1200字范文 > 受力状态 stress英语短句 例句大全

受力状态 stress英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-07-24 20:39:11


受力状态 stress英语短句 例句大全



1.Thestressing analysis of double-twisting force axle trailer;双扭力轴挂车受力状态分析

2.The simulation analysis of concrete box beam web platestress混凝土箱梁腹板受力状态的模拟分析

3.In this paper, thestress of the shifting pair between the oscillating teeth and sheave guide groove was analyzed.文中分析了活齿端面谐波齿轮传动装置中活齿与槽轮导槽移动副的受力状态,求出了单齿传动时活齿与槽轮导槽移动副单面接触受力的结构条件,为活齿端面谐波齿轮移动副的结构设计提供了理论依据。


1.Study on Stress States and Supporting Effects of Bolt Body锚杆杆体的受力状态及支护作用研究

2.Study on Stress State of Wide Strip Pillar in Gobs of Deep Mines深井采空区宽条带煤柱受力状态研究

3.Analysis of Mechanical Performance and Loading Text in Widening Bridge桥梁拓宽后受力状态及荷载试验分析

4.The simulation analysis of concrete box beam web plate stress混凝土箱梁腹板受力状态的模拟分析

5.Analysis of Forces on No.15 Couplers and Suggestions for Improvement15号车钩受力状态简析及改进建议

6.Analysis of force state for adjustment drill frame of roof bolter锚杆钻机立面变角机构受力状态分析

7.Study on Structure and Loaded Status of Compression Dispersion-type Prestressed Anchor;压力分散型预应力锚索结构与受力状态的研究

8.Research on the Tendon s Stress of Unbonded Full Prestressed Simply Supported Beam;无粘结全预应力简支梁预应力筋受力状态研究

9.Force State Investigation about Prestressed Pier model of Pushi River Pumped Storage Power Station蒲石河水库预应力闸墩模型受力状态研究

10.Experimental research on the RHS joints with combined load cases复合受力状态下矩形钢管相贯节点的试验研究

11.Three-dimension Stability Research on Slope in Complicated Stress Condition;复杂受力状态下高边坡三维稳定性研究

12.Research on the load-carrying capacity of RHS joints with individual load case单项受力状态下矩形钢管相贯节点的承载力研究

13.Research on the load-carrying capacity of RHS joints with combined load cases复合受力状态下矩形钢管相贯节点的承载力研究

14.ability to recover quickly from setbacks; resilience.从受阻状态下很快恢复的能力,弹力。

15.Distribution principle of face force density and stress state for the waved-edge milling insert波形刃刀片表面受力密度及应力状态分布规律

16.A fluid in equilibrium cannot sustain shear forces, and it can sustain only very small forces of tension.平衡于状态中的流体,经受不住切力,只能经受非常小的张力。

17.The fact or state of being deceived.受骗受骗的事实或状态

18.The state of being trained.受训接受训练的状态


loading state受力状态

1.On calculation methods of embedded depth large diameter cylinder under differentloading states;不同受力状态下沉入式大圆筒结构入土深度计算方法

2.In this paper, on the base of static loading test and design of hatched and thin bar element, theloading state and deflection to “U” beam are farther analyzed and validated by use of finite element software, then design suggest is put forward.本文在构件静载试验与按开口薄壁梁单元进行设计计算的基础上,运用有限元软件对“U”型梁受力状态与挠度进一步的分析验证,并提出设计建议。

3)load bearing受力状态

1.Relationship betweenload bearing and stiffness of floor system in continuous truss composite bridge;连续钢桁结合梁桥桥面系受力状态及与桥面系刚度的关系

4)biaxial stress state双向受力状态

5)stressed state and analysis受力状态与分析

6)complex mechanical state复合受力状态

1.The results show that in Eurocode 2 part 1 the formula,which can be used to calculate the strength capacity of the reinforced concrete beam under the above-mentionedcomplex mechanical state,is conservative and .对弯、剪、轴拉复合受力状态下钢筋混凝土梁的承载能力进行试验研究。


生产过程受控状态生产过程受控状态controlled conditions of production process“方图和‘“图’来’明足辽~湍箱下石)shengchan guocheng shoukong Zhuangtai生产过程受控状态(cont功11司eonditionsofp耐uctionp找犯ess)又称生产过程稳定状态。生产过程中只有随机因素起作用或虽然存在系统因素和(或)特殊因素,但其作用已受到控制的状态。生产过程中所用物资、设备、工艺方法和加工程序、计算机软件、人员、辅助材料、公用设施和环境条件等影响产品质妞的因素都符合控制要求,使产品形成过程的各环节处于受控状态,就能对产品质量问题起到预防作用,保证产品质t。受控状态的内容包括:①在没有文件化程序就不能保证质量的场合,应有生产、安装和服务的文件化程序,规定生产、安装和服务方法,适用的设备、适宜的工作环境以及有关标准和质1计划。②提供能满足质量要求的生产、安装和服务的设备,并安排适宜的工作环境;对产品质t十分重要的环境条件规定一定的限度并加以控制和验证。③严格按标准、质量计划和文件化程序操作。④对适宜的过程参数、产品主要特性和关键工序进行监控。⑤需要时对过程和设备进行鉴定和认可。⑥明确规定技艺评定准则并以文字或代表性样品加以规定。⑦对设备进行适当的维护,以保持过程能力。⑧对质蚤特性起重要作用的辅助材料和公用设施加以控制并定期进行验证,以确保对过程影响的均一性。在实际应用中,常用统计方法
