1200字范文 > 热带沙漠 tropic desert英语短句 例句大全

热带沙漠 tropic desert英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-09-14 23:35:38


热带沙漠 tropic desert英语短句 例句大全

热带沙漠,tropic desert

1)tropic desert热带沙漠

1.Here the auther adopted scientific design and actualized for amour blocks blasting project,aimed at the character and difficulty of rock blasting project in the scurvinesstropic desert.针对阿曼苏丹国穆桑达姆半岛热带沙漠恶劣环境中的石方爆破工程特点及难点,通过科学设计,采取一系列有利于生产级配块石的技术方法和措施,取得了多项技术成果和经验,为国内中小企业(特别是爆破企业)走出国门,发展对外合作与交流具有很好的借鉴作用。


1.tropical desert热带荒漠,热带沙漠

2.tropical desert climate热带荒漠气候,热带沙漠气候

3.ThePhoenixSuns: The natural environment of Phoenix is a torrid desert.凤凰城太阳队凤凰城所处的自然环境是热带沙漠。

4.Characteristics and Practice of Rock Blasting Project in Tropical Desert Environment国外热带沙漠环境中石方爆破工程特征与实践解析

5.Yuhua is a cactus plant, originating in South Africa, Mexico and other regions, is a tropical dry naturally in desert plants.昙花是仙人掌科植物,原产于南非、墨西哥等地区,是属于热带沙漠里的旱生性植物。

6.the Arctic, desert, tropical, etc regions北极、 沙漠、 热带等地区

7.I live on plains and deserts and in tropical rain forests and river valleys.我生活在草原、沙漠、热带雨林和河谷。

8.Tropical plants, sandy desert, waterfalls, craters and caves make a tourist attraction.热带植物、沙漠、瀑布、火山口与洞穴吸引了游客。

9.the burning sand; a fiery desert wind; an igneous desert atmosphere.燃烧似的沙子;火热的沙漠风;炽热的沙漠空气。

10.He can not tolerate the extremes of heat in the desert他忍受不住沙漠的酷热

11.He could not tolerate the extremes of heat in the desert.他忍受不住沙漠的酷热.

12.a vast desert all adust一大片沙漠,干燥,炎热

13.This may range from a high rain forest in the wet tropics to almost bare rock on the deserts.这可从潮湿热带的高大常雨林变化到沙漠上几乎裸露的岩石。

14.The dynamic response to the heating imbalance is such as to converge heat into the upper troposphere of the desert regions.对这一加热不平衡的动力学响应结果导致热在这沙漠地带的对流层上部辐合。

15.There were soft winds and fierce winds. And then there was the dreaded sirocco, the warm wind that blew in from the Sahara.有微风和狂风,此外还有可怕的非洲闷热带雨的风,从撒哈拉大沙漠吹来的暖风。

16.The ring genie took Aladdin to the western dessert.戒指精灵带着阿拉丁到西边的沙漠去,

17.In the barren deserts of Africa and India,,,在非洲和印度的荒凉沙漠地带,

18.They were advancing due west into the desert.他们向正西方向行进,进入沙漠地带。


tropical desert热带荒漠;热带沙漠

3)subtropical desert zones亚热带沙漠带

4)tropical desert climate热带荒漠气候;热带沙漠气候

5)desert land沙漠地带

1.The pipeline of West-East Natural Gas Transportation Project passes throughdesert land several times.西气东输管道工程需多次穿越沙漠地段 ,根据沙漠地带地形起伏较大、沙丘活动性较强、沙漠抗剪强度小、凝聚力极差等特点 ,通过采取相应的施工机具和措施 ,有效地解决了运管、管沟开挖以及防沙固沙等问题。

6)desert belt沙漠带


