1200字范文 > 利率风险 interest rate risk英语短句 例句大全

利率风险 interest rate risk英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-12-22 14:09:31


利率风险 interest rate risk英语短句 例句大全

利率风险,interest rate risk

1)interest rate risk利率风险

1.Theoretical and empirical analysis ofinterest rate risk in Chinese commerical banks;中国商业银行利率风险的理论与实证

2.Management ofinterest rate risk with default risk;含有违约风险的利率风险管理


1.interest rate risk: Risk due to difference in interest rates.利率风险: 由于利率的差别而产生的风险。

2.Consummating Management System for Replying Risky Interest Rate;完善风险管理机制 应对银行利率风险

3.The Measurement and Controlling Methods on Interest-rate Risk of Bonds;债券利率风险度量方法及其风险防范

4.Interest Rate Risk Management of Annuity under Stochastic Interest Rate Model;随机利率下的年金产品利率风险管理

5.The Interest Rate Liberalization and Interest Rate Risk Management of Commercial Bank;利率自由化与商业银行利率风险管理

6.Tool for Evading Interest Risk:Annuities with Variable Interest Rate;利率风险的化解——利率变动型年金产品

7.Research on Interest Rate Risk Faced by the Commercial Bank in Interest Rate Change;利率市场化下商业银行利率风险研究

8.Interest Rate Marketization and Interest Rate Risks Management of Commercial Banks;利率市场化与商业银行利率风险管理

9.Interest Rate Marketand Management of Commercial Bank Interest Rate;利率市场化和商业银行利率风险管理

10.Study on the Interest Rate Risk and the Management of the Chinese Life Insurance Industry;中国寿险业利率风险及其管理的研究

11.An Analysis on the Profit Risk of Life Insurance and Counter -Measures in China;我国寿险业的利率风险分析及其防范

12.Risk Model with General Distribution Interest;具有任意概率结构随机利率风险模型

13.Ruin Probability for the Constant Real Interest Force Risk Model;常利率风险模型的破产概率(英文)

14.Identifying and Covering the Interest Rate Risk and Market Risk of the Treasury Bonds;国债利率风险与市场风险的识别与规避

15.Ruin functions for two-class of risk processes with a constant interest rate具有两类相关风险的常利率风险过程破产函数

16.Fixed rate mortgage: Small expenditures will lock the interest rate risk?固定利率房贷:小额支出会锁定利率风险吗?

17.Interest Rate Risk Management of Commercial Banks during the Process of Interest Rate Liberalization;利率市场化进程中商业银行利率风险管理

18.The Management of the Interest Rate Risk of the Commercial Banks under the Situation of the Interest Rate Marketization;利率市场化条件下商业银行利率风险管理


Interest Risk利率风险

1.The Study ofInterest Risk Management of Embedded Option of Commercial Bank;商业银行隐含期权的利率风险管理研究

2.Study on the Immunization ofInterest Risk of the Investment in Government Bonds;国债投资的利率风险免疫研究

3.Study on the Relationship of Credit Risk andInterest Risk;信用风险与利率风险相关性分析

3)interest-rate risk利率风险

1.Theinterest-rate risk refers to the risk of loss or profit occurring on or off the balance sheet of commercial banks due to the fluctuation of the interest-rate.商业银行利率风险是指因利率变动而使商业银行的表内和表外业务发生损失或收益的风险,是商业银行市场风险的重要组成部分。

2.With the gradual promotion of interest rate liberalization in China,interest-rate risk has become one of the major risks of commercial banks.随着我国利率市场化的稳步推进,利率风险将逐渐成为商业银行的主要风险之一。

3.SummaryIn these years, Interest-Rate Risk has become the crucial risk Chinese bond investors confront.近些年来,利率风险成为中国债券投资者面对的最主要的风险,对这一课题的研究无疑具有重要的理论意义和现实意义。

4)rate risk利率风险

1.The analyses on the effect ofrate risk in the cycle of interest rise on the capital adequate rate of Chinese commerce banks;升息周期中利率风险对我国商业银行资本充足率的影响分析

2.However, domestic commercial banks and their branches are not sufficiently aware of such influence; and hence they are very weak in identifying, quantifying, preventing and controllingrate risk.然而,这些影响并没有引起商业银行及其分支机构的足够重视,现阶段国内商业银行及其分支机构对利率风险的识别、计量、防范和控制能力还相当脆弱。

3.In a period it will be an important topic for the commercial bank to manage the interestrate risk and keep the earnings under safe management.我国利率市场化改革已进入实质性阶段,今后商业银行如何管理利率风险,在利率市场波动的冲击保持盈利和安全经营。

5)interest rate risks利率风险

1.The management on theinterest rate risks of the commercial bank under the interest rate marketization in our country;我国利率市场化条件下商业银行利率风险管理

2.With the background of market-oriented interest rate, housing mortgage loans have to face enormousinterest rate risks in forms of repricing, optionality, basic risk, and yield curve.在利率即将实现完全市场化的背景下,住房抵押贷款所面对的利率风险主要表现在重新定价风险、内含期权风险、基准风险、收益率曲线风险等方面。

3.With the rapid progress of China marketization of interest rate, theinterest rate risks emerge gradually, and the promotion of interest rate futures is going with the tide.随着中国利率市场化的推进,利率风险日益显现,推出利率期货是大势所趋。

6)risk-free interest rate无风险利率

1.Under the circumstance of listing dynamics model on the housing price, the pricing on incentive option of housing is analysed when therisk-free interest rate is a constant.把住房资源激励机制转化成住房价格指数期权问题,给出了住房激励期权价值的一般性计算方法,并在给出住房价格动力学模型的前提下,分析了无风险利率为常数时的住房激励期权价值。

2.In the existing real option pricing model,risk-free interest rate as the discount rate is regarded as constant and does not change.在现有的实物期权定价模型中,作为折现率的无风险利率被视为常数不发生变化,但实际上由于实物期权的到期时间较长而且不一定固定不变,作为折现率的无风险利率也并不总是固定的,而有可能发生变化。

3.The boundary condition ofrisk-free interest rate is obtained.本文在充分研究住房抵押贷款价格函数对于提前支付行为的二阶性质的基础上 ,确定了有关提前支付的无风险利率临界条件 ,得到了提前支付概率的精确公式和住房抵押贷款定价的期望值模型。


利率风险 利率风险——利率风险是指市场利率变动引起证券投资收益变动的可能性。市场利率的变化会引起证券价格变动,并进一步影响证券收益的确定性。
