1200字范文 > 金属永磁材料 metallic permanent magnetic materials英语短句 例句大全

金属永磁材料 metallic permanent magnetic materials英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-01-29 06:14:50


金属永磁材料 metallic permanent magnetic materials英语短句 例句大全

金属永磁材料,metallic permanent magnetic materials

1)metallic permanent magnetic materials金属永磁材料

1.Recent developments of the Institute in high performancemetallic permanent magnetic materials and the nano-composite permanent magnetic materials are mainly introduced.首先回顾了金属永磁材料的近代发展历史,然后从磁学及固体理论的角度,根据晶体结构和优异磁性产生机制的不同,简要综述了Fe-Cr-Co系永磁、稀土永磁材料、PtCo系、双相纳米永磁和新型R-T-M金属间化合物等方面的研究现状。


1.Research Progress of High Performance Metallic Permanent Magnetic Materials高性能金属永磁材料的探索和研究进展

2.USES: Used for making metallic samarium, permanent magnetic materials and electronic devices, etc.用途:供制作金属钐、永磁材料、电子器件等用。

3.USES: Used for making metallic samarium, permanent magnetic material and electronic devices,etc.用途:供制作金属钐、永磁材料、电子器件等。

4.Four series of soft magnetic materials, i, e. metallic soft magnetic materials, ferrite soft magnetic materials, amorphous soft magnetic materials, and super-micro crystallite soft magnetic materials, are reviewed.评介了金属软磁材料、氧体软磁材料、晶软磁材料和超微晶软磁材料四大系列。

5.The 4d metals rhodium, palladium, and zirconium do not occur as ordered magnetic materials.4d金属铑、钯、锆不能作为有序磁性材料。

6.Application of Metal coated Carbon Fiber Felt in EMS Materials镀金属碳毡在电磁屏蔽材料中的应用

7.On Metal Organic Photoelectric-Magnetic Functional Materials with Ferro-cenyl;含二茂铁基金属有机光、电、磁功能材料

8.Study on Half-Heusler and Huesler Half-Metallic Magnetic MaterialsHalf-Heusler与Heusler半金属磁性材料的研究

9.Molecular Magnetic Materials of Nitroxide Radical-Metal Complexes氮氧自由基-金属配合物磁性分子材料

10.mixed rare earth cobalt permanent magnet material混合稀土钴永磁材料

11.Emphatically reviewed four systems of permanent magnet material: Al-Ni-Co magnet, ferrite magnet, rare-earth magnet and glue magnet.着重评介了铝镍钴系永磁材料、氧体永磁材料、土永磁材料和粘结永磁材料四大系列。

12.Methods of test of the magnetic properties of permanent magnetic (magnetically hard) materialsGB/T3217-1992永磁(硬磁)材料磁性试验方法

13.And recommended simply the ductile Fe-Cr-Co system permanent magnet material, mid-hard magnet material, Mn-Al-C permanent magnet material and crystallite permanent magnet material.此外,简介了可加工铁铬钴永磁材料、硬磁材料、铝碳永磁材料和微晶永磁材料。


15.Research on metal fiber composite absorption characteristic of electromagnetic wave金属纤维复合材料的电磁波吸收特性的研究

16.Numerical Study on Negative Refractions in Metallic Metamaterials;金属基元的电磁材料中负折射现象的数值研究

17.Effect of Magnetization on the Tribological Properties of Metal Material;磁化处理对金属材料摩擦磨损性能影响的研究

18.Current Progress of Polyoxometalates in Magnetic Materials;浅析多金属氧酸盐磁性材料的当前进展


Permanent magnetic materials永磁材料

1.The pretreatment technology of nickel electroplating was studied for Nd Fe B permanent magnetic materials, as well as its effect on plating layer by examining the appearance, measuring binding force and porosity, and salt spray corrosion test.探索了新的除油液配方 ,确定了钕 铁 硼永磁材料电镀镍较完整的前处理工艺 ,其孔隙率为 0 。

