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对比统一 contrast and unity英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-09-19 00:42:42


对比统一 contrast and unity英语短句 例句大全

对比统一,contrast and unity

1)contrast and unity对比统一

1.The artistic settlement of singing songs should follow three basic principles of being excellent in both voice and feelings, being thecontrast and unity and seeking differences on common ground.歌曲演唱的艺术处理,应该遵循声情并茂,对比统一,同中求异三个基本原则,这三个原则相互依赖,缺一不可。

2.The masterpieces of Professor Wang had their own special style and characteristics, the most prominent one is the use of“contrast and unity”among these characteristics.王志信的民族声乐作品有其独特的艺术风格,其中,最为突出的艺术特色就是对比统一表现手法的运用了。


1.It combined round and square, wide and narrow, thick and thin patterns and lines for contrast and thus formed the unique structure of Ming Dynasty furniture.明式家具在结构上讲究方圆、粗细、厚薄的对比统一,

2.Strong Contrast and Harmonious Unity--A research of Nan Yin s melodies;强烈对比 和谐统一——泉州南音旋律法研究

3.Nephrogenic systemic fibrosis:a disease related to gadolinium contrast肾源性系统纤维化——一种与钆对比剂有关的疾病

4.Design for novel ultra-high precision frequency standard comparison system一种新型超高精度频标比对系统的设计

5.Having or producing uniformly dark tones with little contrast, as in a photograph.低调的具有或产生统一的几乎没有对比的深色调,比如在照片中

6.Is the President Doing His Part?--A Comparative Analysis on Attitudes Toward U.S. Government s Actions After Hurricane Katrina;美国总统演讲与给总统的一封信语篇对比分析(英文)

7.The Revolution of Library Resources Searching:A Comparative Study between Duxiu Scholar Search and the Unified Searching System of CALIS图书馆资源搜索的变革——读秀学术搜索与CALIS统一检索系统对比研究

8.Deng Xiaoping s Application and Developmentof the Law of the Unity of Opposites--The comparison of Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping sapplication of the law of the unity of opposites;论邓小平对“对立统一规律”的应用与发展──毛泽东、邓小平对立统一规律应用之比较

9.The relationship between them is one of the unity and struggle of opposites.它们之间的关系都是对立的统一,对立的斗争。 有比较才能鉴别。

10.None(notneither&I{of the three opposition candidates would make a better president than the incumbent三位反对党总统候选人中的任何一个(不用都比在任者强。}

11.A control system that has no means of comparing the output with the input for control purposes.一种控制系统,它不能对控制过程进行输入与输出的比较。

12.It has been suggested that the resistance to the marketing approach has been greater in the UK banking system than in the USA.人们一般认为英国银行系统对市场营销的排斥性比美国更强。

13.The main contents and contributions are asfollows:(1) The detail summary of the research actuality of NCS is made.(1) 对网络控制系统的研究现状做了一个比较详细的综述。

14.Study on Train Operation Efficiency before and after Unifying Traction Weight of Railway Line;线路牵引重量统一前后列车开行效果的对比研究

15.Unified framework and comparative analysis of transaction adjustment models in congestion management;阻塞管理中交易调整模型的统一描述及其对比分析

16.Constructing the Supply-system of Generic Technology Based on Traditional Clusters-A Comparative Study;构建传统产业集群共性技术供给体系——一项对比研究

17.Well-Seismic Unified High Resolution Sequence Analysis and Analogy in Sifangtuozi Area of Southern Songliao Basin松辽南部四方坨子地区井-震统一的高分辨率层序划分与对比

18.Energy-saving Comparative Analysis on the Variable Primary Flow System under Different Controlling Ways一次泵变流量系统不同控制方式的节能对比分析


contrastive pair对比的一对

3)contrast system对比系统

1.Also,the mythological pattern and the contrathe mythological pattern and thecontrast system in The The Fury are found to be interrelated with The New Testament.小说四章的写法受到"四福音书"的启发;小说故事的神话模式和对比系统都与《圣经》有关。

4)systematic contrast系统对比

5)two-to-one ratio二对一比率



CAD软件的对比------关于MDT与SOLIDEDGE从底层的造型核心来看,SolidEdge采用prosolid造型核心,MDT采用ACIS,而较普遍的说法是prosolid强于ACIS。MDT采用的数据格式是DWG,这是它的优势也是它的缺点。因为当初DWG是针对二维的CAD,所以用于描述现在三维的产品有一定的缺陷。但由于DWG使用太普遍,所以这也是MDT的强大的地方,因为工厂不需要进行太多的培训就可以转换到三维上,对以前的设计数据也可以得到较好的继承。SolidEdge是较新的产品(相对于AutoCAD)所以起点较高,操作也比较简单,比较符合潮流。其中的一些思想也是比较先进的。但从销售的情况来看,MDT依然是销量最大的,毕竟有AutoCAD的底子在,同时,MDT本身的改进也不少,ACIS造型核心就专门为MDT进行了优化和改进。从MDT4到MDT5,其曲面的功能有增强了很多,我所接触的人还是比较喜欢MDT,毕竟AutoCAD用得很熟,用它也方便一些。其实Autodesk公司本身也看到了MDT在数据格式方面的缺点,所以花了三年的时间秘密开发了并推出了Inventor,它就是完全从底层重新构建的,其自适应设计是非常有独到见解的。我个人很看好Inventor,虽然它目前还不太完善。有评论称它甚至有可能和高端的CAD产品竞争。 以上所说的都是针对中端市场,高端的UG,i-deas等当然是功能要强大一些,但它们的价位也高得多,至少在中国并不能形成规模化使用,所以也不能形成规模化的生产力。倒是中端市场的这些产品可以在以后提高中国的CAD应用水平。而AutoCAD Mechanical 2000i和AutoCAD 2000i是针对二维的制图用的软件,已经是夕阳了,不能代表CAD的发展潮流,所以就不说了。
