1200字范文 > 英语单词 english words英语短句 例句大全

英语单词 english words英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-23 12:51:11


英语单词 english words英语短句 例句大全

英语单词,english words

1)english words英语单词

1.An experimental study on memorial methods ofenglish words;英语单词记忆方法的实验研究

2.The methods of memorizing English words in perspective of psychology;从心理学角度谈英语单词记忆法

3.This article introduces some methods on how to memorize large number of English words quickly,efficiently for college students and illustrates that college students should choose proper methods to memorize English words,and that the correct choice of the methods will facilitate them to remember new words.本文介绍了几种不同的记忆英语单词的方法 ,供学生在英语词汇学习中选择运用。


1.Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases英语单词词组类词词典

2.This English word corresponds to that French one.这个英语单词与法语那个单词相符合。

3.He learned English words by cards.他用卡片学习英语单词。

4.Did you learn an English word?你们学习英语单词了吗?

5.The Relationship Between Word s Pronunciation, Form and Meaning on the One hand and the Learning and Memorizing of the Word on the Other;英语单词的音形义与词汇的学习记忆

6.The English word @[email protected] comes from this word.英语单词“dexterous”、“handy”就是从“dexter”这一拉丁单词过来的。

7.The English word "kindergarten" derives from German.“kindergarten”这个英语单词源于德语。

8.Contrastive Studies between English Word “Dance” and Its Chinese Counterpart “舞” based upon Sense Items;英语单词“dance”和汉语字“舞”的义项比较

9.Memorization of english words and phrases by analysis and association;分析+联想——英语单词及短语记忆法

10.They have to adulterate a Chinese sentence with words taken from English and Malay.一句话里头总是掺杂了英语单词或马来语词汇。

11.An experimental study on the storage units of English words in English-Chinese bilingual mental lexicon;英汉双语心理词典中英语单词的存储单位——一项实验研究

12.English Words and Phrases and What May Be Mistaken for Their Equivalents in Chinese;在汉语的对应词中可能使人产生误解的英语单词和短语(英文)

13.Chinese students of English have great difficulty in getting their tongue round some English words学英语的中国学生很难发准一些英语单词的音。

14.Discrmination to some technical English Words in the Translation of Chinese to English;科技英语翻译中一些常用英语单词的辨析

15.A Corpus Investigation of“Due”;英语单词“Due”的用法的语料库调查研究(英文)

16.Some American words have no British equivalents.一些美语单词在英式英语中没有对应词。

17.Chinese translation of English single and double prepositions based on semantic pattern extending英汉机器翻译中英语单双重介词汉译

18.In English a noun may be preceded by a monosyllable called "article".英语的名词可以冠以一个叫做"冠词"的单音节词。


English word "it"英语单词it

3)English unit words英语单位词

4)Medical English Word医学英语单词

1.How to SearchMedical English Word on Computer and Internet;如何利用电脑网络途径查询医学英语单词

5)English Words Mapping英语单词导图

6)The Skills on Learning English Vocabulary巧记英语单词


