1200字范文 > 三维五向编织 3-D and 5-D braiding英语短句 例句大全

三维五向编织 3-D and 5-D braiding英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-10-10 12:17:07


三维五向编织 3-D and 5-D braiding英语短句 例句大全

三维五向编织,3-D and 5-D braiding

1)3-D and 5-D braiding三维五向编织

1.Thus,a3-D and 5-D braiding technique for the manufacture of flywheel is developed.由此提出一种三维五向编织工艺的飞轮设计制造方法,给出使用该工艺编织飞轮的详细过程,分析飞轮预成形件的细观模型以及相关尺寸关系,并讨论编织工艺参数与结构参数之间的关系,从而为实际工艺结构参数的设计提供理论依据。


1.The Microstructure Analysis and Process Design of 3D Five-Directional Braided Composite;三维五向编织复合材料细观结构及工艺分析

2.Process design of three dimensional and five directional braided composite flywheel三维五向编织复合材料飞轮预制件的工艺设计

3.Strength Analyses of Three-dimensional Five-directional Braided Composites Lug三维五向编织复合材料单耳接头强度分析

4.Prediction of the stiffness and strength of 3D five-directional braided composites based on the bridge model基于桥联模型预报三维五向编织复合材料的刚度和强度

5.Mechanics analysis of three-dimensional five-directional braided composites Ⅰ:Microstructural model三维五向编织复合材料的力学性能分析Ⅰ:细观结构模型

6.3D Five-Direction Tubular Braided Composites Geometric Modeling and Fiber Percentage Prediction三维五向管状编织物的几何建模及纤维体积百分含量预测

7.Investigation on the Mechanical Behavior of Three-Dimensional Four-Directional Braided Composites;三维四向编织复合材料的力学性能研究

8.Evaluation of elastic properties of 3-D 4-direction braided composites三维四向编织复合材料的弹性性能预测研究

9.Study on flexural stress of T beam of 3-D multidirectional braided composites三维多向编织复合材料T型梁抗弯应力分析

10.The mechanical behavior of 3D bi-axial spacer weft knitting fabrics三维双轴向间隔纬编织物力学性能研究(英文)

11.A cross model of 3-D braided composites is presented based on elastic theory.基于弹性理论建立了三维四向编织复合材料的交叉模型。

12.Mechanical Property of Three-Dimesional Four-Directional Braided Composites with Cracks;含裂纹的三维四向编织复合材料的力学性能研究

13.Development of Investigation into Geometrical Unit Cell of 3D Multi-directional Braided Composites三维多向编织复合材料力学性能单胞几何模型的研究进展

14.Reusability of EUCLID3 software in the ?field of 3?D braiding CADEUCLID3软件在三维编织CAD上的二次开发

puter 3-D simulation on basic structure of weft knitted fabrics纬编针织物基本组织的计算机三维模拟

16.Edge Detection and Curvefitting of Textile Structural Composites;三维编织复合材料二维截面的轮廓提取与拟合

17.Experimental study on the compressibility of 3D braided carbon preforms三维编织炭纤维预制件压缩性实验研究

18.A Study and Discussion of the 3D Knitting Technology of Little Caliber Round Warp Knitting Machine;针织小口径圆型经编机三维编织技术研究与探讨


D & 5 D braiding composite三维五向编织复合材料

1.So the 3D & 5 D braiding composite has imp.研究一种新型的三维编织复合材料——三维五向编织复合材料的力学性能,给出了此种复合材料预制件的编织工艺,并将此种复合材料的力学性能和三维四向复合材料的力学性能做了对比。

3)3D 5-direction tubular braid三维五向圆型编织

4)three-dimensional all five-directional composite三维全五向编织复合材料

5)3D six-direction braiding三维六向编织

6)3-D & 7-D braiding三维七向编织