2.The loss of excitation limits the use of Nd-Fe-B permanent magnetic materials in large permanent magnets.Nd- Fe- B稀土永磁材料的失磁现象制约了其在大型永磁电机中的应用。

3)permanent magnet永磁材料

1.8B6permanent magnets were prepared by the spark plasma sintering (SPS) technique.放电等离子烧结NdFeB永磁材料的显微组织研究

2.It is named "the king ofpermanent magnet" and paid wildly attention for many years.Nd-Fe-B系永磁材料是迄今为止发现的磁性能最高的实用型永磁材料,享有“永磁王”的美誉。

4)Permanent magnet material永磁材料

1.This paper introduces the performance characteristic of permanent magnet materials, and the influence of the performance of the two kind of commonly used permanent magnet materials.介绍了永磁材料的性能特点 ,分析了两种常用永磁材料的性能对小型农用车发电机性能、工作稳定性和经济性的影响 ,确定小型农用车发电机应选用铁氧体永磁材料 。

2.This paper states the mechanism of mechanically alloying & its application in rare earth permanent magnet materials.简述了机械合金化的机理及其在稀土永磁材料中的应用。

3.Emphatically reviewed four systems of permanent magnet material:Al-Ni-Co magnet, ferrite magnet, rare-earth magnet and glue magnet.着重评介了铝镍钴系永磁材料、铁氧体永磁材料、稀土永磁材料和粘结永磁材料四大系列。

5)permanent magnetic material永磁材料

1.This paper studies the principle and characteristics of bore trepanning processing technology of Nd-Fe-Bpermanent magnetic material by technological experiment,which develops proper and optimum processing technological parameters and establishes an empirical formula on the feeding force by multi-element regression analysis based on data of orthogonal test.用金刚石刀具对钕 -铁 -硼永磁材料进行套孔加工是节约利用昂贵的稀土永磁材料的一种十分有效的方法 。

2.The work principle of a bore trepanning machine for rare-earthpermanent magnetic material prestented.阐述了用于稀土永磁材料套孔加工的自动稀土旋孔机的工作原理,介绍了机械系统结构设计及特点。

3.In this year it consists of(1) ferromagnetic shape memory infelligent materials;(2) magnetic semiconductors;(3) NdFe Bpermanent magnetic materials;(4) microwave absorbed magnetic materials;(5) magnetic recordingmedia.今年综述内容包含:(1)铁磁形状记忆智能材料;(2)磁性半导体;(3)NdFeB永磁材料;(4)微波吸收用的磁性材料;(5)磁记录介质材料。

6)permanent magnet materials永磁材料

1.At last,we intrcduce and analyse the applications of Mossbauer effect in the study on new rare-earth iron-richpermanent magnet materials,which have been developing fast are have beening stressed in the international recently.本文阐述了穆斯堡尔效应的特点,深入讨论了超精细相互作用,阐明了它与永磁材料研究的密切联系,最后介绍和讨论了穆斯堡尔谱在最近国际上发展较快、很受重视的新型稀土富铁永磁材料研究中的应用。

2.Studies on NdFeB rare earthpermanent magnet materials are reviewed,including structure,coercivity mechanism,addition elements,magnetic properties,corrosion behavior and prevention,and the further development of NdFeB industry in China is discussed.本文综述了 Nd Fe B稀土永磁材料的研究进展 ,主要包括结构、矫顽力机制、添加元素、磁性能、腐蚀行为及其防护等方面 ,并就国内 Nd Fe B产业的发展进行了讨

3.Magnetic stability is an important target forpermanent magnet materials.永磁材料的磁稳定性是永磁材料的重要指标,本文首先介绍了AlNiCo系、可加工Fe-Cr-Co系、稀土钴系、Nd-Fe-B系和其它永磁系列的温度稳定性,然后介绍了永磁材料的时间稳定性及其他方面的稳定性,最后对如何提高磁稳定性问题进行了简单讨论。


