1200字范文 > 婚恋习俗 love and marriage customs英语短句 例句大全

婚恋习俗 love and marriage customs英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-07-13 23:12:46


婚恋习俗 love and marriage customs英语短句 例句大全

婚恋习俗,love and marriage customs

1)love and marriage customs婚恋习俗

1.However,the posterity may also peep the local conditions and social customs at the period of Zhou Dynasty from these,and we can inquire thelove and marriage customs at that time on the basis of Weifeng.以《卫风》为基础,可探寻当时人们的婚恋习俗。


1.On the Tradition and Changes in the Marriage Custom of Yellow-Suit Wa People云南“黄佤”婚恋习俗的传统与变迁

2.Investigation of the Love and Marriage Custom form Lemo People"s "Public Housing"从怒江勒墨人“公房”看其婚恋习俗

3.On the Marriage Customs at the Times of Zhou Dynasty from The Book of Poetry.Weifeng从《诗经·卫风》看两周时期的婚恋习俗

4.The fang qiu mythology originated from the ancient ceremony of offering sacrifice to the earth at the Summer Solstice and reflects customs of love, marriage and child-birth in the ancient times.方丘神话来源于古代夏至祭地之典,并曲折地反映了古代的婚恋,生育习俗。

5.consensual union; companionate marriage; concubinage自愿的结合; 习俗婚姻; 同居; 习惯婚姻

6.The practice of marrying only once in a lifetime.一次结婚制一生中只结一次婚的习俗

7.She be very attached to old custom and habit .她非常依恋旧的风俗习惯。

8.The love and marriage of the young are another theme of folk dances.反映青年男女恋爱婚俗是民俗舞蹈的另一主旋律。

9.Marriage Customs Reflected by "Gui" --also on "Jia" "Shi" and Paring Marriage System“归”反映的婚嫁习俗——兼谈“家、室”与对偶婚制

10.The Conflicts and Adjusting Rightly of Tujia Nation s Marriage Custom and Marriage Law;土家族婚姻习俗与婚姻法的冲突和调适

11.Custom debars certain persons from marriage习俗排除某些人结婚的可能性。

12.The Marriage Custom of the Dai Nationality in Dehong and its Relation with its Society and Culture德宏傣族婚姻习俗与社会文化的关系

13.Reflection on Some Marital Customs in the Old Babylonian Period古巴比伦婚姻习俗若干问题的再考察

14.A Study on the Same Surname Marriage Custom of Chuan Shang People in the Northern of Guangxi;桂北船上人同姓婚姻习俗的考察研究

15.The myth of " brother married sister" motif and modern custom;“兄妹婚配”母题神话与现代民族习俗

16.The Out-going Minority Women and the Changes of the Marriage Customs of the Minority Nationalities in Southwest China妇女外流与西南民族婚姻习俗的变迁

17.Indulgence and Indecency in Marginalized Circumstances--A Brief Comment on Group Character Traits of Scholars in Traditional Drama on Marriage in the Yuan Dynasty;边缘化境遇下的放纵与卑俗——简论元代婚恋戏中书生群体性格特征

18.Included wedding, funeral service, surname, language, general customs, dress etc. primary in the customs and habits.在风俗习惯方面主要包括婚礼、丧礼、姓氏、语言、一般礼俗、服饰等。


the Marriage Custom Culture婚恋习俗文化

3)love customs恋爱习俗

4)marriage Customs婚姻习俗

1.This paper explains the marriage customs implied by a number of English metaphorical words or phrases.本文解读了若干英语隐喻词汇所蕴涵的婚姻习俗。

2.The marriage customs of the ethnic minorities in Guangxi are colorful and varied, particularly in forms, which have distinctive features.广西少数民族的婚姻习俗多姿多彩 ,在婚姻形态方面很有特色。

3.According to the author\"s survey article,this paper study marriage customs of Tibetan Amdo dialect YiShenzha tribes from thirties to the fifties in the twentieth century,in this period YiShenzha Tibetan tribes compared Amdo dialect of Tibetan traditional marriage customs have been mutated.本文根据作者的调查,主要叙述藏族安多方言区乙什扎藏族部落二十世纪三十至五十年代的婚姻习俗,说明这一时期乙什扎藏族部落比较藏族安多方言区传统婚姻习俗已发生变异,并分析了影响传统婚姻习俗变异发生的主要原因,以及藏传佛教信仰对藏民族婚姻习俗的影响,因为相对稳定的文化内核,保持了乙什扎藏族部落传统婚姻习俗的本民族特质。

5)Marriage Custom婚姻习俗

1.Under the specific social and cultural influence, the marriage custom of the Dai nationality in Dehong has its own traits different from those of the Dais in other places.由于特殊社会文化的牵制和影响,德宏傣族婚姻习俗具有不同于其他地区傣族婚姻习俗的特点。

2.Xinjiang ethnic groups\" marriage custom is a hot topic in social studies as well as in history studies.无论在当代社会学研究领域,还是在史学研究领域,新疆少数民族婚姻习俗都是颇受重视的研究课题,这里集中居住着维吾尔、哈萨克、回族等12个少数民族。

