1200字范文 > 披露状况 status quo of disclosure英语短句 例句大全

披露状况 status quo of disclosure英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-11-17 09:38:37


披露状况 status quo of disclosure英语短句 例句大全

披露状况,status quo of disclosure

1)status quo of disclosure披露状况


1.Study on the Biological Assets Information Disclosure of China s Listed Agriculture Companies;我国农业上市公司生物资产信息披露状况研究

2.Study of Current Situation of Voluntary Information Disclosure of Listed Company;当前我国上市公司自愿性信息披露状况的研究

3.Accounting and Research of Environmental Cost--A Research on Accounting Information of Fujian Listed Enterprises;环境成本的核算和研究——基于福建省上市公司环境会计信息披露状况调查

4.Research on Status Quo of Internal Control Information Disclosure in Annual Reports of Listed Companies:Empirical Evidence from A-Shares of Listed Companies上市公司年报内部控制信息披露状况研究——来自沪深A股上市公司的经验证据

5.The Effect on Voluntary Disclosure Imposed by Corporate Governance;公司治理状况对自愿披露水平的影响

6.Property Right,Governance,Financial Status and Disclosure Quality of Listed Companies;产权、公司治理、财务经营状况与信息披露质量

7.circumstances in which duty of disclosure arises产生披露责任的情况

8.Research on the Relationship between Voluntary Information Disclosure of Listed Company and Management of Company;我国上市公司自愿性信息披露与公司治理状况的关系研究

9.Corporate governance,financial condition and quality of disclosure:evidence from Shenzhen Stock Exchange;公司治理、财务状况与信息披露质量——来自深交所的经验证据

10.Shares Structure,Governance,Financial Status and Disclosure Quality of Listed Companies;股权结构、公司治理、财务状况与上市公司信息披露质量

11.To free from a sealed or constrained state.透露,披露摆脱封闭或受限的状态

12.Exploring Accounting Information Disclosures from Game Theory--Study on Accounting Information Disclosures of Listed Companies;从博弈论看会计信息披露——兼谈上市公司会计信息披露现状及思考

13.The judge finds that the plaintiff"s pleading disclose no cause of action.法官发现原告的诉状没有披露诉因。

14.The Announcement Situation and Reason Analysis of the Accounting Information of Our Country;我国会计信息披露的现状及原因分析

15.The Present Situation of Accounting Information Disclosure in Chinese Enterprises and Countermeasures;我国企业会计信息披露的现状及对策

16.The Actuality Analysis of Social Responsibility Information Disclosure in China;我国企业社会责任信息披露现状分析

17.The Status Quo of Information Disclosure about Intangible Assets and Its Causes;无形资产信息披露现状及其根源探究

18.Environment and Improvement of Financial Disclosure Management;我国企业财务披露管理的现状与改进


to bring new facts to light披露新情况


1.A Study on Disclosure of Environmental Information by Listing Companies;上市公司环境信息披露研究

2.Effective Application of Signal Transmission Theory in Accounting Information Disclosure;信号传递理论在会计信息披露中的有效运用

3.Empirical Study on Listed Company Information Disclosure of Management Discussion and Analysis——Evidence from 223 Listed companies Shanghai and Shenzhen stock Markets;上市公司管理层讨论与分析信息披露实证研究——来自深沪223家上市公司的经验证据


1.The Quality of Financial Information That Listed CompaniesDisclosed and Its Supervision;上市公司财务信息披露质量和监管

2.Accountancy must disclose each event in enterprise s asset reorgnization timely, accurately and truly.对于企业资产重组过程中的各项事项,会计要进行及时、准确、真实地披露。


1.On the mechanisms of informationrevelation of the listed corporations;论建立上市公司环境信息披露制度

2.Because of the limitations of table information and the demand of accounting in market economy,it is important of therevelation of accounting information.但由于表内信息的局限性和市场经济对会计信息的全面性需求,同时也由于会计信息的使用者越来越广泛,因此对会计信息的表外披露显得非常重要和必要。

3.The paper based on the scope of social possibility aims to analyze the present situation of tax informationrevelation,discusses the causes of defects in the process of informationrevelation and finally puts forward effective measures against t.向社会公众披露真实准确的财务信息,尤其是披露税务信息是现代企业履行社会责任的重要体现。


1.Furthermore,the extent of exposure has nothing to do with the constitution of infringement of commercial secrets.在侵犯商业秘密罪的实行行为中,构成"不正当手段"要求该行为在主观上违背权利人的意愿,客观上具有不正当性;披露的公开化程度不影响该罪的成立;在间接侵犯商业秘密的情况下,其"获取"和"使用"行为与直接侵犯商业秘密情况下的"获取"和"使用"行为存在着差异。

2.The purpose of this paper is to further illustrate the concept of nonrecurring gain or loss,and advise to strengthen the supervision of the exposure of the informatio.本文通过分析2001至上市银行年报非经常性损益的披露状况,对照监管部门法规,发现存在披露不充分的现象,对非经常性损益的确认也有理解偏颇,由此造成很多重大的可疑事项未计入非经常性损益。

3.This article explains the importance of the annotations of the fiscal report forms from the demands of the fiscal information exposure,the report mode of the companies and the future development tendence of the financial report forms.针对会计人员信息的充分披露要求和企业报告模式及财务报表的未来发展趋向 ,阐述了会计报表附注的重要性。


