1200字范文 > 进口措施 measures of import英语短句 例句大全

进口措施 measures of import英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-07-07 20:29:15


进口措施 measures of import英语短句 例句大全

进口措施,measures of import

1)measures of import进口措施

2)importing ban进口限制措施

3)controlling measures and principles for importing cassava products进口调控措施


1.Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry Method for the Testing of Heavy Metal and Controlling Measures and Principles for Importing Cassava Products;进境木薯产品重金属等离子体质谱检测方法的建立及进口调控措施研究

2.Improvement of inlet throttle velocity regulator in lathe hydraulics system;机床液压系统中进口节流调速回路的改进措施

3.Using the concept of runoff controlling rate, we find out that the grassland flow controlling effect is better than the shrub measure under different rainfall intensity.并对2种措施的调控效应进行比较,草地措施的产流、产沙调控效应均优于林地措施。

4.A Brief Talk on the Suggestions of Promoting Steady Development of Real Estate Market浅谈促进我国房地产市场稳健发展的调控措施

5.Progress of Influencing Factors and Control Measures on Strawberry Fruit Firmness草莓果实硬度影响因素及其调控措施研究进展

6.We should think about the macro-policy and the measures.对宏观调控的政策和措施本身进行反思尤为重要。

7.You may have heard of Birth Control.你们也许听说过控制人口出生的措施。

8.The Policies and Measures for Controlling Population in the West Area of Our Country;我国西部地区的人口控制政策与措施


10.In a move to restrict imports, the government raised customs duties政府在限制进口的措施中提高了关税

11.In a move to restrict imports, the government raised custom duties.政府在限制进口的措施中提高了关税.

12.A Study on the Requirements of "Increased Imports" for Safeguard Measures under the WTO;WTO保障措施法上进口增加要件的研究

13.Analysis on the SPS Measures of Import Markets of Three Kinds of Porks;世界三类猪肉进口市场的SPS措施分析

14.To achieve this, the government has adopted a series of important regulations and control measures.为此,国家采取了一系列重要调控措施。

15.Study on the Physiological Mechanism and Preventive Measures of Fruit Cracking of Pomelo (Citrus Grandis (L.) Osbeck.cv.Duweiwendan);度尾文旦柚裂果机理及调控措施研究

16.The Optimization of Soil Water and Nitrogen Management of Winter Wheat;冬小麦土壤水、氮管理措施的优化调控

17.Studies on Formation Mechanism and Control Measures of Differences in Test Weight of Maize (Zea Mays L.);玉米容重差异的形成机理及措施调控

18.Property price soaring:consequence,cause and countermeasure;房价攀高的后果、成因及其调控措施


importing ban进口限制措施

3)controlling measures and principles for importing cassava products进口调控措施

4)Special Import Measures Act特殊进口措施法

5)Measures Affecting Imports of Automobile Parts汽车零部件进口措施

6)improvement measure改进措施

1.Damage causes of internal lining of gas suspended calcinator andimprovement measures;气体悬浮焙烧炉内衬损坏的原因及改进措施

2.Reasons for the damange of bearing metal of submerged pump for recovering brine as well asimprovement measures for it;回收盐水液下泵轴瓦损坏原因及改进措施

3.The application of shrinkage stoping in gold mines and itsimprovement measures;留矿采矿法在黄金矿山的应用及改进措施