6)marriage and funeral婚丧习俗

1.This paper gives a brief introduction of the Buyi people in Sichuan,focusing on the Buyi culture embodied in rice-farming,plowing institutions,crop varieties,beliefs and worships,as well asmarriage and funeral,festivals and taboos.本文简要地叙述了四川布依族的基本情况,着重论述四川布依族稻作文化习俗,包括耕作制度、作物品种、信仰崇拜、婚丧习俗、节日、禁忌等等。



植物的习俗文化之一——松、柏、桂、椿、槐 松 松是古今被咏赞的植物。《花镜》云:“松为百木之长,……多节永年,皮粗如龙麟,叶细如马鬃,遇霜雪而不凋,历千年而不殒”,宋代王安石在《字说》说:“松为百木之长,犹公也。故字从公。”有人拆字“松”为十八公,元代冯子振写有《十八公赋》,明代洪璐著有《木公传》,现代革命家和军事家陶铸也写有“松树的风格”等等。史载秦始皇巡游泰山,风雨骤至,在大松下避雨,后来封此树为“五大夫”,后人称此树为“五大夫松”。《幼学故事琼林》云:“竹称君子,松号大夫”,语亦由此来。松耐寒耐旱,阴处枯石缝中可生,冬夏常青,凌霜不凋,可傲霜雪。松能长寿不老,民俗祝寿词常有“福如东海长流水,寿比南山不老松”。在书画中常有“岁寒三友”(松、竹、梅),以示吉祥。在书画、器具、装饰中常有“松柏同春”、“松菊延年”、“仙壶集庆”(松枝、水仙、梅花、灵芝等集束瓶中)。松是广泛被视为吉祥的树种。 柏 有贞德者,故字从白。白,西方正色也。“不同流合污,坚贞有节,地位高洁。”王安石在《字说》中云:“柏犹伯也,故字从白”。松为“公”,柏为“伯”,在“公侯伯子男”五爵中,伯列第三位,柏也比作“位列三公”。《风俗通》载:魍魅喜食死人肝脑,惧于虎、柏。故阴宅陵墓多植柏立石虎。民间习俗也喜用柏木“避邪”。《本草纲目》说“元旦以之浸酒避邪”(“柏性事凋而耐久,禀坚凝之质,乃多寿之木,是以可入服食,道家以之点汤常包饮,元旦以之浸酒避邪,皆取于些。麝食之而体香,毛女食之而体轻,亦其之正验矣。(毛女,《抱朴子》载,成帝时,猎人在终南山见一裸女,全身毛,跳涧如飞,后合围捕获。问之,是秦之宫女,避乱逃入山中,饥无食,一老翁教食柏树叶实,遂不饥不寒,体轻如飞。至汉成帝时应已三百岁矣!)”《列仙传》也说“赤须子好食柏实,齿落更生”,“服柏子人长年。”《汉宫仪》云:“正旦饮柏叶酒上寿”。在民俗观念中,柏的谐音“百”是极数,极言其多其全,诸事以百盖其全部:百事、百鸟、百川等。故吉祥图案常见有:柏与“如意”图物合为“百事如意”,柏与桔子合成“百事大吉”(桔、吉音近)。《西湖游览志》有云:“杭州习俗,元旦签柏枝、柿饼以大桔承之,谓百事大吉。取柏、柿、大桔与百事大吉同音故也。” 桂 桂多生于中国南方,其丹桂、金桂、银桂、月桂、缅桂、柳叶桂等多种。其中,丹桂、金桂、银桂以花色红、黄、白而得名。桂乡在八月(农历)开花。故又将八月称为“桂月”。桂花香气袭人,可作茶饮,可用药饵。习俗将桂视为祥瑞植物。历来将科举高中称为“月中折桂”、“折月桂”。旧称子孙仕途昌达,尊荣显贵为“兰桂齐芳”。五代时燕山的窦禹钧生五个儿子,相继成材。大臣冯道赠诗曰:“燕山窦十郎,教子有义方,灵椿一枝老,丹桂五枝芳”。《三字经》也录史实有“窦燕山,有义方,教五子,名俱扬”。 桂音谐“贵”,有荣华富贵之意。有的习俗,新妇戴桂花,香且“贵”。桂与莲籽合图,为“连生贵子”;桂与寿桃合图为“贵寿无极”等等。桂有吉祥寓意,源自谐音。 但植物学生理习性,桂喜素厌腻,适于成长在无油腻的书院、寺庙中、家宅庭中不茂。 椿 被视长寿之木,属吉祥。《庄子·逍遥游》云:“上古有大椿者,以八千岁为春,八千岁为秋”。可见椿之寿考。《本草纲目》曰:“椿樗易长而多寿考”。人们常以“椿年”、“椿令”祝长寿。唐代钱起的《柏崖老人》诗云:“帝力言何有,椿年喜渐长”。宋代柳永的《御街行》词云:“椿令无尽,萝图有庆,常作乾坤主。”自古寿联有:“筵前倾菊酿;堂上祝椿令”。“椿树千寻碧;蟠桃几度红。
