1200字范文 > 海外华商 Overseas Chinese Merchants英语短句 例句大全

海外华商 Overseas Chinese Merchants英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-02-12 20:40:31


海外华商 Overseas Chinese Merchants英语短句 例句大全

海外华商,Overseas Chinese Merchants

1)Overseas Chinese Merchants海外华商

1.On Operating Activities ofOverseas Chinese Merchants during Ming Dynasty明代海外华商经营活动探析


1.Explore Overseas Economic and Trade MarketThrough Overseas Chinese Merchants Web;利用海外华商网络 拓展海外经贸市场

2.The Comparative Study of The Characteristics of Overseas Chinese Businessmen and Overseas Indian Businessmen in the Management;海外华商与海外印商经营管理特点的比较研究

3.On the Formation of the Overseas Chinese Commercial Network in the Early 15thCentury;论早期海外华商经贸网络的形成——海外华商网络系列研究之一

4.Interpersonal relationship of overseas Chinese businessmen regarding harmony as fundamentality;论海外华商“以和为贵”的人际关系

5.The Development of Overseas Chinese Commercial Network from the 15~(th)to the Early 19~(th) Centuries论15—19世纪初海外华商经贸网络的发展——海外华商网络系列研究之二

6.Investment of Overseas Chinese in Mainland China: Features and Trends;海外华商投资中国大陆:阶段性特征与发展趋势

7.The Overseas Chinese Merchants Role Research in the China s International Regional Economic Integration Advancement;区域经济一体化进程中海外华商作用研究

8.Enlightenment of Honor and Sincerity of Overseas Chinese Businesemen;海外华商及台港企业家讲求诚信的启示

9.Overseas Chinese Investment and Economic Development of Xiamen since Reform and Opening up改革开放以来海外华商投资与厦门经济发展

10.Study & Countermeasures Discussion on Security Issues of Overseas Chinese Businessmen in Since the Opening Policy;改革开放以来海外华商安全问题研究与对策探索

11.The Function of Overseas Chinese Merchants Network in Guangdong s "Going Global" Strategy;海外华商网络在广东“走出去”战略中的功能与作用

12.The Use of Oversea-Chinese Business Networks on the “Going Out” Strategy of Chinese Enterprises;试论海外华商网络对中国企业实施“走出去”战略的作用

13.Review of the studies on operation and management of overseas Chinese enterprisers;海外华商经营管理的探索——近十余年来的学术述评与研究展望

14.Development and innovation of enterprises run by overseas Chinese merchant family;海外华商家族企业的发展与创新——以李锦记个案研究为例

15.We welcome overseas businessmen to come to china and participate in economic and trade cooperation.我们欢迎海外商人来华参加经贸合作。

16.The Study of Chinese Directors in Shanghai Foreign Enterprises (1895-1927);上海外商企业中的华董研究(1895-1927)

17.Overseas Restructuring of the Ethnic Chinese Businesses in Southeast Asia and Its Prospects;东南亚华商海外企业的重组及其前景

18.Haihua internal business tourist company provides services for thousands of foreign business establishments as well as foreign-funded enterprises in Shanghai.海华商旅”服务于上海几千家外国商社和三资企业。


Overseas Chinese Merchants Network海外华商网络

position and Features ofOverseas Chinese Merchants Network;海外华商网络的构成与特征

3)overseas Chinese海外华人

1.Book Review on Penetration and Expansion of Multinets: A Theoretical Analysis of the Interactive Relations between Overseas Chinese and their Hometowns in Fujian Province and Guangdong Province;海外华人与侨乡关系研究的路径探索——评《多重网络的渗透与扩张——海外华侨华人与闽粤侨乡互动关系研究》

2.International Fields of Vision and Overseas Chinese Studies;国际视野与海外华人研究——在海外华人研究国际学术研讨会上的总结发言

3.Fictitious Ancestors and the Sinagpore Chinese Society in 19~(th)-century:A Discussion onoverseas Chinese Perception of Lineage;“虚拟”先人与十九世纪新加坡华人社会——兼论海外华人的“亲属”概念

4)the oversea"s Chinese labourers海外华工

5)overseas Chinese海外华侨

1.Great contribution ofoverseas Chinese in anti-Japanese war;海外华侨在抗日战争中的伟大贡献

2.After Japan s launching the war of aggression against China thoroughly,overseas Chinese carried out the movement of boycotting Japan on a large scale.日本发动全面侵华战争后,海外华侨为了抗日救国,在侨居地开展了大规模的不买不卖不用日货和不为日本人工作、阻止军用物资运日的抵制运动,在经济上有力打击了日本侵略者,削弱了日本军用物资的供应,配合了祖国抗战。

3.Theoverseas Chinese and overseas students are important resources of technology, talent and information of our country.海外华侨、留学人员是国家重要的科技资源、人才资源、信息资源,吸引他们回国工作和创业,是优化 人才结构“实惠”的捷径。

6)overseas Taiwan-funded enterprises海外台商

1.This research is to investigate the trend ofoverseas Taiwan-funded enterprises\" privatization and going back to list on Taiwan Stock Exchange.本研究以目前资本市场常见的上市公司退市模式与策略进行归纳与分析,并整理海外台商回台挂牌之可行方式,最后以旺旺控股从新加坡私有化退市并重新在香港挂牌及回台发行TDR做实证个案研究,分析旺旺控股私有化后再上市其市值之变化,我们可发现重新上市后,旺旺控股市值大幅增加。


