1200字范文 > 组织应力 Structural stress英语短句 例句大全

组织应力 Structural stress英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-03-29 20:18:17


组织应力 Structural stress英语短句 例句大全

组织应力,Structural stress

1)Structural stress组织应力

1.The structural stress is the main factor of deformation for 40Cr steel workpiece.金属工件经热处理后变形是不可避免的,影响变形的因素很多,由40Cr钢制成的较小工件其变形是以组织应力为主。

2.The research results show that the heat stress leads to the break of Fe2B and the structural stress leads to the split on the surgace of the bonding layer.研究结果表明:热应力引起Fe2B折断,组织应力主要引起渗硼层表面开裂。

2)structure stress组织应力

1.According to cause analysis of quench strain on die & mould,the main cause was put for heat stress,structure stress,phase transformation strain and so on .通过模具淬火变形原因分析,可知变形主要由热应力、组织应力与相变变形所致。

3)tissue stress组织应力

1.On some conditions, quenched in oil,tissue stress ha.在一定条件下,在油中淬火,组织应力对淬火应力分布的影响要远大于热应力的影响,最终试样的淬火残余应力将以表层为拉应力而心部为压应力的组织应力形式存在。

4)organizational adaptation组织适应力

1.Under the dynamic competition environment,neither strategic choice theory nororganizational adaptation theory are fully applicable when analyzing the sustainable growth of companies.动态竞争环境下,战略选择和组织适应力理论在分析企业持续成长时都存在着致命的硬伤。

2.How to achieveorganizational adaptation transformation based on the evolution of cluster supply chain is the core issue of enterprises organizational design.如何实现以集群供应链演化为基础的组织适应力转变,是集群供应链企业组织设计的核心问题。


1.Study on Firms" Sustained Growth Based on Coevolution of Organizational Adaptation and Strategic Choice;基于组织适应力与战略选择协同演化的企业持续成长研究

2.Effects of Strategic Choice,Organizational Adaptation on Firm Growth: An Empirical Study in China;战略选择、组织适应力对企业绩效增长影响的实证研究

3.A Methodology for Designing Adaptive Army Organization适应性兵力组织设计方法与应用研究

work Organization: An Organization Model Well Adapting to the Environment;网络组织──更具环境适应能力的新型组织模式

5.Physiological Analysis of Muscle Adaptations to Endurance Exercise;肌组织对耐力性运动适应能力的生理学分析

6.Strengthening the Communist Youth League building of colleges and universities to adapt education reform;努力适应教育改革,积极探索高校团组织建设

7.Choosing Right Supply Chain Organization and Uplifting Core Capability of Enterprises;选择合适的供应链组织 提升企业核心能力

8.major histocompatibility complex (MHC)主要组织适应性复合体

9.Experimental Study on the Stress and Remodeling Adaptation of Vivo Bone Tissue and Its Biological Model;活骨组织应力与重建适应实验及其生物模型研究

10.Adaptation and Reaction of Skeletal Muscle to Hypoxia;骨骼肌组织对低氧应激的反应和适应

11.Enhancing the organizational adaptability by building and maintaining effective management systems.通过建立和保持有效的管理系统来提高组织的适应能力。

12.The Relationship Between Organizational Learning and Corporate Performance--An Empirical Study Based on the View of Adaptive Capability;组织学习与企业绩效的关系——基于适应能力视角的实证研究

plex Adaptive Features of Supply Chain Organization and Some Inference;供应链组织的复杂适应特征及其推论

14.The organization shall use statistical methods of verification where applicable.组织应使用适当的统计方法进行验证。

15.The organization shall determine, collect and analyse appropriate data组织应确定、收集和分析适当的数据,

16.and to develop the beliefs and political organizations appropriate to it.并发展与之相适应的信念和政治组织。

17.The Construction of the Adaptation Organization Based on Modern Science and Technology Revolution;基于现代科技革命的适应性组织构建

18.Adapting the Specilization of Cellwall in the Plant Tissue to the Functions;植物组织细胞壁的特化与功能的适应


structure stress组织应力

1.According to cause analysis of quench strain on die & mould,the main cause was put for heat stress,structure stress,phase transformation strain and so on .通过模具淬火变形原因分析,可知变形主要由热应力、组织应力与相变变形所致。

3)tissue stress组织应力

1.On some conditions, quenched in oil,tissue stress ha.在一定条件下,在油中淬火,组织应力对淬火应力分布的影响要远大于热应力的影响,最终试样的淬火残余应力将以表层为拉应力而心部为压应力的组织应力形式存在。

4)organizational adaptation组织适应力

1.Under the dynamic competition environment,neither strategic choice theory nororganizational adaptation theory are fully applicable when analyzing the sustainable growth of companies.动态竞争环境下,战略选择和组织适应力理论在分析企业持续成长时都存在着致命的硬伤。

2.How to achieveorganizational adaptation transformation based on the evolution of cluster supply chain is the core issue of enterprises organizational design.如何实现以集群供应链演化为基础的组织适应力转变,是集群供应链企业组织设计的核心问题。

5)organizational fitness组织适应能力

1.To win the competition an firm has to break through the limit of the "Icarus Paradox" and develop itsorganizational fitness.要突破“伊卡洛斯悖论”的限制,企业必须发展组织适应能力。

6)Stress of the tooth hard tissue硬组织应力值


轧辊残余应力(见轧辊应力)轧辊残余应力(见轧辊应力)residual stresses in rollzhagun eanyu yingli轧辊残余应力(residual stresses in roll)见礼辐应力。
