1200字范文 > 梯形模糊数前景价值函数 Prospect value function of trapezoidal fuzzy number英语短句 例句大全

梯形模糊数前景价值函数 Prospect value function of trapezoidal fuzzy number英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-07-27 12:37:06


梯形模糊数前景价值函数 Prospect value function of trapezoidal fuzzy number英语短句 例句大全

梯形模糊数前景价值函数,Prospect value function of trapezoidal fuzzy number

1)Prospect value function of trapezoidal fuzzy number梯形模糊数前景价值函数

2)trapezoidal fuzzy numbers梯形模糊数

1.Study on application of the method of determining index weights based ontrapezoidal fuzzy numbers基于梯形模糊数的指标权重确定方法的应用研究

2.This paper introduces a F-AHP which is based on itstrapezoidal fuzzy numbers.介绍了基于梯形模糊数的模糊层次分析法,应用一种对模糊数排序的方法来确定最优方案,并用所提出的方法持中立的态度分析了一个算例,说明了该方法的有效性和实用性。

3.A kind of uncertain multi-attribute decision-making problems is studied,in which the information about the attribute weights is completely unknown and the attribute values are in the forms oftrapezoidal fuzzy numbers.研究了属性权重信息完全未知、属性值以梯形模糊数形式给出的多属性决策问题,给出了梯形模糊数决策矩阵的规范化公式。


1.Fuzzy linear programming with symmetrical trapezoidal fuzzy coefficients系数为对称梯形模糊数的模糊线性规划

2.Possibilistic Linear Programming with Fuzzy Trapezoidal Number Coefficients;系数为梯形模糊数的可能性线性规划

3.Reliability of GIS product based on trapezoid fuzzy number基于梯形模糊数GIS产品的可靠性分析

4.Fuzzy constraints based triangular fuzzy numbers and the fuzzy cost based trapeze fuzzy numbers are discussed in this paper.本文讨论了基于三角形模糊数的模糊约束条件和基于梯形模糊数的模糊费用。

5.The concurrent multimachine scheduling of fuzzy job time being trapezoid fuzzy number作业时间为梯形模糊数的并行多机调度问题

6.Method for Multiple Attribute Decision Making of Trapezoidal Fuzzy Number with Incomplete Weight Information;权重信息不完全的梯形模糊数多属性决策方法

posite evaluatiln of engineering with trapezoidal fuzzy number languistic index;梯形模糊数语言指标值的工程综合评估

8.Research on Trapezoidal Fuzzy Numbers Based Multi-attributive Group Decision Making Method基于梯形模糊数多属性群决策方法研究

9.Fault tree analysis of oil and gas pipe-lines with trapezoidal fuzzy number基于梯形模糊数的长输管道故障树分析

10.An Intelligence Capital Evaluation Model Based on Two-tuple Linguistic and Trapezoidal Fuzzy Number基于二元语义和梯形模糊数的智力资本评价模型

11.Solution to linear programming with trapezoid fuzzy numbers in restricted condition;约束条件中含有梯形模糊数的线性规划的求解方法

12.Study on application of the method of determining index weights based on trapezoidal fuzzy numbers基于梯形模糊数的指标权重确定方法的应用研究

13.Multi-criteria decision-making method with incomplete certain information based on intuitionistic fuzzy number基于直觉梯形模糊数的信息不完全确定的多准则决策方法

paring the Score Difference between the Likert Scale and the Fuzzy Linguistic Questionnaire: the Simulating Research of Trapezoid Fuzzy Number;李克特式量表与模糊语言量表计分的差异比较——以梯形模糊数仿真为例

15.Interval number fuzzy evaluation based on trapezoid subordinate function基于梯形隶属函数的区间数模糊评价方法

16.inverted ladder DA converter颠倒梯形数模转换器

17.resistor ladder D/A converter梯形电阻数模转换器

18.Study on Numerical Simulation of Electroosmotic Flow in Trapezoidal Microchannels;梯形微流道中电渗流的数值模拟研究


trapezoidal fuzzy numbers梯形模糊数

1.Study on application of the method of determining index weights based ontrapezoidal fuzzy numbers基于梯形模糊数的指标权重确定方法的应用研究

2.This paper introduces a F-AHP which is based on itstrapezoidal fuzzy numbers.介绍了基于梯形模糊数的模糊层次分析法,应用一种对模糊数排序的方法来确定最优方案,并用所提出的方法持中立的态度分析了一个算例,说明了该方法的有效性和实用性。

3.A kind of uncertain multi-attribute decision-making problems is studied,in which the information about the attribute weights is completely unknown and the attribute values are in the forms oftrapezoidal fuzzy numbers.研究了属性权重信息完全未知、属性值以梯形模糊数形式给出的多属性决策问题,给出了梯形模糊数决策矩阵的规范化公式。

3)trapezoidal fuzzy number梯形模糊数

posite evaluatiln of engineering withtrapezoidal fuzzy number languistic index;梯形模糊数语言指标值的工程综合评估

2.On priority oftrapezoidal fuzzy number complementary judgment matrix based on two-tuple linguistic;梯形模糊数判断矩阵的二元语义排序方法

3.Fault tree analysis of oil and gas pipe-lines withtrapezoidal fuzzy number基于梯形模糊数的长输管道故障树分析

4)trapezoid fuzzy number梯形模糊数

1.The concurrent multimachine scheduling offuzzy job time beingtrapezoid fuzzy number;作业时间为梯形模糊数的并行多机调度问题

2.Reliability of GIS product based ontrapezoid fuzzy number;基于梯形模糊数GIS产品的可靠性分析

3.Solution to linear programming withtrapezoid fuzzy numbers in restricted condition;约束条件中含有梯形模糊数的线性规划的求解方法

5)fuzzy-valued function模糊值函数

1.Integral and requirement offuzzy-valued function;模糊值函数的积分及可积条件

2.Convergence and continuity offuzzy-valued functions;模糊值函数的收敛性及连续性

3.Linear representation of fuzzy number andfuzzy-valued function using fuzzy structured element;模糊数与模糊值函数的结构元线性表示

6)fuzzy-valued functions模糊数值函数

1.The Differentiability of Primitives for the Fuzzy-Valued Functions;模糊数值函数积分原函数的可导性问题


梯形梯形trapezium git trapezoid梯形Itra详口..或tra详zoid;Tpane”。al一个凸四边形(见完全四边形(q业如卿e,com-plete)),其中两边平行,另两边不平行(见图).平行的两边称为梯形的底(加ses),不平行的两边称为它的腰(lateral sides);连接梯形两腰中点的线段称为中线(服diallline);梯形的中线平行于两底,并且等于两底之和的一半.梯形的面积等于梯形中线长度与其高之积,或者等于两对角线之积乘以对角线夹角正弦的二分之一两腰相等的梯形称为等腰梯形(equ口ate-阁t功砰涸uIn).厂二入EC3一3杜小杨译
