1200字范文 > 初始蔓延速度 initial fire spreading speed英语短句 例句大全

初始蔓延速度 initial fire spreading speed英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-10-27 23:47:17


初始蔓延速度 initial fire spreading speed英语短句 例句大全

初始蔓延速度,initial fire spreading speed

1)initial fire spreading speed初始蔓延速度

1.Calculation method ofinitial fire spreading speed was proposed based on temperature curves at experimental course,namely the distance between two thermocouples divided by interval of the highest temperature measured by the two thermocouples.为研究云南松林细小可燃物含水率、载量对燃烧初始蔓延速度的影响,用自行设计的燃烧床对不同含水率的可燃物进行了7次燃烧试验,通过分析试验过程中各测定的温度变化曲线,提出了可燃物层燃烧初始蔓延速度的计算方法,即试验台水平方向上两热电偶的距离除以两热电偶测到最高温的时间差,计算和分析表明,云南松林细小可燃物层燃烧的初始蔓延速度随可燃物含水率的增加而下降,可燃物的载量对初始蔓延速度影响不大,含水率为7。


1.Initial Spreading Speed of Fine Fuel Fire at Pinus yunnanensis Stand云南松林细小可燃物层燃烧初始蔓延速度的初步研究

2.Preliminary Study on Initial Burning Spread Speed of Fine Combustible Layer in Pinus armandis Forest华山松林细小可燃物层燃烧初始蔓延速度的初步研究

3.It spread around the globe at an alarming rate and killed more than 50 million people.它以惊人的速度蔓延全球,并夺走了约五千万人的性命。

4.The growth of derivatives and modern information technology also contributed to this speed of the contagion.衍生工具的诞生和先进的资讯科技,亦加快了风暴蔓延的速度。

5.eight foot tunnel风洞燃烧时其表面的火焰蔓延速率

6.an raging and rapidly spreading conflagration.来势汹汹且快速蔓延的火灾。

7.The trouble in the Greek Army rapidly spread to the Navy.希腊陆军中的骚动迅速蔓延到海军。

8.A contagion of fear swept through the crowd.一种恐惧感在人群中迅速蔓延开。

9.spread like wildfire象野火一样迅速蔓延[传播]

10.An outbreak of a contagious disease that spreads rapidly and widely.流行传染病的迅速广泛传播和蔓延

11.allowed the SARS epidemic to quickly expand across the globe,使SARS在全球范围内迅速蔓延,

12.Indonesian authorities have begun a campaign to kill all poultry in residential areas of the capital, Jakarta, in an effort to stop the spread of bird flu.印度尼西亚当局开始宰杀首都雅加达居民区的所有家禽,设法制止禽流感蔓延。

13.Monkey [email protected] hysteria is spreading in India"s capital.“猴人”歇斯底里症正在印度首都蔓延。

14.The epidemic has struck more than 60 million people and is expanding at the rate of 5.3 million new infections a year.这种流行病已殃及6 000多万人,而且还在以每年增加530万名新患者的速度蔓延。

15.With the collusion of the Tibetan serf-owners bent on retaining serfdom and the foreign anti-China forces, the rebellious activities soon became rampant.在西藏顽固坚持农奴制度的农奴主和国外反华势力相互勾结下,叛乱活动迅速蔓延。

16.and this has led to the spread of undesirable species.因此,那些不受欢迎的物种得以迅速蔓延。

17.The disease spread over the area speedily. Many doctors and nurses came on the spot.疾病在这个地区快速蔓延,很多医护人员赶到现

18.The pests spread quickly in these regions and there was a shortage of labour.虫害在这些地区迅速蔓延,劳动力又很紧张。


rate of fire spread蔓延速度

1.The acceleration andrate of fire spread are numerically calculated.并通过室内模拟实验 ,在燃料床上测取了林火初期蔓延速度。

3)initial velocity初始速度

1.The effects of number and size of elements in the contact area in the steady stage of a rolling process as well as theinitial velocity of the plate on the finite element analysis were analyzed and reasonable simulation parameters in a rolling process with FEM were attained, which was used to analyze the rolling force regularity of medium plat rolling in one steel work.分析了轧制过程稳定阶段接触区中厚板单元数、轧辊单元尺寸以及中厚板初始速度选择对有限元分析计算结果的影响, 得出了合理的轧制过程有限元模拟参数, 并对某中厚板厂15道次轧制过程轧制力变化规律进行了分析, 稳定阶段轧制力计算结果与实测结果非常接近。

2.The program indicates that theinitial velocity is a variable.根据Bridgman 法生长HgCdTe 晶体过程中溶质CdTe 的分布规律,推导了缩短初始过渡区长度、增加组分稳定区长度的最佳初速度表达式,从式中可看出:初始速度为一变数。

3.Resorting to Runge-kutta method to solve the simply supported axial pre-statically loaded bar s buckling impulse under the half-sin impact load, this paper is to probe into the relationship between buckling impulse, and pre-static load, impact load, initial deflection,initial velocity respectively.运用龙格 -库塔方法求解两端简支的轴向预静载杆在半正弦冲击载荷作用下的屈曲载荷 ,分析屈曲载荷与静预载 ,冲击载荷 ,初始几何缺陷 ,初始速度之间的关

4)Speed of forest fire spreading林火蔓延速度

5)rate of flaming燃烧蔓延速度

6)rate of fire spread火势蔓延速度率


初始初始(或写作始初,8年十一月)是西汉时期孺子婴的第2个年号,也是他的最后一个年号,共计1个月。初始元年十二月王莽即位,建立新朝,以初始元年十二月朔癸酉为正月之朔,改元始建国,西汉灭亡。 《资治通鉴》写作“始初”,《汉书·王莽传》作“初始”。居延汉简则也是“初始”,另外有出土记为初始元年的文物。 中央研究院之两千年中西历转换将初始元年十一月作西元8年12月17日。初始年号终结于9年1月14日。
