1200字范文 > 四维分解法 four-dimension decomposition method英语短句 例句大全

四维分解法 four-dimension decomposition method英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-01-24 17:15:19


四维分解法 four-dimension decomposition method英语短句 例句大全

四维分解法,four-dimension decomposition method

1)four-dimension decomposition method四维分解法

2)four-dimensional decomposition四维分解

1.According to this background, this house is a great attempt fromfour-dimensional decomposition to four-dimensional continuum.这个住宅设计是从四维分解到四维连续的一种大胆尝试,并引入拓扑学的基本方法处理动态空间。


4)Four dimensions space analysis method四维空间分析法

5)Quasi-4D adjoint method准四维变分分析方法


1.But with the development of computer and the improvement of research,4DVAR and EnKF are promising and will be widely used in the future.目前,三维变分在业务上得到了广泛的应用和推广,随着研究的深入和计算机水平的不断提高,四维变分和集合Kalman滤波在将来业务预报中有广泛的应用前景。

2.Furthermore, we introduce the4DVAR, which is popular used in meteorology nowadays.在简单介绍GPS/LEO掩星探测大气的发展历史和科学意义之后,详细阐述了反演的基本原理;分析了标准反演中存在的问题,并说明一维变分同化(1DVAR)在反演方法中的重要性;给出了一维变分同化中价值函数的求解,以及各种同化因子;简单介绍了对当前气象学中普遍使用的四维变分同化(4DVAR);重点讨论了各种同化方法,以及使用各种同化因子的优缺点。

3.The impact of TRMM/TMI surface rainfall rate(SRR)4DVAR on numerical simulation of TC Danas(2001) is studied.研究了TRMM/TMI海表降水率资料的四维变分同化在热带气旋(TC)数值模拟中的作用。


1.Four-dimensional Variational Assimilation Experimentation of Bogus Data for a Typhoon Case台风Bogus资料的四维变分同化试验

2.The Application of 4D-VAR Assimilation Technique to Typhoon Analysis四维变分同化方法在台风风场分析中的应用

3.A Research on 4-D Variatonal Data Assimilation Based on Genetic Algorithm;基于遗传算法的四维变分资料同化技术的研究

4.The Study of Component-based Four-dimensional Variational Data Assimilation System and Its Framework Implementation;基于组件的四维变分同化系统研究与框架实现

5.Experiments on the 4D-variation with ensemble convariances.在四维变分同化中运用集合协方差的试验

6.Applications of Nonlinear Optimization Methods to the Study of the Four Dimensional Variational Data Assimilation System;非线性优化方法及在四维变分资料同化系统中的应用

7.A Study on Real Time Retrieving Low-Level Wind Field in Quasi-operational Application with 4D-VAR Assimilation Technique;利用四维变分同化技术反演低层风场的准业务应用研究

8.A Research of MM4 Genetic Algorithm 4-D Variatonal Data Assimilation System and Its Numerical Experiments;MM4遗传算法四维变分资料同化系统的基础研究及其数值试验

9.Adjoint Method of "on-off" Problems in Four-dimensional Variational Data Assimilation System;四维变分资料同化系统中降水参数化的伴随方案研究

10.Historical-Sample-Projection Four-Dimensional Variational Land Surface Data Assimilation and Its Preliminary Application基于历史样本投影的四维变分陆面数据同化方法及其初步应用

11.An improved initialization method of typhoon and its 4DVAR experiments改进的台风初值化方案及四维变分同化的个例试验

12.On a Four-Dimensional Variational Method and an Ensemble Kalman Filter to Assimilate Doppler Radar Data and Their Applications in Rainstorm Mesoscale Structure Retrieval四维变分和集合卡尔曼滤波同化多普勒雷达资料的方法及其反演暴雨中尺度结构的研究

13.The informations are compressed either by a method called" blocking quartering" or by a two-dimensional Walsh transformation.用起名为“分块四值化法”或用二维沃尔什变换法来压缩数据。

14.The Internal Relations Between Four Dimensions of Knowledge and Share of Controlling Power & Evolution of Enterprise Systems;知识的四个维度与企业控制权分享及制度变迁的关系

15.three-dimensional quadrupole mass analyzer三维四极质量分析器

16.X ray features of fibrous dysplasia of bone could be divided into four kinds of types: 1) Cystiform - expansibility change, 2) frosted glass-form change, 3) palisade form change, and 4) insect biting off form change.骨纤维异常增殖症X线表现特征大致可分为四种类型:1)囊状膨胀性改变; 2)磨玻璃状改变;

17.The Four Dimensional Tensor Expression of Maxwwll"s Equations and Its CovarianceMaxwell方程的四维张量形式及其协变性

18.Quaternion-based 3D Similarity Transformation Algorithm基于四元数的三维空间相似变换解算


four-dimensional decomposition四维分解

1.According to this background, this house is a great attempt fromfour-dimensional decomposition to four-dimensional continuum.这个住宅设计是从四维分解到四维连续的一种大胆尝试,并引入拓扑学的基本方法处理动态空间。


4)Four dimensions space analysis method四维空间分析法

5)Quasi-4D adjoint method准四维变分分析方法


1.But with the development of computer and the improvement of research,4DVAR and EnKF are promising and will be widely used in the future.目前,三维变分在业务上得到了广泛的应用和推广,随着研究的深入和计算机水平的不断提高,四维变分和集合Kalman滤波在将来业务预报中有广泛的应用前景。

2.Furthermore, we introduce the4DVAR, which is popular used in meteorology nowadays.在简单介绍GPS/LEO掩星探测大气的发展历史和科学意义之后,详细阐述了反演的基本原理;分析了标准反演中存在的问题,并说明一维变分同化(1DVAR)在反演方法中的重要性;给出了一维变分同化中价值函数的求解,以及各种同化因子;简单介绍了对当前气象学中普遍使用的四维变分同化(4DVAR);重点讨论了各种同化方法,以及使用各种同化因子的优缺点。

3.The impact of TRMM/TMI surface rainfall rate(SRR)4DVAR on numerical simulation of TC Danas(2001) is studied.研究了TRMM/TMI海表降水率资料的四维变分同化在热带气旋(TC)数值模拟中的作用。


