1200字范文 > 瑞典常春藤漆斑病 little spurflower black spot disease英语短句 例句大全

瑞典常春藤漆斑病 little spurflower black spot disease英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-09-29 06:11:51


瑞典常春藤漆斑病 little spurflower black spot disease英语短句 例句大全

瑞典常春藤漆斑病,little spurflower black spot disease

1)little spurflower black spot disease瑞典常春藤漆斑病

2)Plectranthus parviflorus瑞典常春藤

1.A pathogenic fungus causing leaf spot ofPlectranthus parviflorus was isolated and characterized based on the morphological features, cultural characteristics and pathogenicity.通过病原菌的形态特征、培养性状和致病性测定的方法对引起瑞典常春藤漆斑病的病原菌进行了分离鉴定,采用PCR技术扩增病菌rDNA-ITS基因,获得一长度为523bp的DNA片段,序列测定结果表明该片段序列与GenBank已有的露湿漆斑菌序列的同源性达到了99%。

3)Hedera nepalensis var.sinensis常春藤

1.Hydrodistillation method was used to extract the volatile oil from Hedera nepalensis var.用正交实验法对水蒸气蒸馏提取常春藤挥发油的提取条件进行了研究;结果表明,最佳提取条件为常春藤粉末(20目)加入900 mL的蒸馏水(20℃)浸泡4 h,水蒸气蒸馏7 h。


1.The wall is covered all over with ivy.墙上爬满了常春藤。

2.The wall was overgrown with ivy vines.墙上长满了常春藤。

3.The ivy has climbed up the wall.常春藤攀墙往上爬。

4.Ivy crept along the walls.常春藤沿着墙壁蔓延。

5.ivy growing in thick clusters成丛生长的常春藤.

6.Vines run riot over the whole wall.整垛墙上长满了常春藤。

7.rank grass, ivy, etc蔓生的杂草、常春藤等

8.Ivy ran up the wall.常春藤顺着墙向上爬

9.Ivy creeps up the walls of the school buildings.常春藤沿校舍墙壁蔓延。

10.There is ivy trailing all over the wall.常春藤蔓生整个墙面。

11.a house covered all over with ivy一栋爬满常春藤的房子

12.Ivy creeps along the fence.常春藤攀着篱笆生长。

13.The oak was entwined with ivy.橡树被常春藤缠绕着。

14.This is was green at a time when other ivies had pooped out.这株常春藤在其他常春藤已凋谢时依然青翠。

15.The English ivy is an evergreen creeper.英国常春藤是一种常绿攀缘植物。

16.This ivy was green at a time when other ivies had pooped out.正当别的常春藤枯萎的时候,这种常春藤却是绿莹莹的。

17.A clump of ivy hung outside a tavern to indicate the availability of wine inside.长春藤(标志)旅店外面悬挂的常春藤丛,表示店内供应葡萄酒

18.Ivy has a climbing habit.常春藤有攀缘向上的习性。


Plectranthus parviflorus瑞典常春藤

1.A pathogenic fungus causing leaf spot ofPlectranthus parviflorus was isolated and characterized based on the morphological features, cultural characteristics and pathogenicity.通过病原菌的形态特征、培养性状和致病性测定的方法对引起瑞典常春藤漆斑病的病原菌进行了分离鉴定,采用PCR技术扩增病菌rDNA-ITS基因,获得一长度为523bp的DNA片段,序列测定结果表明该片段序列与GenBank已有的露湿漆斑菌序列的同源性达到了99%。

3)Hedera nepalensis var.sinensis常春藤

1.Hydrodistillation method was used to extract the volatile oil from Hedera nepalensis var.用正交实验法对水蒸气蒸馏提取常春藤挥发油的提取条件进行了研究;结果表明,最佳提取条件为常春藤粉末(20目)加入900 mL的蒸馏水(20℃)浸泡4 h,水蒸气蒸馏7 h。


1.Effects of different hormone treatment on water culture ofivy;不同激素处理对水培常春藤繁殖的影响

2.The Improvement Methods of Extraction Total DNA in Ivy;常春藤总DNA提取方法的改进

5)Hedera nepalensis常春藤

1.The ivy(Hedera nepalensis var.以栽培在露地和温室的常春藤(Hederanepalensisvar。

2.Selected ivy(Hedera nepalensis var.以栽培在露地和温室的常春藤 (Hederanepalensisvar。

6)Hedera helix常春藤

1.A study on the growth ofHedera helix in radiation (PAR) scope were conducted indoors;常春藤在室内生长适宜光照范围的研究


