1200字范文 > 模糊融合 fuzzy fusion英语短句 例句大全

模糊融合 fuzzy fusion英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-05-23 01:35:30


模糊融合 fuzzy fusion英语短句 例句大全

模糊融合,fuzzy fusion

1)fuzzy fusion模糊融合

1.Fast detection algorithm for moving dim target in infrared image based onfuzzy fusion;基于模糊融合的红外弱小目标快速检测算法

2.Drivers eyes state recognition based onfuzzy fusion;基于模糊融合的驾驶员眼睛状态识别

3.Face recognition based on wavelet transform and small-area featurefuzzy fusion;基于小波变换与小域特征模糊融合的人脸识别


1.Fuzzy Synthesis of AMT Vehicles Traffic EnvironmentAMT自动换挡车辆行驶环境的模糊融合

2.Fuzzy-Logic Based High Performance Fusion Guidance;基于模糊逻辑的高性能融合制导研究

3.Research on the Combining LTI Causation System and Fuzzy System;LTI因果系统与模糊系统融合的研究

4.A Method for Information Fusion Based on(G) Fuzzy Integral;基于(G)模糊积分的信息融合方法

5.The fuzzy curve analysis of regional overall financial competitiveness;区域金融综合竞争力的模糊曲线分析

6.Research on Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation at Financial Products’ Virtual Level;金融产品虚拟度的模糊综合评判研究

7.Fuzzy Reasoning Fusion Algorithm of Remote Sensing Images by Nonsubsampled Contourlet Transform基于NSCT的遥感图像模糊推理融合算法

8.Confidence fusion targets detection based on fuzzy integral基于模糊积分的可信度融合目标检测

9.Study on Flame Fuzzy PID Control Based on Multi-parameter’s Data Confusion基于多参数融合的火焰模糊PID控制

10.Behavior fusion path planning method for mobile robot based on fuzzy logic基于模糊逻辑行为融合路径规划方法

11.Fuzzy image fusion algorithm based on SGNN一种基于SGNN网络的模糊图像融合算法

12.A Model of Multiple Neural Network Fusion Based on Choquet Fuzzy Integral;基于Choquet模糊积分的多神经网络融合模型

13.Fuzzy judgement on project financing model of Yushen coal liquefaction project;模糊综合评价榆神煤炭液化项目融资模式

14.Decision making fusion model and temporal reasoning based on fuzzy time Petri net;基于模糊时间Petri网的决策融合模型及时间推理

15.Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation Based Loss Discrimination Algorithm in Wired/Wireless Hybrid Network模糊综合评判的融合网络2种丢包原因区分

16.Pemberton and Lousie were obscurely linked.佩倍尔顿和露易丝模糊不清地融合起来。

17.The Fuzzy Synthetic Evaluation of the Risks of Commercial Banks商业银行金融风险程度的模糊综合评价

18.Study of Data Fusion Methods Based On Fuzzy Information Processing基于模糊信息处理的数据融合方法研究


fuzzy information fusion模糊信息融合

1.Study on identifying flow regime and transition based onfuzzy information fusion in gas-solid fluidized bed;基于模糊信息融合的气固流化床流型及其转换的识别研究

2.Algorithm and application based onfuzzy information fusion & Prim;一种基于模糊信息融合的Prim算法及应用

3.The application of circuit malfunction diagnosis based onfuzzy information fusion;模糊信息融合在电子电路故障诊断中的应用

3)fuzzy-PID fusion control模糊PID融合控制

1.Based onfuzzy-PID fusion control theory,a new method of the vibration control for the flexible manipulator with piezoelectric smart structure is presented.针对含有压电智能结构的柔性机械臂,提出基于模糊PID融合控制理论柔性机械臂振动主动控制方法。

2.Based onfuzzy-PID fusion control theory,a method of vibration control for the flexible manipulators with piezoelectric smart structure was presented.针对含有压电智能结构的柔性机械臂,提出了基于模糊PID融合控制理论的柔性机械臂振动主动控制方法。

3.On this basis,the temperature control system for this type stack is designed,and thefuzzy-PID fusion control algorithm is used.在此基础上设计了该类电堆的温度控制系统,提出了模糊PID融合控制算法。

4)fuzzy data fusion模糊信息融合

1.And the algorithm offuzzy data fusion was given,and then the method of nondestructive testing was brought forward.概述了多传感器信息融合的原理和方法,着重介绍了多传感器模糊信息融合算法及其多种缺陷同时检测方法的实现。

2.This paper made use of statistical results of vulnerability scanner and intrusion detection systems and presented method of qualitative evaluation of security vulnerability based onfuzzy data fusion.利用漏洞扫描器及入侵检测系统的统计结果两方面信息 ,提出了应用模糊信息融合对安全漏洞进行定性评估的方法 。

5)fuzzy behavior fusion模糊行为融合

1.The algorithm of obstacle avoidance based onfuzzy behavior fusion for mobile robot;基于模糊行为融合的移动机器人避障算法

6)Fuzzy image fusion模糊图像融合


Hibbs脊柱融合术Hibbs脊柱融合术〗Hibbs脊柱融合术】〓〖WTBZ〗〖HT5”SS〗(Hibbs spine fusion主要是融合后侧的椎板及关节突,局麻或全麻,俯卧位。后正中切口,显露棘突、椎板、小关节。吸去棘突,将椎板表面骨质凿去薄层,小关节软骨及坚实骨少许亦凿去,再取髂骨植入上述骨及小关节面表面。
