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中朝 China and North Korea英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-11-17 13:11:44


中朝 China and North Korea英语短句 例句大全

中朝,China and North Korea

1)China and North Korea中朝

1.Reflection on the Strategies of Strengthening Economic and Trade Cooperation BetweenChina and North Korea;加强中朝经贸合作的战略思考

2.Abstract: After entering the new millennium, the economic and trade relations betweenChina and North Korea appeared historical new development, especially in and it obtained best achievements of 1 billion US dollar.进入新千年后,中朝经贸关系出现了历史性的新发展,特别是和连续取得突破10亿美元的最好业绩,使中国在朝鲜对外经贸关系中的重要地位再次得以凸现,使东亚各国对其今后的发展前景表现出极大的关注。


1.The Organization Management of Tribute-Trade between China and Korea in the Ming Dynasty and Its Influence;明朝对中朝朝贡的组织管理及其影响

2.Someone was firing out from the clump of trees有人从树丛中朝外开枪。

3.On Sino-Korean Ralationship from the Truce of Korea War Till the Cultural Revolution试论朝鲜停战至中国文革前的中朝关系

4.A Brief Review on the Trade System of Korean Mission in Qing Dynasty;清代朝鲜使团贸易制度述略——中朝朝贡贸易研究之一

5.Under Yuan and Qing China"s territory was the largest in her5000 years.元朝和清朝是中国5千年中疆土最大的两朝。

6.Research on Historical Materials of Medicine in Chao Xian Wang Chao Shi Lu;《朝鲜王朝实录》中的医学史料研究

7.The Image of Emperor Qianlong in the Eyes of Choson Envoys to Yenching朝鲜朝燕行使节眼中的乾隆皇帝形象

8.Choice on Chinese Policy to Korean Peninsula in Post North-Korea"s Nuclear Weapon Time后朝核时代中国的朝鲜半岛政策选择

9.A friend in court is better than a penny in purse.朝中有友,胜如囊中有钱。

10.Korea lies to the east of China.朝鲜位于中国东面。

11.National Museum of Korea南朝鲜国立中央博物馆

12.During the Yuan dynasty (a.D.1280-1368) China was ruled by the Mongolian people.在元朝,蒙古人统治中国。

13.Korean Central News Agency原北朝鲜中央通讯社

14.My office has grown cold today; And I suddenly think of my mountain friend今朝郡斋冷, 忽念山中客;

15.He plunged head first into the stream.他头朝下跳入河中。

16.capital of North Korea and an industrial center.朝鲜首都和工业中心。

parison of Modernization among China, Korea and Japan(1840-1910);中日朝现代化比较(1840-1910)

18.Some New Insights into the Return of the Ethnic Korean Divisions in the PLA to North Korea;中国人民解放军中的朝鲜师回朝鲜问题新探


China and Korea中朝

1.Illustration of the Population and Environment Evolution in the Vansity Land betweenChina and Korea in Qing Dynasty;清代中朝之间“瓯脱”地带人口与环境变迁考

3)tribute-trade between China and Korea中朝朝贡

4)Chinese Tang Dynasty中国唐朝

5)yellowish brown朝拜中心

6)Sino Korean plate中朝板块

1.The northeast of Nei Mongol is located in the fringe of the Siberia plate and adjacent to theSino Korean plate.内蒙古东北部地处西伯利亚板块南缘,南与中朝板块相邻。

2.Presently, two intraplate seismic belts of Proterozoic can be identified in Sino Korean Plate (Fig.中朝板块元古宙目前可识别出两个板内地震带 (图 5 )。


中朝1.临朝之时。 2.汉代朝官自武帝以后有中朝﹑外朝之分。中朝即内朝。 3.朝廷;朝中。 4.指朝廷官员。 5.偏安江左的东晋﹑南宋分别称建都中原时的西晋﹑北宋为"中朝"。南北朝时﹐亦称南朝为"中朝"。 6.指中原。 7.中原王朝。清时亦指中国。
