1200字范文 > 国际理解教育 Education for International Understanding英语短句 例句大全

国际理解教育 Education for International Understanding英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-08-19 05:16:21


国际理解教育 Education for International Understanding英语短句 例句大全

国际理解教育,Education for International Understanding

1)Education for International Understanding国际理解教育

1.Structure and Barycenter ofEducation for International Understanding:国际理解教育的结构与重心

2.And the real difference that causes the barrier to education for international understanding is not the one that is presented in the diversity of objects themselves, but the one that people construct and pass on consciously in the process of self establishment and self-awareness building.而真正成为国际理解教育障碍的差异,并非事物本身具有的多样性意义上的差异,而是人们为确立自身,在建立自我意识过程中,有意构筑并传承的差异。

3.Nowadays, there exists a great deal of hegemonism in the education for international understanding, which is in fact an infusing education for international understanding.在当今的国际理解教育中大量存在着霸权主义行为,这从根本上来说是一种 “灌输式”的国际理解教育,不仅与国际理解教育的实质相悖,而且不利于人类所面临的全球问题的解决。


1.Research of International Comprehension Education in History Teaching of Middle School;中学历史教学中的国际理解教育研究

2.On the Education of International Understanding in English Education in Chinese Senior Middle School;论我国高中英语教育中的国际理解教育

3.Research and Reflection on Contemporary Japanese International Understanding Education;当代日本国际理解教育的考察与思考

4.Predicament and Outlet: Global Education and International Understanding Education;困境与出路——“全球化”教育和国际理解教育

5.The Education with International Understanding: a New Filed in the Development of Modern Ideological and Political Education国际理解教育:现代思想政治教育发展的新领域

6.The Tendency of Educational Internationalization in Japan Since 1990s-Centering on Education for International Understanding;20世纪90年代以来日本教育国际化的动向——以国际理解教育为中心

7.The Research of the Operation in the Education of International Understanding for English Teaching in Middle School;中学英语教学中实施国际理解教育的研究

8.Realization of International Understanding Educational object in Reform of College English Teaching Reform大学英语教学改革中国际理解教育目标的实现

9.Concept and Ways of the Education of International Understanding in Daily Teaching;日常授课中国际理解教育的理念和方法

10.On The Universal ethic,As the Threshold Under Education For International Understanding Building论普世伦理视阈下国际理解教育的建构

11.The Research on the Problems and Strategy of EIU Practice;国际理解教育实践中存在的问题与对策探讨

12.Value Conflicts and the Education for International Understanding in the Process of Globalization;全球化进程中的价值冲突与国际理解教育

13.On the Education for International Understanding Which is from infusing to dialogizing;试论从灌输式走向对话式的国际理解教育

14.Action Research on the Implementation of Education for International Understanding in English Instruction以合作学习为途径在英语教学中实施国际理解教育的行动研究

15.The Study of the Construction of Objects of Education for International Understanding in Primary English;小学英语课程中国际理解教育目标体系构建的理论研究

16.The New Development of Reform Strategy of American Education for International Understanding against the Background of Globalization全球化背景下美国国际理解教育改革策略的新发展

17.Correlative Theory of International Education Service Trade and Its Interpretation;国际教育服务贸易的相关理论及其解释力

18.Education, especially Comparative Education, shoulders the mission of international understanding.教育,特别是比较教育肩负著国际理解的重要使命。


international understanding education国际理解教育

1.The education should start from teaching children,and the basic concept ofinternational understanding education must be put into the teaching content throughout the primary school.随着全球一体化进程的推进、国际交流的日益频繁,国际理解教育的重要意义越发明显。

2.International Understanding Education is a kind of educational idea that, through the urges of United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and with various kinds of educational methods, the educated could accept foreign cultures as well as maintain its own culture.国际理解教育是在全球化的背景下,以联合国教科文组织为主要推动力,通过各种教育的手段,达到受教育者在保持本民族文化基础上形成包容异质文化的能力的教育理念。

3.International Understanding Education tries to intrigue people\"s love for peace and learn how to live with others harmoniously through education in order to joint every effort to get out of the problems the globalization has brought.国际理解教育(International Understanding Education)试图通过教育让世界各成员珍视和平,学会和谐共处,共同面对全球化所带来的负面问题和重重困境。

3)the education for international understanding国际理解教育

1.Under the current situation of globalization,the education for international understanding should attach importance to the understanding of alien cultures, foreign languages teaching, international educational cooperation and communication, and the expansion ofthe education for international understanding.基于全球化背景下的国际理解教育以学会共存为基本理念,以理解文化文本为课程教学的目标,加强外语教育是实施国际理解教育的重要方式。

4)international understanding education policy国际理解教育政策

1.In this paper, the history ofinternational understanding education policy in Japan is divided into three phases on the basis of key characteristics demonstrated in different phases, including (1) fledging phase during which UNESCO’s related policies were .本文以日本国际理解教育政策为视角、以其变迁过程为主线,根据其政策在不同阶段所呈现出的主要特征,将日本国际理解教育政策分为三个阶段:(1)以联合国教科文组织精神为核心的起步期;(2)面向国际化的政策转变期;(3)应对全球化的发展期。

5)An Initial Study of Education for International Understanding国际理解教育研究

6)International education国际教育

1.On international education in the 21st century;浅谈21世纪国际教育发展趋势

2.Exploration and Analysis of the USA International Education Act;探析美国《国际教育法》

3.This paper portraits the pioneering schools of international education and recent state actions to promote international education.近年来,国际教育在美国引起广泛关注。


理解与友谊国际文学奖奖项名称: 理解与友谊国际文学奖主办单位: 中华文学基金会 中国作家协会奖项介绍“理解与友谊”国际文学奖是国内文学界一个重要奖项,由中国作家协会、中华文学基金会主办。设立该奖的宗旨是促进中外文化交流,传播民族文化,让世界了解中国,加强国际间的密切合作和友好往来,为塑造中华民族在世界民族之林中的光辉形象作出贡献。“理解与友谊国际文学奖”不定期颁发给那些以文学的方式表现中国、宣传中国、传播中国文化而功绩卓著的外国人士。获奖者不受国籍、种族、意识形态、宗教信仰和语言文体的限制,每届限奖一人。
