1200字范文 > 才子 gifted scholar英语短句 例句大全

才子 gifted scholar英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-01-21 06:14:40


才子 gifted scholar英语短句 例句大全

才子,gifted scholar

1)gifted scholar才子

1.They are a combination of the images of military counselors in the historical romance from the Ming to the Qing Dynasty and thegifted scholars peculiar to the traditional culture of China.二月河在“落霞”系列小说中塑造了一大批栩栩如生的人物形象,其中最为出色的当属于伍次友、邬思道、方苞等人的“帝师”形象,这些帝师形象是明清历史演义小说中“军师”形象和中国传统文化中特有的“才子”形象的结合体。


1.Talent is his boast.他自夸有才,他以才子自居。

2.He is a nimble and versatile wit.他是一个机敏而又多才多艺的才子。

3.a galaxy of talent, beautiful women, film stars一群才子、 美女、 电影明星.

4.Unfortunately, only a talented man can be a poet, and one could hardly call you talented!"但是浪漫的诗人要才子才配做,怕你还不行

5.They use the food to grow and to make seeds.他们有养分才能生长,才能产生种子。

6.The worthy are usually more virtuous than talented,whereas the unworthy are the reverse德胜才为君子才胜德为小人

7.The tortosis wins the race while the hare is sleeping兔子睡大觉,乌龟才得胜

8.It took him all his time to keep his temper.他好不容易才忍住性子。

9.It took me all my time to keep my temper.我好不容易才忍住性子。

10.when he tossed the marble away;刚才扔弹子的地方。

11.She is endowed with both wit and beauty.这女子天赋才貌双全。

12.There, now, that"s a good boy."哎,对了,这才是个好孩子。”

13."Please, Tom -- that"s a good boy."“汤姆,——这才是个好孩子哪。”

14.The draft was revised several times before it was finalized.稿子几经删改才定下来。

15.Boils are caused by infection.因为感染才生疖子。

16.The child has musical talent [a gift for music].这孩子有音乐天才。

17.When you start the car, make sure it is in neutral.确定在空档才发动车子。

18.When you start the car , make sure It be In neutral确定在空档才发动车子



1.On the Protagonist Evolution of TheCaizi-Jiaren Novel;论才子佳人小说主人公形象的演变

2.CaiZijiaren novel is a Special Kind of Ancient Novel Because most people, even some writers, prejiudiced it,the research of it is very difficult The paper discusses the development ofCaizijiaren novels systematically,and analyzes their characters.才子佳子小说在古代爱情小说中是一种值得注意的现象。

3)talent tales才子之笔

1.Tales of A Lonely Studio istalent tales ,Sketches of Yuewei Humble Cottage is thestyle of writers.《聊斋志异》和《阅微草堂笔记》,一个是"才子之笔",一个是"著书者之笔"。

4)genius and beauty才子佳人

1.The Analysis and Cultural Interpretation of the Differences between Images of Genius and Beauty in "the Romance of the Western Chamber" and "the Peony Pavilion";《西厢记》《牡丹亭》才子佳人形象探异及其文化阐释

2.Fictions aboutgenius and beauty during Ming and Qing Dynasties are almost of happy endings with grading the candidates in the imperial examinations and getting marriage by order of the parents,but lack of the tragedy spirits.明清时期的才子佳人小说几乎都是以科举及第、奉旨成婚的大团圆形式结局,缺乏悲剧精神。

3.The definition ofgenius and beauty also changed with the development of the times.才子佳人小说是中国白话小说出现伊始的固定模式之一,然而经历几个世纪文学的变迁,已经有了很大的变异,才子与佳人的定义也随着时代的发展而有所不同,其中的套用模式,"痴心女子负心汉""门当户对"等也有了不同的内涵。

5)gifted scholars and beautiful ladies才子佳人

1.On FengHuangChi: the novel of the school ofgifted scholars and beautiful ladies in Qing Dynasty;论清代才子佳人小说《凤凰池》

2.Gifted Scholars and Beautiful Ladies, Awareness of Common People, Integrity of a Patriot;才子佳人、平民意识、民族大节

3.Wether you accept it or not,the novels ongifted scholars and beautiful ladies declare their objective existence clearly through their plenty works,multitude writers and extensive readers.无论你是否承认,才子佳人小说其作品数量之多、参与创作人数之众、拥有读者之广泛,都清楚地向世人宣告了自身的“客观存在”。

6)talented scholar/lovely lady才子/佳人


芝堰才子湾景区兰溪市的芝堰才子湾,在金华与建德交界处,因其特 殊地理位置,历代一直是商旅侠客、贩夫走卒竭脚住宿 之处,为方便来往过客,作为古驿道的芝堰村茶楼酒肆、 银庄、当铺、戏院、烟馆、澡堂、剃头店、浴足店一应 俱全,其繁荣情况至今仍有余迹。才子湾景区至今有保 存完好元明清建筑共100多幢,景点“九堂一条街”被列 入国家重点文物保护单位,才子湾山多、水好、树茂、草 丰,气候冬暖夏凉,为一驱寒避署的盛地。景区内有许多 奇峰怪石,其中才子峰、鲤鱼跳龙门、石屋、仙人断石等 自然遗物颇具传奇神话色彩。芝堰『九堂一街』——全国重点文物保护单位芝堰明清建筑群——浙江省重点文物保护单位芝堰尖山坞——国家级生态林区,兰溪最高峰芝堰才子湖——『兰城水塔』保护区芝堰才子祠——北宋《张仙才子》壁画旧祠(苏洵拜张仙,得苏东坡、苏辙二才子)芝堰仁山书院——南宋大才子金履祥讲学处(理学大儒,朱熹学派代表人物)芝堰试剑岗——朱元璋屯军畈遗址(公元1358年,朱元璋下兰屯兵于此)芝堰衍德堂——『明开国第一才子』宋濂讲经堂芝堰孝思堂——历代『才子佳人』才艺展示厅芝堰月亮街——严婺古驿道,客栈、戏院、澡堂、酒坊至今犹存。
