1200字范文 > 离异家庭学生 the Students from Divorced families英语短句 例句大全

离异家庭学生 the Students from Divorced families英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-08-29 05:32:59


离异家庭学生 the Students from Divorced families英语短句 例句大全

离异家庭学生,the Students from Divorced families

1)the Students from Divorced families离异家庭学生


1.A Survey and Research on Psychological Health of Junior Middle School Students from Divorced Families;初中离异家庭学生心理健康问题的调查和研究

2.The Relation between Perceived Teacher s Attitude and the Mental Health of the Students from Divorced Family;离异家庭学生感知到的教师态度与其心理健康的关系

3.Research on the Middle Students in Divorced Families Resilience and Its Influence Factors;离异家庭中学生的复原力及其影响因素研究

4.A Survey and Study on College Students Psychological Health Problems in Divorced Families;离异家庭大学生心理健康问题调查与研究

5.Intervention study on the mental health status of middle school students in divorced family in Baise city百色市离异家庭中学生心理健康干预研究

6.Study on the Personality Characteristics of Elementery Students of Parental Separation and the Correlated Factors;离异家庭初中生个性特征及相关研究

7.Children in Divorce Family: the Lack of Safety Attachment in Family and Compensation in Teacher-Student Relationship;离异家庭儿童依恋缺失及师生关系的依恋补偿

8.The Survey and Research in Psychological Health Issues of the Secondary-vocational-school Students in the Divorced Families离异家庭中职生心理健康问题调查与研究

9.Analysis of Difference in Education Consumption of Primary and Middle School Students Families;重庆市中小学生家庭教育消费支出差异分析

10.Investigating the Differences of Contents of University Students" Family Education between City and Country大学生家庭教育内容城乡差异的调查分析

11.Impact of the Family Factors on College Students Depression and Alienation;家庭环境与大学生抑郁和疏离感的关系

12.The vast majority of children in separated families live with their mothers.大多数在离异家庭中的孩子是和他们的母亲一起生活的。

13.A Research into The Relationship between Parent-children Communication and Personality Characteristics of Middle School students in Broken Homes离异家庭亲子沟通与初中生人格特点的相关分析

14.The Comparative Research on the Psychological Problems of the Primary School Children of Divorces and the Educational Strategy;小学离异家庭子女心理问题及教育对策的比较研究

parative study of the situtaion on three-kind school students’ mental health from divorced families;三类型中学离异家庭子女心理健康状况比较研究

16.Research on Question of Character Education of Children from Divorced Families;离异家庭子女健全人格教育问题研究

17.Psychological characteristics and precaution of juvenile delinquents from divorced families;离异家庭子女犯罪的心理特征与防范

18.Children of Divorced Families in Rural Mental Health Research农村离异家庭子女心理健康调查研究


middle students in divorced families离异家庭中学生

3)college students in divorced families离异家庭大学生

1.With time passing by,college students in divorced families are more capable in adjusting their own psychological state, however, even in their college study period, it is still very difficult for them to eliminate the accumulating positive influence caused by their parents divorce.本文主要针对河海大学离异家庭大学生心理健康状况进行调查与研究,并以河海大学、江苏省教育学院和南京工程学院的部分完整家庭大学生作参照系。

4)junior middle school students from divorced families初中离异家庭学生

5)divorce family离异家庭

1.Investigation on abnormal behavior and emotion indivorce family;离异家庭儿童异常行为、情绪调查

2.The sheltered factors ofdivorce family children in their growing environment lie in four aspects:children themselves, their family, school and society.本文是在当前离婚率增高,离异家庭问题越来越严重的背景下,从实践的角度探索离异家庭儿童成长环境中的保护性因素,以及现实中其作用的发挥。

6)Divorced family离异家庭

1.In reality, a lot of minors, especially those of divorced family usually have trouble in existence, education or development.现实中,未成年人尤其是离异家庭中的未成年人的生存、教育、发展常常遇到障碍。

2.It is pointed out that the socialized development imbalanced tendency of children in divorced family manifests mainly in the psychological development,parent-child relationship and social environment.指出离异家庭儿童的社会化发展失衡倾向主要表现在心理发展、亲子关系、社会环境等诸方面,阐述了社区教育社会化形态、社会化功效,认为应从开展社区活动、改善亲子关系、进行社情调查、组建专业团队来化解这一社会问题。


《三毛学生意》滑稽戏作品。作者范哈哈。1956年由上海大众滑稽剧团演出。剧本单行本于1957年出版,收入《中国地方戏曲集成·上海市卷》(1958)。全剧共 6幕。描写民国时期,农村少年三毛流浪到上海学生意,第一次碰到一伙流氓,指使他学扒窃、"告地状";三毛拆穿他们的骗局,因而被殴打、驱逐。第二次被理发师收留,帮着老板娘做繁重的家务,因物价飞涨,货币贬值,学徒生活也难以为继。第三次到算命馆当童仆,算命瞎子妄图霸占年轻女仆小英,三毛帮助小英摆脱魔掌,双双逃离上海。剧作吸取滑稽戏前身──独脚戏段子《剃头》、《瞎子店》的某些情节,运用夸张手法,鞭挞了流氓、伪警察、地痞之流人物,揭露了半封建半殖民地社会的一些病态;也嘲讽了小市民身上的某些弱点。剧作还运用诙谐、幽默的笔触,真实地反映了三毛、小英这些被剥削、被压迫者的遭遇,对他们寄予深厚的同情。演出采用不同方言点染人物的地方色彩,增强了全剧的生活气息。1958年,《三毛学生意》摄制成滑稽戏影片。
