1200字范文 > 国际准则比较 contrast of international standards英语短句 例句大全

国际准则比较 contrast of international standards英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-04-26 12:27:31


国际准则比较 contrast of international standards英语短句 例句大全

国际准则比较,contrast of international standards

1)contrast of international standards国际准则比较

2)International Comparison of Accounting Standards会计准则的国际比较

1.International Comparison of Accounting Standards Which Effect Equity Statement Most;影响权益报告的主要会计准则的国际比较


1.International Comparison of Accounting Standards Which Effect Equity Statement Most;影响权益报告的主要会计准则的国际比较

2.The International Comparison of Discontinuing Operations Accounting Standards and Exertion;终止经营会计准则的国际比较及其运用

3.International Accounting Principles of Segment Disclosures and the Enlightenment to China: A Comparative Analysis;分部信息披露会计准则的国际比较及启示

4.Investment Property: a New Type of Investmentand its International Comparison in Accounting Standards;投资性房地产:一种新颖投资方式及其会计准则的国际比较

5.The Comparative Study of Chinese Accounting Standards and International Accounting Standards;我国会计准则与国际会计准则的比较研究

parison between international accounting principle and enterprise accounting principle;国际会计准则与企业会计准则的比较——租赁准则的比较分析

7.Research on New Accounting Standards and International Financial Reporting Standards Comparison;新会计准则与国际会计准则比较研究

8.International Comparison among the System ofAccounting Standards and Its Relevance in China;会计准则制定模式的国际比较与借鉴

9.The On the Difference of Cash Flow Table between Study of the International Accountant Criterion and the Chinese Accountant Criterion;国际会计准则与中国会计准则《现金流量表》比较

10.The Comparison Between Newly Issued Accounting Standards of China and the International Accounting Standards in the Application of Fair Value;我国会计准则与国际会计准则公允价值运用的比较

11.Cogitation and comparation of Accounting standards on contingency of China with international accounting standard;我国“或有事项”会计准则与国际会计准则的比较与思考

parison between China s and International Accounting Standards in Contingencies;中国与国际会计准则《或有事项》之比较

13.The International Comparison and Recognition of "Enterprise Accountant Criterion--Loan Expense";《企业会计准则——借款费用》的国际比较与认识

14.The Reform of Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises:Inventories and International Contrast;《企业会计准则——存货》的改进及其国际比较

15.A Comparative Study of New and Old Intangible Asset Accounting Standards of China and International Intangible Asset Accounting Standards;我国无形资产新旧会计准则与国际准则的比较研究

16.The Information Content of Accounting Standard:A Comparison of CAS vs.IFRS;会计准则的信息含量:中国会计准则与IFRS之比较

17.International Comparison and Impact of China s Accounting Standards of Investment Real Estates;我国投资性房地产会计准则国际比较及影响

18.The International Comparison on the Environmental Difference of Accounting Standards Making and the Discussion on the Mode Choosing of Chinese Accounting Standards;会计准则制定的环境差异的国际比较及其对中国会计准则制定模式选择问题的探讨


International Comparison of Accounting Standards会计准则的国际比较

1.International Comparison of Accounting Standards Which Effect Equity Statement Most;影响权益报告的主要会计准则的国际比较

3)Standards be compared准则比较

4)comparison criteria比较准则

1.This paper illustrates thecomparison criteria when selecting NC machines,and proposes a fuzzy analytic hierarchy process for comparing different NC machines.数控机床选购时一般应考虑经济性、可操作性、精度、可使用性等比较准则,提出应用模糊层次分析法解决机床选购。

5)international compare国际比较

1.Theinternational compares of the sources of social security funds and the revelation to China;社会保障基金来源的国际比较及对我国的启示

2.International Compare of Investment Banking Regulation and Supervision and the Enlightenment to China;投资银行监管模式的国际比较及其对中国的启示

3.The Research about Natural Monopoly Industry s Upgrade Which Based on International Compare;国际比较与自然垄断行业的进步问题研究

6)international contrast国际比较

1.Beginning from service market opening and service product export,this paper analyses present conditions of China s service trade and give aninternational contrast.以服务市场开放和服务出口为切入点,研究我国服务贸易的发展现状并进行国际比较,在此基础上按WTO服务贸易规则建立服务市场、扩大我国服务出口,对于加速我国服务贸易发展具有重要的现实意义。


