1200字范文 > 行进间单手肩上投篮 single-hand basket-shooting英语短句 例句大全

行进间单手肩上投篮 single-hand basket-shooting英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-06-05 11:17:31


行进间单手肩上投篮 single-hand basket-shooting英语短句 例句大全

行进间单手肩上投篮,single-hand basket-shooting

1)single-hand basket-shooting行进间单手肩上投篮

1.Experimental inquiry into teaching method reform of girl studentssingle-hand basket-shooting in motion in general college;普通高校女生行进间单手肩上投篮教学方法改革的实验研究


1.The Experience about the Teaching Methods of Single-handed Shooting in Walking;行进间单手肩上投篮教学方法之体会

2.Experimental inquiry into teaching method reform of girl students single-hand basket-shooting in motion in general college;普通高校女生行进间单手肩上投篮教学方法改革的实验研究

3.The Teaching Experimental Research of Image Training Applied in "One hand Over-shoulder Shot When Moving;表象训练运用于“行进间单手肩上投篮”教学的实验研究

4.Shallow to Discuss Middle School Basketball where it is Single-handed To shoot that teaching Methods of the Teaching Material at the Shoulder;浅谈篮球原地单手肩上投篮教材教法

5.The Inguisition to the Teaching Method of Shooting with one Head Over Your Head While Walking;对行进间单手头上投篮教学方法的探讨

6.The Analysis of a Few Regular Cases on One-hand-shoulder Positioning Shot;单手肩上定位投篮的几个规律性问题

7.Biomechanics Analysis of Stability In Shooting At The Basket With One Hand;单手肩上投篮稳定性的生物力学分析

8.Several Problems in Basket Shot Teaching;单手肩上投篮动作教学中的几个问题

9.Effect of Upper Limb On Shooting Speed of Single-Armed Shooting Technique;上肢动作对单手肩上投篮出手速度的作用

10.Analyzing easy-made mistakes and solving methods of one hand basketball-shot over one′s shoulder;单手肩上投篮易犯的几个错误及解决办法

11.The Experimental Probe into Technical Teaching Method of Basket s Jumping up and Shoeting by Single Hand and over Shoulder;篮球“原地单手肩上跳投”技术教法的实验研究

12.The mistake and arrect methcd about single-handed shoot on shoulder and jump in former plaze;原地跳起单手肩上投篮易犯的错误及纠正方法

13.On Mistakable Actions for single-handed overhead shoot and its Improvement;单手肩上投篮易犯错误形成原因及纠正方法

14.The Easily-made Mistakes and Correcting Method in Basketball Shooting over the Shoulder in One Hand;原地单手肩上投篮易犯的错误及纠正方法

15.The Application and Exploration of Movement Sense Principle inSingle-hand Overshoulder Shooting;单手肩上投篮运动感觉性指导方法的运用与探索

16.The Experimental Researoh on Little Step Teaching Method WithFeedback Coordinating In One Hand Over Shoulder Shooting;小步子教学法结合反馈调节在单手肩上投篮技术课中的实验研究

17.The Teaching of Technology of Jump One-hand Above-shoulderShot and Methods to Correct Easily-made Mistakes;跳起单手肩上投篮技术的教学与易犯错误的纠正方法

18.The Application of Impression Training Methods to the Jump shot Technical Teaching in Basketball意念教学法在篮球单手肩上跳投技术教学中的运用


Baseball shot单手肩上投篮

1.Baseball shot is an important part of basketball teaching.单手肩上投篮是篮球教学中一项重要内容。

3)three-step shot by one hand over shoulder三步单手肩上投篮

4)gingle-handed shooting原地单手肩上投篮

1.Technological study ofgingle-handed shooting;原地单手肩上投篮技术研究

5)basketball shooting during dribble pass行进间投篮

6)jump shot单手肩上跳投

1.Results showed impression-training methods can distinctively improve students\"jump shot percentage and students\" scores of appraisement of skills.本文采用意念教学法和传统教学法,对普通高校的120名大学生进行了16周的篮球普修课的分班授课,并进行了训练前后单手肩上跳投命中率的测试和技术评定,资料统计表明:经过16个周的分班授课后,受试者在投篮命中率和技评两方面都有明显提高,但实验班学生的提高幅度比普通班的要高。




中文名称: 单肩肩章解释单肩肩章军人佩带在军衣肩上的识别标志的最初形式。俄军中最早的单肩肩章始佩于1763年,开始只是佩带在长衣的左肩上,作为隶属于某一团队的识别符号,同时还是一种用来拌住子弹背袋绳的装具。1801年一1809年逐渐采用固定颜色的双肩肩章,取代了单肩肩章。
