1200字范文 > 增养殖区 culture coastal areas英语短句 例句大全

增养殖区 culture coastal areas英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-01-05 12:07:18


增养殖区 culture coastal areas英语短句 例句大全

增养殖区,culture coastal areas

1)culture coastal areas增养殖区

1.Environment quality evaluation for the abaloneculture coastal areas of Putian using the method of discomfort index应用不适指数法评价莆田鲍增养殖区环境质量


1.Environment quality evaluation for the abalone culture coastal areas of Putian using the method of discomfort index应用不适指数法评价莆田鲍增养殖区环境质量

2.Ecological Studies on the Large-Scale Mariculture in Zhelin Bay and Shen"ao Bay in the East of Guangdong: 2000~2001;2000~2001年粤东大规模增养殖区柘林湾和深澳湾的生态学研究

3.A Long-term Ecological Study on Phytoplankton in a Large-scale Mariculture-Zhelin Bay, Eastern Guangdong;粤东大规模增养殖区柘林湾浮游植物生态学的长期研究

4.An Ecological Study on Zooplankton in a Large-scale Mariculture Zhelin Bay, Eastern Guangdong;粤东大规模增养殖区柘林湾浮游动物生态学的研究

5.An Ecological Study on Marine Microorganisms in a Large-scale Mariculture-Zhelin Bay, Eastern Guangdong;粤东大规模增养殖区柘林湾海洋微生物的生态学研究

6.Ecological Studies on Phytoplankton in the Large-scale Mariculture of Zhelin Bay, Eastern Guandong: 2001~2002;2001~2002年粤东大规模增养殖区柘林湾浮游植物的生态学研究

7.Since the mid-1980s, China"s saltwater aquaculture has developed rapidly, with a large increase in species and expansion of breeding areas.八十年代中期以来,中国的海水养殖业迅速发展,养殖的种类增多,区域扩大。

8.The Primapy Study on the Correlation between the Management of Scallop Grow-out and the Environment in the Dalian Coast大连地区扇贝增养殖生产管理与环境的相关性初探

9.Clean Mariculture Zones Operation海产养殖区清洁行动

10.Yim Tin Tsai (East) fish culture zone盐田仔(东部)鱼类养殖区

11.Culture of European eel at water of mountain stream --Culture of young eel and adult eel欧鳗山区溪流养殖试验——幼鳗、成鳗的养殖

12.Cultivating boat of glass fiber reinforced plasticsGB/T14205-1993玻璃纤维增强塑料养殖船

13.The technical points cov-ered the following aspects:the proliferation and culture and acclimatization of acetic acid bacteria;工艺要点有:醋酸菌的增殖培养与驯化;

14.Status of Culturing Abalone ( Haliotis Discus Hannai) and Its Problems and Countermeasures for Development in Putian City;莆田市鲍增养殖现状、问题与发展对策

15.Optimization of Medium Components for Culturing Rhodotorula acheniorum生防菌瘦果红酵母增殖培养基的优化

16.Proliferation Culture of Embryonic Callus of Chenshan Red-heart Chinese Fir陈山红心杉胚性愈伤组织的增殖培养

17.The Effect of Supernatant from Cultured Hela Cells on Cell Proliferation of hUVECHela培养上清液对hUVEC细胞增殖的影响

18.fish culture subzone [water control zone]鱼类养殖分区〔水质管制区〕


large-scale mariculutre大规模海产增养殖区


1.In this paper, based on the coumanison of the effect of the five aifferen medium have on themultiplication of silk floss walnut in vitro in Huating and that of thin shelled walnut in vitro in Wuwei, The two bestmultiplication medium were screened.从中筛选了2种最佳增殖培养基,华亭绵核桃最适培养基的配方为DKW+0。

2.At present only a small mounts of artificial seedmultiplication, we can not protect this endangere.本研究通过对长柄扁桃无菌苗的增殖培养、生根培养的技术研究,分析了不同因素对各阶段的影响,目的是建立经济有效的长柄扁桃快速繁殖技术程序。

