1200字范文 > 传媒语境 media context英语短句 例句大全

传媒语境 media context英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-04-01 04:02:04


传媒语境 media context英语短句 例句大全

传媒语境,media context

1)media context传媒语境

1.During the early days at the beginning of PRC,the specialmedia context whice was purified under the influence of the Party affected Wang Yao s academic view greatly;The literature history writing was emphasized for the special period,Wangyao responded actively while encountered more and more criticism from the media.新中国建国初期的传媒语境提纯之后,话语高度集中单一,个人意见表达因此受到较大影响,王瑶学术见解的表达也是如此。


1.On the Model of Literary and Artistic Communication in the Electronics Media Context;电子传媒语境中的文艺传播模式研究

2.On the Existing Mode of Literature in the Context of Modern Media;现代传媒语境中的文学存在方式研究

3.Cultural Performance: Comprehensions and Interpretations in Media Context;文化表演:传媒语境中的理解与阐释

4.The Professional Ethics of Journalists in the "Post-modern" Media Context论“后现代”传媒语境下记者的职业道德

5.Research on Literary Audience Reading Paradigm in Modern Media Context;现代传媒语境下文学受众阅读范式研究

6.Study on the Literature Shift in the Context of the Media in the Decade of the 20th Century;20世纪90年代传媒语境下的文学转向研究

7.Acquiescence or Refine the Rule--On Criminal Case Writing Culture in Contemporary Media Age;试论现代传媒语境中的刑事案件书写文化

8.The New Media Context and the New Literature History Writing of Wang Yao;新中国传媒语境与王瑶的新文学史书写

9.Cultural Discrimination on the Islamic Women s Problem with in the Western Medias Context;西方传媒语境中伊斯兰妇女问题文化辨析

10.Acquiescence or Taboo--On the criminal cases writing culture in contemporary media context;默许还是禁忌——再论现代传媒语境中的刑事案件书写文化

11.Chinese Television in the Context of Consumerism;消费主义文化语境下的中国电视传媒

12.The Media"s Behavior in Public Crisis Communication in the New Context新语境下公共危机传播中的媒体表现

13.The Media Education Adapted the Circumstance of the Contemporary Popular Culture in China;当代中国大众文化传播语境下的媒介素养教育

14.Relationship between Public Media and Chinese Contemporary Literature in Modern Context;现代语境下大众传媒与中国当代文学的关系

15.On the predicament and countermeasures to the college Chinese education in the mass media era;大众传媒时代大学语文教学的困境与对策

16.Quadri-context of the Media Study: From a Nativized Point of view;传媒研究的四重语境:一个本土化的视角

17.The Evolution of Conveying Ways of Chinese Media in the Linguistic Globalization;全球化语境下的华文传媒言述方式的嬗变

18.Mass Media"s Reports on the Urban Traditional Festivals in Various Contexts大众媒体对城市传统节日报道的多语境分析


Western Medias Context西方传媒语境

1.Cultural Discrimination on the Islamic Women s Problem with in theWestern Medias Context;西方传媒语境中伊斯兰妇女问题文化辨析

3)Electronic media context电子传媒语境

4)language environment about Media culture传媒文化语境

5)media environment传媒环境

1.Social psychology is the resources and prime engine thatmedia environment enhances mainstream social thoughts.传媒环境是强化社会主流意识、影响当代社会心理的重要场境。

2.The paper aims to examine the development of media industry in Shanghai in recent years, from the perspective ofmedia environment.本文拟从传媒环境的角度来考察近年来上海传媒业的发展。

3.Regarding media as the corpus,media environment refers to the totals of all business excluding media.传媒环境是指以传媒为主体,传媒以外一切事务的总和。

6)media discourse传媒话语

1.British and American scholars have looked into themedia discourse in different approaches,and have come up with many research findings.英美学者从不同角度研究传媒话语,取得了不同的研究成果。


传媒纠纷传媒纠纷传播媒体或称“传媒”、“媒体”或“媒介”,指传播信息资讯的载体,可以是私人机构,也可以是官方机构。传播管道有纸类(新闻纸,杂志)、声类(电台广播)、视频(电视、电影)还有现代的网络类(电脑视频),现在已成为各种传播工具的总称。第一类传媒,即人们面对面传递信息的媒介,主要指人类的口语,也包括表情,动作,眼神等身体语言。口语与体语实现了人与人之间最早的信息交流。 第二类传媒,包括绘画,文字,印刷和摄影等。在这种信息交流方式中,信息的接受者人绕要靠感官接受信息,信息的发出者则开始使用一定的传播设施。 第三类传媒,无论是信息的发出者还是接受者,都必须借助传播设施。这类传媒包括电话,唱片,电影,广播,电视,计算机通讯,等等。 大众传媒视之为普通大众所使用的传媒。 现今有人喻手机视频将成为第四类传媒。而自从计算机的普及化,网上媒体在计算机网络中亦成为一种新形式的传播媒体.纯正的广告设计公司并不能算是传媒机构,只因有些广告公司也拥有自己的传播管道,所以也成为传媒公司。在资讯传播过程中,传媒之间因著作权产生的争议、传媒与报道对象之间因名誉权、肖像权、隐私权等产生的侵权争议都属于传媒纠纷。
