1200字范文 > 女性主义翻译理论 feminist translation theory英语短句 例句大全

女性主义翻译理论 feminist translation theory英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-06-01 19:18:15


女性主义翻译理论 feminist translation theory英语短句 例句大全

女性主义翻译理论,feminist translation theory

1)feminist translation theory女性主义翻译理论

1.The Study of the Translator s Subjectivity from the Perspective of Feminist Translation Theory;女性主义翻译理论视角下的译者主体性

2.On the Proper Limit of Feminist Translation Theory谈女性主义翻译理论中“度”的问题

3.The interaction between feminism and translation leads to the formation offeminist translation theory.随着技术操作等微观层面的进一步研究,女性主义翻译理论将成为多元系统下一个富有生命力的分支,它从独特的视角指导着翻译实践。


1.On the Translator"s Subjectivity in Feminist Translation Theory从女性主义翻译理论看译者的主体性

2.Ideological Writings in Translating--A Reflection on Feminist Translation Studies;翻译的政治书写——对女性主义翻译理论的再思考

3.Translation"s Gender and Gender in Translation--On the Aspect of Feminist Translation Theory“翻译的性别”和“性别中的翻译”——从女性主义翻译理论谈起

4.Gender and Translation--The Destruction of the Feministic Translation Theory on Traditional Theory and Its Limitation;性别与翻译——论女性主义翻译理论对传统译论的颠覆及其局限性

5.The Translator s Subjectivity in Feminist Translation Theory;女性主义翻译理论视角下的译者主体性

6.A Rebellious Dancer-On Feminist Translation Theory;叛逆的舞者—浅析女性主义翻译理论

7.Feminist Translation Theory and Its Influence in China;女性主义翻译理论及其在中国的影响

8.On the Proper Limit of Feminist Translation Theory谈女性主义翻译理论中“度”的问题

9."Rewriting" in the Name of Feminie--The Significance of the Feminism Translation Theory in the Study of the Translator s Subjectivity;在女性的名义下“重写”——女性主义翻译理论对译者主体性研究的意义

10.The Influence of the Feminist Translation Theory to the Translator s Style;论女性主义翻译理论对译者风格的影响

11.Modifi cation to the Feminist Translation Theory through Inter-subjectivity Research翻译的交互主体性研究对女性主义翻译理论的修正意义

12.Zhou Zuoren"s Translation of Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves into Xia" Nvnu: A Perspective of Feminist Translation Theory女性主义翻译理论观照下周作人《侠女奴》翻译研究

13.On Chinese Female Translators" Subjectivity in Western Feminist Translation Theories从西方女性主义翻译理论看中国女性译者的主体性

14.Translator"s Subjectivity in Zhang Ailing"s Translations from the Perspective of Feminist Translation Theory从女性主义翻译理论看张爱玲译作中的译者主体性

15.The Origin,Development and Present Condition of Canadian Feminist Translation Theory加拿大女性主义翻译理论的起源、发展和现状

16.A Synthesis of Feminist Translation Theory under the Polysystem and Its Prospect;多元系统下女性主义翻译理论述评及前景探析

17.Surviving under Power-On Translator s Subjectivity in the Framework of Feminist Translation Theory;权力下的生存—在女性主义翻译理论的框架下看译者主体性

18."les belles infidelles" On the contributions and limitations of feminist translation theory;“不忠的美人”——论女性主义翻译理论对传统译论的颠覆


western feminism translation西方女性主义翻译理论

1.With reference to Said s "traveling theory",this essay is to analyze howwestern feminism translation theory is interpreted in the course of travel,and discuss what problems are encountered during its travel and what influence it has on Chinese translation circle.本文将参照赛义德“理论旅行”的观点,分析西方女性主义翻译理论在中国的理论旅行过程,并讨论西方女性主义翻译理论在中国旅行过程中遭遇的问题以及这一理论对中国翻译界的影响。

3)On Feminism and Translation论女性主义与翻译

4)On Feminism Translation Theory论女性主义翻译观

5)feminist translation女性主义翻译

1.This paper aims to analyze and explore the history of thefeminist translation theory and to discuss its influence to translation,translator s status and style.本文从女性主义的翻译理论观出发,探讨了女性主义翻译思想的起源及其对翻译、译者和译者风格地位的影响,认为女性主义翻译理论肯定了译者风格的存在,并从三方面对译者风格进行着影响。

2.In the practices offeminist translation, the translators follow a different kind of fidelity by a writing project closely related to politics.在女性主义翻译实践中,女性主义译者通过一种与“性别政治”息息相关的“写作方案”来演绎一种“另类的忠实”,强调翻译过程中的创造性叛逆,传统翻译标准的“忠实”受到了女性主义翻译理论的冲击,女性主义翻译为“忠实”这一重要而且最为基础的翻译标准提供了一个新的研究视角。

3.This paper first reviews the development of thefeminist translation in the west from the aspects of translation practice, theory and criticism and then discusses the study of gender issues in translation in China by combing all the papers and books in this aspect.本文首先回顾了女性主义影响下翻译实践、翻译理论及翻译批评在西方的发展状况,然后通过梳理国内发表、出版的关于女性主义翻译的文章和书籍,讨论了翻译中的性别视角在中国的发展与现状。

6)feminism translation女性主义翻译

1.The combination of feminism and translation leads to the occurrence of the westernfeminism translation theory.女性主义与翻译研究的结合使西方女性主义翻译理论产生,在这一理论的指导下,女性译者追溯了妇女与翻译的渊源,揭示了长久以来翻译研究中对女性表示歧视的性别隐喻,强调了译文与原文的平等性,使翻译成为一种政治行为。