4)multiplication culture增殖培养

1.Study on inducion andmultiplication culture of bulblet from some parts of flower in Lilium;火百合花器的鳞茎诱导和增殖培养研究

2.Aquilaria sinensis,a kind of china s special and rare medicinal plant,was taken as the research object in this article,the meaning ofmultiplication culture and preparation of cuture medium were analyzed,the methods and materials of culture were pointed out.以中国特有的珍贵药用植物——土沉香为对象,分析了增殖培养的含义和培养基的配制,并且指出了培养的方法和材料。

3.This paper reports the optimum medium during the primary culture andmultiplication culture.以光叶石楠为试材,对初代培养过程中的最佳分化培养基及无性扩增过程中的增殖培养基进行了筛选。


1.1mg/L forproliferation,MS+6-BA1.0mg/L,增殖培养基为MS+6-BA1。

6)proliferation culture增殖培养

1.Study on technique of sterileproliferation culture of Cephalotaxus fortunei;三尖杉无菌增殖培养技术的研究

2.Study onproliferation culture of Streptococcus Thermophilus encapsulated in liquid-core microcapsules;液芯包囊化嗜热链球菌增殖培养的研究

3.We investigatedproliferation culture of Gypsophila paniculata by using a raft method in a 2.5L柱状气升式生物反应器采用接触法进行了满天星(Gypsophila paniculata)增殖培养。


青岛海产博物馆中国海洋水产专业博物馆。位于山东省青岛市鲁迅公园东部。由青岛水族馆和山东产业馆合并的青岛人民博物馆改建而成。该馆藏有标本1950种、2万余件。其中无脊椎动物1100余种、1.5万余件,脊椎动物700余种、3000余件,海藻 150余种,2000余件。该馆分为陈列馆和水族馆两部分。陈列馆设《祖国的海洋动、植物资源》基本陈列。陈列的海洋动物有原生动物、海绵动物、腔肠动物、星虫和多毛类、软体动物、甲壳动物、棘皮动物、原索动物、鱼类、海龟和海蛇、鳍足类和鲸等,共展出标本800余种。其中展出中国常见鱼类300余种,如大、小黄花鱼、带鱼、鳓鱼、鲱鱼、鲐鱼、鳕鱼和红鳍笛鲷等,还有各种形态奇异、会飞、发电、发光和钓鱼的鱼类以及彩色绚丽的珊瑚礁鱼、游泳迅速的箭鱼、旗鱼和金枪鱼、鱼中冠军鲸鲨、亚军姥鲨。凶猛的鲨鱼有灰鲭鲨、噬人鲨和大青鲨等。鳍足类有斑海豹、象海豹、北海狮、北海狗、南极海狗等。其中北海狮、北海狗是首次在中国沿海发现,为该馆所特有的珍稀标本。鲸类有小鳁鲸、虎鲸、拟虎鲸、大海豚、江豚和儒艮等。展出的抹香鲸长近14米,重22吨,为中国首次捕获的最大齿鲸标本。陈列的海洋植物有绿藻、褐藻、红藻和种子植物等,共展出标本 100余种。其中有人工大量养殖的海带、裙带菜和紫菜;驱蛔虫用的鹧鸪菜、海人草;由墨西哥引进的巨藻被称为藻中之王。海草有北方常见的大叶藻和虾形藻。红树科有红树、秋茄树、红茄冬、海莲和木榄等。水族馆常年饲养的动物有50余种,其中有海蜇、鲍、对虾、海参、黑鲷、真鲷等名贵动物;还有四大渔业之一的乌贼、热带海洋的海龟、蠵龟、太平洋鳞龟和玳瑁、寒带海洋的斑海豹。最近中国南极考察队还先后带回赠送给该馆的活巴布亚企鹅三只和一双南极象形海豹都已成功养活四年以上,为观众特别喜爱。
