筒地面预注浆施工中的主要难点分析,给出施工采用的对策。

2.The thesis presents the application ofsurface pre-grouting to construction of auxiliary shaft in Yangliu coalmine.本文介绍了地面预注浆施工技术在杨柳煤矿副井中的应用。

3.Shaftsurface pre-grouting effects the deformation of surface.本文通过对袁店一矿井筒地面预注浆过程中地表变形的定期监测和计算,评价了地表变形等级及对地面构(建)筑物的影响程度,保证了煤矿顺利建设和安全生产,同时为其他地表变形研究提供了工作方法和实践基础。


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