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文化渗透 cultural infiltration英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-11-30 22:39:27


文化渗透 cultural infiltration英语短句 例句大全

文化渗透,cultural infiltration

1)cultural infiltration文化渗透

1.Implementing human-orientedcultural infiltration in human resource development is the orientation of enterprise management.人是企业第一资源,企业文化是企业持续发展的源动力,人力资源开发管理中实施以人为本的文化渗透,是企业管理的发展方向。

2.The aim of foreign language learning is cross-culture communication, but cultural difference is a great barrier, socultural infiltration in English-teaching is very important.发展交际能力是语言教学的主要目标,而文化差异是跨文化交际的障碍,所以在英语教学中要加强文化渗透。

3.The methods ofcultural infiltration includes directness,expansion,debating and using multimedia.在英语教学中文化渗透是非常重要的,文化知识渗透要遵循适用性原则、对比性原则和完整性原则。


1.Analysis of Cultural Translation and the Cultural Penetration in Translation;透析文化翻译与翻译中的文化渗透现象

2.Medium Communication and Cultural Imperialism: New Explanation of Chinese Television Program s Cultural Imperialism;媒介传播与文化渗透:中国电视节目“文化渗透”新解

3.Actually, the use of foreign teachers resources means intercultural permeation.外教资源的利用实际上是跨文化渗透。

4.Postcolonialism and Translation in China;后殖民主义与翻译对中国的文化渗透

5.A Study on the Infiltration of Western Cultures of Christian Universities in Modern China中国近代教会大学西方文化渗透研究

6.On Crossdisciplinenary Cultural Penetration in High School English Teaching高中英语教学的跨学科文化渗透实践

7.The Analysis of the Phenomenon of Cultural Infiltration in Sino-foreign Cooperation Schools中外合作办学中的文化渗透问题分析

8.We must precaution cultural infiltration of the western hostile forces, defend the cultural security of our country .要警惕敌对势力的文化渗透,维护新疆文化安全。

9.A Study on Infiltration of Campus Culture of Higher Vocational Colleges into Corporate Culture高职校园文化与企业文化的渗透研究

10.Strengthening the Infiltration of the Safety Concept and Constructing Characteristic Safety Culture强化安全理念渗透 构建特色安全文化

11.The Brief Research of Culture Teaching in Junior High School English Teaching;初中英语教学中渗透文化教学的探索

12.The Culture Consciousness Seepage in English Teaching in Higher Vocational Education;高职英语教学中的中西文化意识渗透

13.Infiltration of cultural background knowledge in college English teaching;高校英语教学中文化背景知识的渗透

14.The Permeability of Cultural Awareness in Junior School English teaching;如何在初中英语教学中渗透文化意识

15.Brief Discussion on the Permeability Impact of Corporate Culture on Production and Operation;浅谈企业文化在生产经营中的渗透力

16.Talking about the Osmosis and the Relation between the Architectural Design and the Art Culture;浅谈建筑设计与艺术文化的渗透关系

17.The Permeability of Intercultural Awareness in College English Teaching;跨文化意识在大学英语教学中的渗透

18.Bible Culture s Effect on English Language;试论《圣经》文化在英语语言中的渗透


cultural penetration文化渗透

1.The necessity of thecultural penetration in foreign language teaching;外语教学中文化渗透的必要性

2.In order to seek a world-wide expansion and hegemony, the American government has VOA news broadcasting bear the following features: mass media serving special politics, globalization, supreme time efficiency,cultural penetration, dual nature of being realistic and cheating.它具有工具性特色、全球化特色;具有高时效性和文化渗透性、真实与欺骗的两重性。

3)culture infiltration文化渗透

1.Culture Infiltration In The Development of West tourism;西部旅游业发展中的文化渗透

2.This article starts from the relationship between language and culture,and then analyzes the significance ofculture infiltration in college English teaching.文化渗透是大学英语教学不可缺少的环节,应该引起我们足够的重视。

3.In order to attract English teachers attention to the bad effect on students English learning,the author explains the importance ofculture infiltration from the four aspects an.为了让同行们认识到这个问题给学生的英语学习所带来的不良影响,笔者从四个方面阐述了大学英语教学中文化渗透的重要性,并对文化渗透的5种方法运用课文中的实例,进行了深入详尽的论述。

4)cultural permeation文化渗透

1.The article is on the basis of bridging the English teaching in higher vocational education and thecultural permeation by using the tasked-based method and brain-storming method.由于语言学习和文化渗透之间存在着密切的关系,故高职英语教学应注重培养学生的跨文化交际能力。

5)Culture Input文化渗透

1.Culture Input of English Teaching In Advanced Vocational Education Suzhou Institute of Industrial Technology;文化渗透与高职英语教学

2.Culture Input of English Listening Teaching in Advanced Vocational Education;高职英语听力教学中的文化渗透

6)intercultural permeation跨文化渗透

1.Actually, the use of foreign teachers resources meansintercultural permeation.外教资源的利用实际上是跨文化渗透。


