1200字范文 > 女大学生就业 employment of female college graduates英语短句 例句大全

女大学生就业 employment of female college graduates英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-11-20 22:52:02


女大学生就业 employment of female college graduates英语短句 例句大全

女大学生就业,employment of female college graduates

1)employment of female college graduates女大学生就业

1.To know the employment conditions of female college graduates majoring in law science,to study the major reasons on the difficulties facing with female college graduates,and to propose related advice for the reference of corresponding departments and parties,we carried out a questionnaire on theemployment of female college graduates.为把握了解当前法学专业女大学生的就业现状,分析女大学生“就业难”的主要原因,研究分析并提出相关对策建议,我们对某高校女大学生就业情况进行问卷调查。


1.Impact of China"s Employment Policy on Female University Students" Employment论我国大学生就业政策对女大学生就业的影响

2.Practical Investigation of the Employment of Female College Graduates;女生就业的比较与分析——法学专业女大学生就业情况的调查

3.An Analysis of Sexual Discrimination of Female College Students in Employment;女大学生就业性别歧视的经济学分析

4.The Enlightenment of Women"s Enterprising Situation to Female College Students" Employment Instruction女性创业现状对女大学生就业指导的启示

5.Seek for the Equal Employment Opportunity--Analysis of the Difficulties of Women Undergraduate Students Employment;寻求平等就业机会——透视女大学生就业难

6.Research on Female College Students Employment and the Factors;女大学生就业问题及其影响因素研究

7.The Empirical Research on the Issue of Hardship for Female Graduate Employment;“女大学生就业难”问题的实证研究

8.Investigation and Research of College Female Student s Employment Consciousness;当代女大学生就业意识的调查与研究

9.A Probe into the Socio-economic Impact of Female College Students in Difficult Employment;浅析女大学生就业难的社会经济影响

10.Psychological Perplexity Encountered in Job-hunting of Girl Students in College and Regulation Measures;论女大学生就业心理困扰及解决对策

11.A Tentative Analysis of "Urgent for Marriage" in Female College Students Employment;女大学生就业中出现的“急嫁”现象探析

12.the Status and Countermeasures to College Girls Employment;女大学生就业现状的分析与对策探讨

13.An Investigational Study of the Employment Problem of Female Students in Agricultural Colleges and Universities;农科院校女大学生就业问题调查研究

14.Study of Gender-Based Discrimination in Employment Faced by Female University Students;女大学生就业过程中的性别歧视研究


16.Analysis of the Expectations of Supply-demandon the Female College Students in Beijing;北京女大学生就业供求意向调查分析

17.Fulfillment of employment guidance of female undergraduate under new conditions;做好新形势下女大学生就业指导工作

18.The Difficult Situation the Female University Students Have Finding Jobs and the Analysis of Its Social Root女大学生就业的困境及社会根源分析


employment status of female college students女大学生就业现状

3)college students employment大学生就业

1.Discussion of teaching procedure and model ofcollege students employment;大学生就业指导教学过程模式的初探

2.Concerning to thecollege students employment,the lack of the effective institutional arrangement indicates the government macroeconomic regulation and control vacancy.高等教育领域中的计划管理体制造成了政府角色的错位,在大学生就业领域缺乏有效的体制性安排表现出政府宏观调控的缺位。

3.Thecollege students employment serves as a barometer to see whether the goal of training for specific purpose is attuned to the demands of the market.做好大学生就业工作应做好三项工作:变就业观念引导为职业定位引导,学生的思想观念就会由“我想做什么”转化为“我能做什么”;做好就业通识技能准备工作可以拓宽学生就业领域;做好就业之后的情感性管理可以巩固就业成果。

4)employment of college students大学生就业

1.Analysis on the Competition of Employment in Local Universities Research on the Employment of College Students in Shaoxing College of Arts and Sciences;地方院校大学生就业的竞争分析——以绍兴文理学院大学生就业为例的实证研究

2.Ponderations over the popularization of higher education and theemployment of college students;高等教育大众化与大学生就业问题之思考

3.College students are faced up with various hardships during their current job-hunting,which shows the uncertainty between higher education and theemployment of college students.目前大学生就业遭遇种种困难,这反映高等教育与大学生就业之间关系的不确定性。

5)university students employment大学生就业

1.Through comparing with the actuality of employment problems in university students between China, Japan, and Korea, the author summarized the common ground of employment problems in China, Japan, and Korea such as: the discipline specialized establishment and the market demand disjoint,university students employment pressure has retrusive tendency.通过对目前中日韩三国大学生就业难的现状进行比较研究,概括出中日韩三国大学生就业问题具有学科专业设置与市场需求相脱节,大学生就业压力有后移倾向等共同点;总结出中日韩三国大学生就业问题的不同在于:大学生就业问题产生的社会经济背景不同,大学生就业指导的形式、内容不同;并在此基础上提出了解决我国大学生就业问题的相关建议。

2.This paper uses the theory of the Economics and the Econometrics,with the firsthand research materials collected in ,to do some empirical analysis of the other factors impact on theuniversity students employment besides professional skills.结合07年调研的第一手资料进行实证分析,通过经济学理论与计量经济分析的方法,挖掘大学生就业过程中除职业技能以外的影响因素,并进行实证分析,通过观察就业困境以及引发的社会矛盾,试图对大学生的就业问题提出解决建议,在满足大学生实现就业同时也完成科学的国家人才结构布局,使得劳动力供给与行业人才需求相匹配。

3.The difficulty for university student to get job is already a task,teachers should bear the mission of university employment work,find ways to realize theuniversity students employment.大学生就业难已是不争的事实,为此必须落实好高校就业工作,实现大学生充分就业,发挥好这部分人的作用,这也是落实科教兴国战略,全面建设小康社会的客观要求。

6)Graduate employment大学生就业

1.Relationship between graduate employment and constructing harmonious campus大学生就业工作与构建和谐校园的关系

2.Social Capital plays a very important role in graduate employment.社会资本对大学生就业起着重要的作用。




《女大学生安妮》描写的是安妮在雷德蒙大学校园里度过的4年美好时光。在本书结尾时,安妮已经成长为一个22岁的妙龄少女了。浪漫活泼的她在大学里也和在奎因学院里一样,认识了许多和她一样可爱的朋友,当然,还有让她心动不已的那个他,也出现在这本书中。他是谁呢?安妮的恋爱是怎样的?这本书会让你看到她温柔细腻的另外一面。【作者简介】露西·蒙格玛丽(lucy maud montgomery,1874~1942)1874年11月30日出生在加拿大的爱德华王子岛上,她在30岁时创作的《绿山墙的安妮》,出版后很快成了畅销书,一年中重印6次,第二年英国版也印刷了15次。千百万崇拜者的信如雪片般飞到爱德华王子岛的女作家家中,希望知道“小安妮后来怎么样了?”有趣的是,大文豪马克·吐温的文字也挤在成堆的信件中,他晚年虚弱凄凉,安妮的故事照亮了他的苦境,他激动快乐地写道:“安妮是继不朽的爱丽丝(指《爱丽丝漫游奇境记》的主人公)之后最令人感动和喜爱的儿童形象。”在马克·吐温的鼓励下,女作家又连写了另6部小说。
