1200字范文 > 人力资源管理成本 Human Resource Management Cost英语短句 例句大全

人力资源管理成本 Human Resource Management Cost英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-11-08 07:09:58


人力资源管理成本 Human Resource Management Cost英语短句 例句大全

人力资源管理成本,Human Resource Management Cost

1)Human Resource Management Cost人力资源管理成本


1.A Discussion on HR Managerial Cost of Newly Built Colleges and Universities--in light of the practice in Guangxi University of Finance and Economics;新建院校人力资源管理成本的探讨——结合我校实际谈谈人力资源管理成本问题

2.The Study on Reduce the Cost of Enterprises Human Resources Management;企业降低人力资源管理成本问题的研究

3.Study on Cost Management of Human Resource from Strategy Perspective战略视角下的人力资源成本管理研究

4.Human Resources Cost Management Study Based on Behavior Management;行为管理角度的人力资源成本管理研究

5.On the Emphasis of Human Resources Management--Human Being Management;论人力资源管理的重心——人本管理

6.A Strategy to Managing Human Resources in Enterprises;企业人力资源管理中的人本管理策略

7.Exploitation of Intelligent Capital in Human Resources Management about the Enterprise;企业人力资源管理中智力资本的开发

8.To Construct on Cost Management System of Our University s Human Resources;我国高校人力资源成本管理体系的构建

9.The Application of Human Resources Cost Accounting in Modern Enterprise Management;人力资源成本会计在现代企业管理中的应用

10.Thoughts on Colleges Management of Human Resource Cost and Value;我国高校人力资源成本与价值管理的思考

11.The Ability-based Management:the New Idea of the Modern Human Resource Management;现代人力资源管理的新思路——能本管理

12.Innovation of modern manpower resources management--Management taking ability as the core;现代企业人力资源管理创新——能本管理

13.Ability-Based Management: a New Tendency in HRM;企业人力资源管理新动向——能本管理

14.Ability-centered Management:A New Approach to Modern Human Resources Management;能本管理:现代人力资源管理的新思路

15.A Theoretical Model of Human Resource Management on the Basis of Human Capital Theories;基于人力资本理论的人力资源管理理论模型

16.The New Trend of HR Management:from Human Capital,Social Capital to Psychological Capital从人力资本、社会资本到心理资本——人力资源管理的新取向

17.From the Human Resource to the Human Capital --Innovate the concept of human resource management in Chinese hotel;从人力资源到人力资本——论中国酒店人力资源管理理念的创新

18.Humanizing Management:the Key of Human Resource Management in Private Enterprises;人本管理:私营企业人力资源开发管理的根本


the human resource cost management of the universities高校人力资源成本管理

3)the cost of human resources management in state-owned enterprises国有企业人力资源成本管理

4)Cost Management Accounting of Human Capital人力资本成本管理会计

5)Japan"s model of human resource management日本人力资源管理模式

6)Human resources management effect人力资源管理成效


