1200字范文 > 累计贡献率 accumulative contribution rate英语短句 例句大全

累计贡献率 accumulative contribution rate英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-04-27 14:05:47


累计贡献率 accumulative contribution rate英语短句 例句大全

累计贡献率,accumulative contribution rate

1)accumulative contribution rate累计贡献率

1.The algorithm firstly extracts the principal components from many attributes satisfyingaccumulative contribution rate.该方法首先通过主分量分析方法从众多属性中提取出满足累计贡献率的主分量,同时利用PCA变换矩阵把原始数据集转换到由主分量组成的新的特征空间上,之后对转换后的数据集用属性距离和的方法对孤立点进行检测。


1.other intermediatedefense mechanisms constituents are carried on F2. Mature defense mechanisms constituents are carried on F3. The contribution rate of accumulative total of variance of the 4 factors in defense mechanism is 49.57%.防御机制4因子模型总的方差累计贡献率为49.57%。

2.The Research on the Measuring of Human Capital Contribution Ratio and Contribution Value in Enterprise;企业人力资本贡献率及贡献价值计量研究

3.Study on Human Capital Accumulation and Contribution to the Economic Growth in Shandong: A Point of View from Demography;基于人口学视角的山东省人力资本积累及其经济贡献率研究

4.Applied Research on Estimating Economic Contribution Rate of Education of China and Each District by Soft Computing;中国及各地区教育经济贡献率软计算应用研究

5.The Research of Theory and Method on Soft Computing to Economic Contribution Rate of Education;教育经济贡献率软计算的理论与方法研究

6.Estimating Contribution of Education to Local Economy of China through Soft Computing;中国及各地区教育经济贡献率的软计算

7.Econometric Analysis on Contribution of Agricultural Technical Change in Chongqing from 1986 to ;1986~重庆市农业技术进步贡献率的计量分析

8.The Role of Productivity in China’s Growth:New Estimates;生产率对中国经济增长的贡献:新的估计

9.The Measure of Technological Progress’s Contribution of Jiangsu Construction Industry Compared with Shanghai and Zhejiang;沪苏浙建筑业技术进步贡献率的计量与比较

10.Study on Economic Contribution Rate of Education of All Kinds of Regions in China Based on Soft-computing Method;中国各类地区教育经济贡献率软计算研究

11.An Improvement on Estimated of Contribution Rate of Technological Progress with "Solow′s Residual Value Law";对技术进步贡献率“索洛余值法”估计的一种改进

12.Calculation and Analysis of Elementary Contribution Rate of Inputted to Fishery Industry in Hubei Province;湖北省水产业投入要素贡献率计算及分析

13.Study on the Contribution Rate for Economic Increase of Scientific and Technological Progress in Gansu;甘肃经济增长中科技进步贡献率的计量分析

14.Calculating the Contribution to Agriculture of Farming Machinery by DEA Optimizing Producing Function Method;用生产函数的优化法计算农业机械的贡献率

15.Which Is the True Source of Economic Growth in the Yangtze River Delta:Capital Accumulation,Efficiency Improvement,or TFP Contribution探寻长三角地区经济增长的真正源泉:资本积累、效率改善抑或TFP贡献

16.New Measure Mode of Value Devoted of Human Resource s Designing and Analyzing Positively;人力资源按贡献比率分离与计量模型的设计及实证分析

17.Then contribution can be calculated as following...边际贡献计算如下…

18.Measurement and Calculation Rate of Contribution of Agriclutural Mechanization and the Device and Explosure of the Software System;农业机械化贡献率的测算方法及软件系统设计与开发


Accumulated Variance Contribution Rate累计方差贡献率


4)contribution ratio贡献率

1.The Empirical Analysis of Contribution Ration about China’s Human Capital for Economic Growth;我国人力资本对经济增长贡献率的实证分析

2.A research on thecontribution ratio and developing strategies of Liaoning sports for the promotion of the old industry base;辽宁体育对振兴老工业基地的贡献率及其发展策略

3.The averagecontribution ration of point pollution source,area source and moving source was calculated at each concerned spots,being 17%,17% and 66% respectively.采用定常高斯模式和Thlong程序建立NOx 污染源强与大气NOx 浓度间定量响应数值模型 ,计算了点源、面源和流动源等各类污染源对杭州市区各关心点NOx 的平均贡献率 ,分别约为 17% ,17%和 6 6 % ,其中市区机动车尾气贡献率高达 5 0 %左右 ,是首先要控制的污染源。


1.Oncontribution of Technical Standard to China s Comprehensive National Power;技术标准对我国综合国力贡献率的初步研究

2.Analysis on the Contribution Rate of Talent Capital in Economy Growth of Nanjing;南京市人才资本投入对经济增长的贡献率

3.Relationship between thecontributions and the weights of the evaluation indexes of undergraduates constitution and health;大学生体质健康评价指标权值与贡献率关系的思考

6)contributing rate贡献率

1.Status of water environment in Jiaxing City and estimation ofcontributing rate of external contaminants;嘉兴市水环境现状及外来污染物贡献率评价

2.Determination of landslide development topography factors in Three Gorges Reservoir area by usingcontributing rate method;贡献率法确定三峡库区滑坡发育环境本底因子

3.Thecontributing rates for some pollutant factors that describe the degree of water quality polluted are calculated by mathematical model based on rough set theory.基于水体水质污染因子、污染物浓度等信息都存在着一定的不确定性,运用粗糙集理论的数学知识对水质污染程度和水质污染因子对水质污染的贡献率大小等不确定性问题进行了探讨。


