1200字范文 > 会计职业道德教育 Ethics Education of Accounting Profession英语短句 例句大全

会计职业道德教育 Ethics Education of Accounting Profession英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-06-19 04:29:34


会计职业道德教育 Ethics Education of Accounting Profession英语短句 例句大全

会计职业道德教育,Ethics Education of Accounting Profession

1)Ethics Education of Accounting Profession会计职业道德教育


1.Enhancing the Education of Accountant Professional Morality with Respect to Accounting Information Distortion;信息失真:会计职业道德教育的新视角

2.Conducting accounting professional morality education in higher education;会计职业道德教育在高等教育中的实施

3.The Thought on How to Implement the Professional Ethicsof Accountants in Higher Education;关于高等教育实施会计职业道德教育的思考

4.The Enforcement on Moral Education in the Financial Accounting Profession强化财会专业会计职业道德教育的思考

5.Research on the Education of Accountant Morality and-Construction of Self-Discipline Mechanism;会计职业道德教育与自律机制构建研究

6.On Strengthening the Professional Ethics Education of Accountancy in the New Era;新时期加强会计职业道德教育的若干思考

7.The Intension Analysis and Model Research on Ethics Education in Accounting;会计职业道德教育的内涵分析与模型研究

8.The consideration concerning the morals education of the troops accountant profession in the new period;新时期关于部队会计职业道德教育的思考

9.A Survey of the Circumstance of Accounting Occupational Moral Education Aiming at Students of Accounting Major;会计专业学生会计职业道德教育情况的调查研究

10.A Discussion on Accounting Professional Ethics Education in Universities--Based on the Analysis of Fundamental Education Function;关于大学会计职业道德教育问题的探讨——基于教育基本功能的分析

11.The content of modern accounting teaching mainly contains career skill education and moral education of the accounting profession.现代会计教学的内容主要涵盖会计专业技能教育和会计职业道德教育。

12.Occupational Ethics Education Researches of Accountant Specialty Teaching;会计专业教学中的职业道德教育探析

13.On Strengthening Occupation Morality Education for Accountants;谈加强会计专业学生的职业道德教育

14.On the Professional Ethics Education for Accountants;对会计人员职业道德教育的理性思考

15.The Accountancy Moral Concept Should Be Set up in the Professional Accountancy Education;在会计专业学历教育中应重视职业道德教育

16.Analyses on the Education of Honesty,credit and professional Ethics in the procedure of accountant;浅谈会计教学中的会计诚信与职业道德教育

17.The influence of accounting education on students professional ethics cognition;会计教育对会计专业学生职业道德认知的影响

18.On the Strategy of Penetrating Professional Tactics in Accounting Teaching in Vocational Schools;职校会计教学中渗透职业道德教育的策略


Accountant credit and honesty & The education of credit and honesty会计诚信与职业道德教育

3)audit ethics education审计职业道德教育

4)Professional ethics education职业道德教育

1.Research on the Professional Ethics Education of High Vocational School Students;高职学校学生职业道德教育研究

2.University Students Views of Choosing Professions and Professional Ethics Education;大学生的择业观及职业道德教育

3.On the professional ethics education in the post oriented education论任职教育背景下的职业道德教育

5)occupational ethics education职业道德教育

1.Discussion onoccupational ethics education of police college students公安院校学员职业道德教育探讨

2.Therefore,to strengthen theoccupational ethics education of the university students specialized in accountant has became the urgent matter.消除诚信危机,其核心和根本是要加强会计职业道德建设,而大学阶段正是一个人的人生观,价值观成熟和完善的关键时期,因此,加强会计专业大学生的职业道德教育已成当务之急。

3." Earnestly studing Huang Yanpei soccupational ethics education thought,has the vital practical significance to the modern vocational education development."认真研究黄炎培的职业道德教育思想,对现代职业教育的发展有着重要的现实意义。

6)professional moral education职业道德教育

1.In the situation that the market competition became more and more furious, how to strengthenprofessional moral education on their students according to the characteristic of them to meet the requirements of the market in the professional academy, which is the problem that need to be solve urgently by the professional academy The author tries to exploring the topic in this paper.在市场竞争日益激烈的情况下,高职院校如何根据学生的特点,以市场需求为导向,切实加强对学生的职业道德教育,这是高职院校目前亟待解决的问题。

2.Environments for comprehensive talent education should be created in college andprofessional moral education for college students at present stage should be focused on quality of honesty,cooperative awareness and discipline.大学职业道德教育方法:学生通过职业道德基本知识学习,明确为什么这样做,应该怎样做。


