1200字范文 > 货币沉积 money sediment英语短句 例句大全

货币沉积 money sediment英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-12-26 14:42:30


货币沉积 money sediment英语短句 例句大全

货币沉积,money sediment

1)money sediment货币沉积

1.At the same time,because that the money increase rate is head and shoulders above the production increase rate and the ratio of GDP and basic money is on the low side,we think that themoney sediment is relatively severity and the inflation trouble exists.同时,由于近年来货币增长率一直高于产出增长率,GDP与货币量的比值偏低,市场的货币沉积现象比较严重,在一定程度上存在通货膨胀隐患。

2)sediment money沉淀货币

3)accumulation of currency货币沉淀

4)positive monetary policy"积极的"货币政策

1.Our country implemented the "positive monetary policy" after 1998, but the monetary policy presented conducting obstruction.1998年后我国一直实施"积极的"货币政策,但货币政策在传导过程中出现了梗阻,所起的作用远不尽如人意。


1.Relationship betweenmoney and output: new development of theoretic model and quantitative research;货币与产出的关系:理论模型与计量研究的现代进展

2.Money Financing and Stochastic Endogenetic Growth;货币发行与随机内生增长

3.Humanity Dimension of Money ——Monetary Philosophy in "Economic and Philosophical Manuscript in 1844";货币的人学向度——论《1844年经济学—哲学手稿》的货币哲学


1.Of or relating to coins or currency.货币的,关于货币的

2.single currencyph.1. 统一货币,单一货币

3.(xii) Money broking;(xii)货币经纪;

4.Study on the Electronic Money and Money Creation and the Efficiency of Monetary Policy;电子货币、货币创造与货币政策有效性

5.There are two forms of money: commodity money and fiat money. The first money is commodity money.货币主要有两种形式:商品货币和纸币。最初的货币形式是商品货币。

6.Soft currency: Currency that is subject to sharp fluctuations in value.软币,软通货:币值变化较大的货币。

7.money in the form of bills or coins.钞票或硬币形式的货币。

8.limited legal tender currency note有限量法定货币纸币

9.Asian Monetary Unit亚洲货币单位(亚币单位)

10.the metal or paper medium of exchange that is presently used.现行的金属货币或纸币。

mute foreign money to domestic把外币兑成本国货币

12.fractional money[美]辅币,零钱,分数货币

13.Of or relating to a nation"s currency or coinage.货币的,硬币的国家货币或硬币的或与之有关的

14.Monetary policy: The decisions a monetary authority makes to manage the money supply.货币政策:货币当局为控制货币供应做出的决定。

15.The emerging of electronic money influences the money definition and money multiplier.电子货币的产生影响着货币定义及货币乘数。

16.Stude on the Implications of Electronic Mony on Money Supply and Monetary Policy;电子货币对货币供给和货币政策的影响研究

17.Effect of Electronic Currency on Menetary Theory & Polily;电子货币对货币理论和货币政策的影响

18.The money definition and money multiplier after drawing into the electric money;引入电子货币后的货币定义及货币乘数


sediment money沉淀货币

3)accumulation of currency货币沉淀

4)positive monetary policy"积极的"货币政策

1.Our country implemented the "positive monetary policy" after 1998, but the monetary policy presented conducting obstruction.1998年后我国一直实施"积极的"货币政策,但货币政策在传导过程中出现了梗阻,所起的作用远不尽如人意。


1.Relationship betweenmoney and output: new development of theoretic model and quantitative research;货币与产出的关系:理论模型与计量研究的现代进展

2.Money Financing and Stochastic Endogenetic Growth;货币发行与随机内生增长

3.Humanity Dimension of Money ——Monetary Philosophy in "Economic and Philosophical Manuscript in 1844";货币的人学向度——论《1844年经济学—哲学手稿》的货币哲学


1.Currency risk and supervision of stored-card;基于储值卡的货币风险及其监管

2.A Study on the Relationship Between Payment System andCurrency and Monetary Policy;支付体系与货币和货币政策基本关系研究


