1200字范文 > 散射特性 scattering characteristics英语短句 例句大全

散射特性 scattering characteristics英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-08-14 14:10:37


散射特性 scattering characteristics英语短句 例句大全

散射特性,scattering characteristics

1)scattering characteristics散射特性

1.Scattering characteristics of metal posts in coaxial waveguide;同轴波导内金属支撑杆的散射特性研究

2.The results are analyzed,and itsscattering characteristics are summarized up.采用矩量分析方法,求出了空飘球的双基地雷达反射截面,分析了计算结果,总结了空飘球的散射特性。

3.Because SAR imaging process overmuch depends on the sensor and thescattering characteristics of ground object, it not only brings us some limitations on obtaining image, but also introduces errors into SAR image during obtaining image process.鉴于此,本文结合计算机模拟技术、地物散射特性、SAR成像机理,提出并建立了计算机3D模拟SAR系统的集成框架,利用集成系统能够在不同入射方式、波长、极化方式,以及植被生长、地物变化的不同阶段进行动态、实时的生成SAR模拟图像。


1.Analysis of Radiation and Scattering Characteristics of Plasma Antenna等离子体天线的辐射与散射特性分析

2.Research on the Property of Light Spectrum Propagation and Scattering in Atmosphere and its Applocation;大气光谱辐射传输与散射特性及应用

3.The Analytic Solution of Scattering Field and its Characteristics for An Ellipsoid;椭球粒子散射场的解析解及其散射特性

4.The Scattering Characteristics of LiNbO_3 Particle Based on Mie Light Scattering Theory基于Mie散射理论的铌酸锂晶粒散射特性

5.Analysis of scattering characteristics of surface discrete characters with MLFMAMLFMA分析表面不连续特征散射特性

6.Multi-waves Scattering Characteristic of Gaps in Aircraft Surface with MLFMAMLFMA用于不连续特征多频散射特性研究

7.The Study on Mie Scattering and Brillouin Scattering of Oceanic Suspended Particles;海洋悬浮粒子的米氏散射特性及布里渊散射特性研究

8.Investigation of Rayleigh Scattering Characteristics for An Anisotropic Medium Sphere各向异性介质球的瑞利散射特性研究

9.Study on Wave Propagation and Scattering Characteristics of Atmospheric Discrete Random Media;大气中离散随机介质的波传播和散射特性研究

10.Study on Wideband Electromagnetic Characteristics of Stealth Targets in Low Frequency;隐身目标低频宽带电磁散射特性研究

11.Theoretical Study of Scattering Characters to the Limited Fabricated Photonic Crystals;光子晶体中有限结构散射特性的研究

12.The BRDF Modeling Technology of Light Scattering Characteristics of Targets and Earth Surface;目标与地物光散射特性的BRDF模化技术

13.Research and Application of Characteristics for Atmospheric Laser Backscattering;大气激光后向散射特性的研究和应用

14.Study on Scattering Characteristics of Gaussian Beam by Typical Particle;典型粒子对高斯波束散射特性的研究

15.Research on Light Scattering Characteristics of Objective Based on Vega Simulation基于Vega平台的目标光散射特性仿真

16.Applications of the DDA Method in Light Scattering by ParticlesDDA在粒子散射特性研究中的应用

17.Electromagnetic Scattering Properties Research of the Dielectric Conductor Composite Structure Targets金属介质复合结构目标电磁散射特性

18.Multi-frequencies Scattering Characteristic of Steps in Surface Based on MLFMA基于MLFMA的表面台阶多频散射特性


scattering characteristic散射特性

1.Analysis ofscattering characteristic of the sample based on BRDF experiment measurements;基于双向反射分布函数实验测量的目标散射特性的分析

2.Thescattering characteristics are studied when the propagating direction of the incident wave is parallel and vertical to the chaff respectively.建立了箔条目标模型,得出了箔条目标散射场的解析解,为研究箔条目标的电磁波极化特性奠定了理论基础;研究了电磁波平行投射到箔条上与垂直投射到箔条上的散射特性;结果表明:无论是前向散射还是后向散射,箔条形状的变化对散射特性有着明显的影响,都具有后向散射增强效应,箔条在某一方向上的散射基本上由正对该方向的目标上的电磁源决定。

3.Thescattering characteristic of 3-dimentional target coated with non-magnetic plasma is analyzed by employing finite-difference time domain (FDTD) technique integrated with piecewise linear recursive convolution (PLRC).采用分段线性递归卷积时域有限差分方法(PLRC-FDTD)分析等离子体覆盖三维目标的散射特性,分别计算了均匀和非均匀等离子体覆盖导体球的后向雷达散射截面。

3)scattering properties散射特性

1.Dehydration effect on the absorption andscattering properties of porcine kidney were studied in vitro.研究肾组织脱水对组织的吸收和散射特性的影响,实验利用带积分球附件的分光光度计和采用反向倍增法获取组织对532 nm和1064 nm波长的吸收和散射特性。

2.The influence of the aspect ratio to the light-scattering properties of small size cylinder ice particles in cirrus cloud is studied by T-matrix method.利用T矩阵方法研究卷云中圆柱状粒子取向比对散射特性的影响,计算了在小尺度范围内圆柱状冰晶粒子的散射特征量如散射相函数、消光效率因子、不对称因子及单次散射反照率,并将计算结果与等表面积、等体积及等效体积与投影面积比三种情况下的球形粒子的相应值进行了对比。

4)Sound scattering property声散射特性

5)light scattering characteristic光散射特性

1.In order to study the near-fieldlight scattering characteristics of superfine particles, the finite-difference time-domain systems were used to analyze the near-fieldlight scattering characteristics about the superfine particles in different sizes.这些结果为进一步分析复杂颗粒系统的光散射特性提供了基础。

6)absorption and scattering properties吸收和散射特性

1.Thermal changes and their differences on theabsorption and scattering properties of human benign prostatic hyperplasia(BPH) tissues at 532 nm of KTP and 1 064 nm of Nd:YAG laser were studied in vitro.研究了热作用下的良性前列腺增生(BPH)组织对532 nm的KTP和1064 nm的Nd:YAG激光的吸收和散射特性的变化及其差异,实验采用双积分球测量系统以及反向倍增法获取BPH组织的吸收和散射特性。


