1200字范文 > 肩胛颈骨折 fracture of neck of scapula英语短句 例句大全

肩胛颈骨折 fracture of neck of scapula英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-02-06 11:37:07


肩胛颈骨折 fracture of neck of scapula英语短句 例句大全

肩胛颈骨折,fracture of neck of scapula

1)fracture of neck of scapula肩胛颈骨折

1.Microsurgical treatment offracture of neck of scapula with injury of axillary vessel;肩胛颈骨折腋血管损伤的治疗

2)neck of the shoulder blade肩胛骨颈

3)Scapular fracture肩胛骨骨折

1.Modified posterior approach to surgical treatment of scapular fractures;改良肩后入路手术治疗肩胛骨骨折

2.Investigation of surgical treatment for the multiple injury with unstable scapular fracture多发伤合并不稳定性肩胛骨骨折的手术治疗探讨

3.Anatomy and application of modified posterior approach of unstable scapular fractures改良肩后入路的解剖及不稳定肩胛骨骨折中的应用


1.Operative treatment for the unstable and thrypsis scapular fracture复杂性粉碎性肩胛骨骨折的手术治疗

2.Classification and treatment of scapular fractures肩胛骨骨折的分类及治疗方法的选择

3.A scapular facture in Yangchuanosaurus hepingensis(Dinosauria: Theropoda)一例和平永川龙(恐龙:兽脚类)肩胛骨骨折(英文)

4.Clinical efficiency in operation and non-operation of scapular fractures肩胛骨骨折手术与非手术治疗的临床疗效分析

5.Application of Spiral CT and its 3D Function in Scapula Fractures螺旋CT 3D,MPR在肩胛骨骨折诊断中的应用

6.Analysis of the curative effect about the fracture of scapula after treating with locking plate采用锁定钛板治疗肩胛骨骨折的疗效分析

7.Anatomy and application of modified posterior approach of unstable scapular fractures改良肩后入路的解剖及不稳定肩胛骨骨折中的应用

8.Surgical treatment and approaches for unstable scapular fractures不稳定性肩胛骨骨折的手术治疗与入路选择分析

9.Investigation of surgical treatment for the multiple injury with unstable scapular fracture多发伤合并不稳定性肩胛骨骨折的手术治疗探讨

10.The Clinical Value of MPR and VR with Spiral CT in Diagnosis of Scapular Fracture螺旋CT二维MPR三维VR重建技术在肩胛骨骨折中的应用

11.Treatment of clavicle fracture combined with coracoid process:a report of 3 cases锁骨骨折伴肩胛骨喙突骨折治疗体会

12.His shoulder was broken.他的肩胛骨折断了。

13.The Anatomical Observation of Scapula and the Meaning to Fracture Internal Fixation肩胛骨的解剖学观测及对骨折内固定的意义

14.relating to the shoulder blade and upper arm bone.与肩胛骨和上肱骨有关。

15.omoclavicular triangle肩胛舌骨肌锁骨三角

16.The scapula is a triangular bone.肩胛骨是一个三角形骨。

17.omotracheal triangle肩胛舌骨肌气管三角

18.trigonum occipitale肩胛舌骨肌斜方肌三角


neck of the shoulder blade肩胛骨颈

3)Scapular fracture肩胛骨骨折

1.Modified posterior approach to surgical treatment of scapular fractures;改良肩后入路手术治疗肩胛骨骨折

2.Investigation of surgical treatment for the multiple injury with unstable scapular fracture多发伤合并不稳定性肩胛骨骨折的手术治疗探讨

3.Anatomy and application of modified posterior approach of unstable scapular fractures改良肩后入路的解剖及不稳定肩胛骨骨折中的应用

4)scapular fractures肩胛骨骨折

1.Treatment of severely displacedscapular fractures by open reduction and calcaneal plate internal fixation;跟骨钢板治疗严重移位肩胛骨骨折

2.Experience of operative treatment for unstablescapular fractures;不稳定性肩胛骨骨折手术治疗体会

3.Objective To discuss the indication and effect of surgical treatment of open reduction and internal fixation forscapular fractures.目的探讨肩胛骨骨折的手术适应证与手术复位内固定的临床效果。

5)glenoid cavity fractures肩胛盂骨折

6)fracture of spina scapulae肩胛冈骨折


股骨颈骨折股骨颈骨折fracture of femoral neck股骨头下至股骨颈基底部之间的骨折。按骨折两端的关系可分为:①外展型:最稳定,肢体畸形不明显;②中间型:股骨头后倾,骨折线前方有裂隙;③内收型:两骨折端完全错位,患肢呈内收、外旋和短缩畸形。临床表现为患髋疼痛,下肢活动障碍。多有绊跌病史。根据骨折类型做相应处理。
