1200字范文 > 乡村文化建设 Rural cultural construction英语短句 例句大全

乡村文化建设 Rural cultural construction英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-03-07 01:04:22


乡村文化建设 Rural cultural construction英语短句 例句大全

乡村文化建设,Rural cultural construction

1)Rural cultural construction乡村文化建设

1.However, the rural cultural construction of our country is not optimistic,the level of which lags seriously, question layer on layer.所以,加强我国的乡村文化建设就显得尤为重要。


1.Rural Culture Construction and Constructing the New Socialistic Countryside--Also Discussing Rural Culture Construction in the Southern Part of Jiangsu Province;乡村文化建设与社会主义新农村建设——兼谈苏南地区乡村文化建设

2.Rural Public Space and Rural Culture Development:A Case Study in Tangshan;乡村公共空间与乡村文化建设——以河北唐山乡村公共空间为例

3.Minorities" self-development ability and building of rural culture少数民族自我发展能力和乡村文化建设——以云南省乡村文化业为例

4.The Study on Strengthing the Rural Cultural Construction of Socialist New Countryside加强社会主义新农村乡村文化建设研究

5.Problems and Stratagies during the Construction of Rural Culture in China--Take X for Example;当前我国乡村文化建设存在的问题及对策——以湖南X乡村为例

6.Strengthen Cultural Construction in Rural Area,Promote "the Rural Custom Civilization";加强农村文化建设 促进“乡风文明”

7.The Function of Village Culture in Rural Civilization;论村落文化在乡风文明建设中的作用

8.The clan s culture of contemporary Chinese and the rural democratization construction;当代中国宗族文化与乡村民主化建设

9.The Development of the Cuture Construction of New Countryside and the Libraries of Villages and Towns;新农村文化建设与乡镇图书馆的发展

10.The Cultural and Philosophical Bases of Liang Shuming s “Countryside Construction Theory”;试论梁漱溟乡村建设的文化哲学基础

11.Study on the Information Construction of Local Custom Civilization in Socialist New Countryside新农村乡风文明信息化建设问题研究

12.On Village Spiritual Culture Construction during Coordinate Development of Both Urban and Rural Areas;论城乡统筹发展中农村村庄的精神文化建设

13.Construction of Rural Culture Based on Advanced Culture;按照先进文化的要求推进农村乡镇文化建设

14.Culture modernization:the focal point of Liang Shu-ming s rural construction theory;文化现代化:梁漱溟乡村建设思想的着力点

15.Constructing the Cultures in the Rural Area of Qujing with Perspective of the Integration of the Urban and the Countryside城乡一体化视野中的曲靖农村文化建设

16.Tradition and Transformation:Harmonious Integration between the Culture of Rural Fair Market and the New Village Cultural Construction;传统与变革:乡村集市文化与新农村文化建设的和谐整合

17.The Construction of Rural Culture Is the Only Way to the New Socialist Countryside;乡土文化建设是社会主义新农村的必由之路

18.Discussion on the Important Functions of Rural Library in Cultural Construction of New Countryside论乡镇图书馆在新农村文化建设中的重要作用


Village promotion of cultural and ethical construction乡村文明建设

3)Country Culture Reconstruction乡村文化重建

4)country construction乡村建设

1.Early in 1930 s, Yanyangchu and the Association of Promoting Mass Education under his leading began to concern about country s health care work in the process of boosting thecountry construction movement and attempted to build up health care system in the villages with the backward conditions both in economy and in social civilization, which got a great amount of valuable experience.早在 2 0世纪 30年代 ,晏阳初和他所领导的平民教育促进会在推行乡村建设运动的过程中就已开始关注农村卫生保健工作。

2.Whether it is thecountry construction movement of Liang Shuming or the Chinese revolution that Mao Zedong leaded, they are all the calls of that time.无论是梁漱溟的乡村建设运动,还是毛泽东领导的中国革命,都是时代的呼唤。

3.Liang Shuming work hard for thecountry construction to find a way to make the nation independent and prosperity.为了祖国的富强和民族的兴盛,梁漱溟开始了乡村建设的探索之路,并进行了实验。

5)Rural construction乡村建设

1.The thought on rural construction in the Republic of China reflected in the Oriental Magazine;从《东方杂志》解读民国乡村建设思想

2.A historical account of the rural construction in contemporary China;中国乡村建设运动及其历史启示

3.Rural Construction: The Origin and Contribution of PDT;乡村建设运动:参与式发展理论的本土来源与贡献

6)Rural reconstruction乡村建设

1.The analyse about the function of the Concourse of Politics and Learning in the rural reconstruction during the Republican period;论平教会在民国时期乡村建设中的作用

2.The Differences Between The Rural Reconstruction schools During the 1920 s and 1930 s in the Republic of China;民国乡村建设派别的主要分歧

3.Rural reconstruction which is a great social integration movement,aims at changing the rural areas dropping behind and poverty by introducing technology and culture.乡村建设运动是一场声势浩大的社会整合运动,旨在通过技术引进和文化输入,改变乡村落后和凋敝的局面。


